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Industrial vs. Craft

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Speaking of "teamster power" how about the major screw job the ibt performed on the cleaners?

Oh sure the ibt mouth pieces on this board and others like to try and fling the cleaners at AMFA all the time, but just take a look at the new UAL agreement.

Under the AMFA (old) agreement, a cleaner topped out at $17.44

Under the ibt (new) agreement, a cleaner now tops out at $14.18

Just another splendid example of "teamster power" .... or lack thereof.

Psssst, AMFA helped UAL get rid of the cleaners at UAL. Remember??
It would appear the truth Scares you, right after Informer post the pie charts that show not only we would be a minority in the Airline Division but how the Airline Division makes up less than 10% of the Teamsters in total you went off, reposting old articles written by others who had political reasons to lie.

The fact remains as the charts say we would be grossly under represented at all levels of the Teamsters,including the locals we would be forced into on the line.Look at Mia for example the 500 guys in Miami would be forced into a Teamster local with 11,000 members that means they would be about 5% of the local and things are not much better anywhere else on the line.

So go blame Dell he is Retired,go blame McCormick his company was let go years ago,Blame Marty Seham he is dead may he rest in peace or his firm they are hired hands and In my opinion on of the best around,Blame the Mechanic' at NWA who had more guts in their little toe than you and your band of liars and thieves.Nothing is ever your fault you always blame others for your failures and the history of labor is littered with the failures of Industrial Unions, but all you can do is blame the republicans and democrats the supreme court, public opinion and of course Independent thinkers Like AMFA that dare to tell you the road you are on leads to the middle of nowhere and you should turn back.

DRIVE ON!!! until all unions are dead and gone!!!!

Finally, in big bold letters, I see your point, and your opinion on unions.
VOTE AMFA..... and get what you pay for.


Kevin McCormick is the owner of the McCormick Advisory Group, a real-estate management company from Laconia, New Hampshire. He and Delle go way back to the days when Delle was selling real estate. They are very good friends.

They are such good friends that while Delle was out trying to aid airlines in their divide and conquer strategy of weakening unions, Kevin took real good care of Delle. Kevin has provided Delle with housing, cash, and expenses for the last five years. Kevin even put him on his company’s payroll. We’re sure Kevin did this out of the kindness of his own heart, and the love of his friend expecting nothing in return.

It has to be just a coincidence that Kevin is now on amfa’s payroll. In a fraternity that continually praises how democratic they are, Kevin has been appointed to the sweetest job of all; National Administrator. There is no provision in the amfa constitution for a real estate manager, so Delle created the title of National Administrator because it sounds better than national real estate manager, but there actually is no provision in the amfa constitution for either position.

Kevin McCormick was never voted into his position, yet he is the man who handles all of amfa’s finances. Why does amfa have a National Treasurer if all the money goes to a real estate firm? And who is Kevin McCormick accountable to? He was never elected to any position. In fact, he isn’t even a member of any union.

Delle has amfa paying Kevin back to the tune of $12,000 per week! How could that be? He must be the world’s most overpaid administrator. But for that money amfa gets his superb negotiating skills. For some reason, Mr. McCormick has his signature on amfa’s contracts with Alaska and Mesaba airlines. Why is someone who was never elected negotiating contracts in a “democratic” fraternity? Is there any way for his role to be taken over by elected amfa members? Can he be removed from his position?

We urge you to ask your amfa representatives for these answers. There is no logical reason that you should have to pay Delle’s debts with your hard earned, recently raised, dues money. Kevin McCormick’s only role in amfa is to drain as much cash from YOU and put it into Delle’s, Lee Seham’s, and his own pocket. Delle’s past debts should be his own problem, not yours.



Psssst, AMFA helped UAL get rid of the cleaners at UAL. Remember??

The company furloughed the cleaners in bankruptcy, and despite your implied spin AMFA tried to save them.

Nevermind the fact that there are still cleaners from UAL with recall rights, AND CAL currently has active cleaners. From the start of our last CBA negotiations, the ibt claimed they went over BOTH the CAL & UAL agreements and took THE BEST of both, in preparation for amalgamation. The ibt could've left the UAL pay scales alone but they didn't. Since you obviously have a problem with numbers $17.44 is ALOT MORE than $14.18

The ibt and screwed the cleaners. So much for the vaunted power of teamster appointed negotiators
VOTE AMFA..... and get what you pay for.


Yes you get what you pay for....starting with the TRUTH.

Unlike the inane blather of unaccountable appointed teamster mouthpieces who are ignorant to the fact that Delle is RETIRED and McCormick no longer works for AMFA.
Finally, in big bold letters, I see your point, and your opinion on unions.

[font=Arial']You do not see anything, you twist and manipulate facts you attack individuals and fail to see that your industrial union philosophy is destroying unionism. You cannot represent peoples interest by grouping the into 1.4 million from dozens of different backgrounds and industries and do anything but offer substandard representation no group can know all the details of that many different organizations.[/font]

[font=Arial']The industrial unions play one side of the fence that are nothing more than a arm of the democratic party and while I am a independent and would not piss on either democrats or Republicans involving yourself in election politics’ is one of the main reasons your group is failing first you disenfranchise e some of your members for the political beliefs secondly you make enemies of those you attack and they attack you back third if you think the teamsters has enough money to get a democrat elected as senator in Ok you are on drugs and finally Public opinion you damage yourself in the eyes of the public for your political views they see you trying to buy elections just as all of you did in Wisconsin and what happened you lost.[/font]

[font=Arial']How do you fix it you go back to smaller more nimble Craft unions you get out of election politics and you spend your money on lobbying whoever gets elected sure you can make small donations to candidates that help you but you do not run fear and smear campaigns against people and when you lobby and cannot get the help you need you take your case to the public saying we buy your newspapers and cars eat at your restaurants and pay taxes and help the community this is how to change public opinion and laws not being part of the problem that is politics but be seen as part of the solution.[/font]

[font=Arial']Unfortunately you cannot and will not do that because your leaders like the leaders of the TWU have way too much to lose to turn back now what is Jim Hoffa's Salary Jim Littles is around 250,000 a year the 2 jims are in control and they are not about to give up their power so like I said.[/font]

[sup][font=Arial']DRIVE ON!!![/font][/sup][sup][font=Arial'] the end is not far down the road I only wish I could be there to see your face when you finally figure it out![/font][/sup]

[sup][font=Arial']I am A Proud Union Man I have walked a half a dozen picket lines for people I do not know and for Unions like the IAM and Steel workers who I do not even agree with their politics plus AMFA at NWA in DC and DFW and ORD I would like to see you call me anti union to my face, feel free to arrange that meeting. [/font][/sup]
The company furloughed the cleaners in bankruptcy, and despite your implied spin AMFA tried to save them.

Oh BS. That is a bunch of crap. The AMFA election just prior to wining the mechanics group began with an appeal to the NMB to have the cleaners removed from our class and craft. AMFA never wanted the cleaners. Don't play coy now. You were one of those who tried repeatedly to have them removed. AMFA never wanted to represent them, much less "tried to save them"

You sir are a common liar...... lol. I have been waiting to say that stupid line 🙄 🙄
It would appear the truth Scares you, right after Informer post the pie charts that show not only we would be a minority in the Airline Division but how the Airline Division makes up less than 10% of the Teamsters in total you went off, reposting old articles written by others who had political reasons to lie.

The fact remains as the charts say we would be grossly under represented at all levels of the Teamsters,including the locals we would be forced into on the line.Look at Mia for example the 500 guys in Miami would be forced into a Teamster local with 11,000 members that means they would be about 5% of the local and things are not much better anywhere else on the line.

So go blame Dell he is Retired,go blame McCormick his company was let go years ago,Blame Marty Seham he is dead may he rest in peace or his firm they are hired hands and In my opinion on of the best around,Blame the Mechanic' at NWA who had more guts in their little toe than you and your band of liars and thieves.Nothing is ever your fault you always blame others for your failures and the history of labor is littered with the failures of Industrial Unions, but all you can do is blame the republicans and democrats the supreme court, public opinion and of course Independent thinkers Like AMFA that dare to tell you the road you are on leads to the middle of nowhere and you should turn back.

DRIVE ON!!! until all unions are dead and gone!!!!

Through out your entire rant, you never mention the corporations who are the ones profiting from our losses and turmoil. Not just the airlines and their top brass and boards, but the hired lawyers, national administrators and the other charge by the hour professionals hired out by the independent unions. While we lost money at UAL, Seeham, McCormick, and Delle, stole away with hundreds of thousands of our dues dollars.

1.4 million members is not an under representation, but a means to fight. You are just stuck in the "but I am so special" frame of mind. As a Teamster, I am proud to have Garbage Collectors, Truck Drivers, Construction Workers, and Pilots as my brothers in the fight. Believe it or not, there is STRENGTH in numbers.

[font=Arial']You do not see anything, you twist and manipulate facts you attack individuals and fail to see that your industrial union philosophy is destroying unionism. You cannot represent peoples interest by grouping the into 1.4 million from dozens of different backgrounds and industries and do anything but offer substandard representation no group can know all the details of that many different organizations.[/font]

[font=Arial']The industrial unions play one side of the fence that are nothing more than a arm of the democratic party and while I am a independent and would not piss on either democrats or Republicans involving yourself in election politics’ is one of the main reasons your group is failing first you disenfranchise e some of your members for the political beliefs secondly you make enemies of those you attack and they attack you back third if you think the teamsters has enough money to get a democrat elected as senator in Ok you are on drugs and finally Public opinion you damage yourself in the eyes of the public for your political views they see you trying to buy elections just as all of you did in Wisconsin and what happened you lost.[/font]

[font=Arial']How do you fix it you go back to smaller more nimble Craft unions you get out of election politics and you spend your money on lobbying whoever gets elected sure you can make small donations to candidates that help you but you do not run fear and smear campaigns against people and when you lobby and cannot get the help you need you take your case to the public saying we buy your newspapers and cars eat at your restaurants and pay taxes and help the community this is how to change public opinion and laws not being part of the problem that is politics but be seen as part of the solution.[/font]

[font=Arial']Unfortunately you cannot and will not do that because your leaders like the leaders of the TWU have way too much to lose to turn back now what is Jim Hoffa's Salary Jim Littles is around 250,000 a year the 2 jims are in control and they are not about to give up their power so like I said.[/font]

[sup][font=Arial']DRIVE ON!!![/font][/sup][sup][font=Arial'] the end is not far down the road I only wish I could be there to see your face when you finally figure it out![/font][/sup]

[sup][font=Arial']I am A Proud Union Man I have walked a half a dozen picket lines for people I do not know and for Unions like the IAM and Steel workers who I do not even agree with their politics plus AMFA at NWA in DC and DFW and ORD I would like to see you call me anti union to my face, feel free to arrange that meeting. [/font][/sup]

There was no twist or manipulation on this. I simply highlighted WHAT YOU WROTE. If you disagree, don't write it in the first place.

I wish you and I were standing face to face. Judging on this latest babble of yours, I would definitely call you anti union. This whole post was completely anti Union.

At the same time, while you beat up the Jim's on your post (but I doubt you would do that to their face), you are completely at ease with the fact that in his last year as self appointed national director, Delle made more money than both of the leaders of the TWU and the IBT combined. All this as AMFA had only a minor fraction of the members, and was on the down hill slide. Yes, Delle, thankfully has retired, and Marty is gone. But they did their intended damage to our industry first. If nothing else, they will always be the ones known for the men who destroyed the airline union solidarity. McCormick did exactly what he was paid to do. Weaken ALL the airline Unions.
Hey anomaly,

When do you change your name back to raptorman?

I know Raptorman he works for AA & from what i'm reading Anomaly works for United not AA, Also I know that Raptorman does not know nearly as much about AMFA as Anomaly or i'm sure he would post it, as you know he's not shy LOL it's pretty clear they are very different people, I'm new to this forum and I haven't been on this forum very long but I have noticed a common them (Paranoia) seems rampet on this Board, I mean everyone is accusing everyone of lying, using multiple aliases if everyone is a liar & using multiple aliases then what is the point of coming on this board ? If nothing and no one is real I mean I don't get it.
Raptorman really wants back in but is IP suspended for 2 weeks til August 7th, He broke a rule & TWU Informer turned him in, He is quite pissed about it, he can't post, view the forum or PM messages, I don't like defending him to be honest because he can defend himself but he can't until he is allowed to get back in the forum, He is a friend so I told him I would relay the message, I keep him informed when something is posted about him, i'm not as out spoken as he is so I told him I really don't want to relay messages.
This guy seems to be effeminate as well, is that you Raptormam? Where is your little limp wristed lizard?

Mr. Vortilon do you use multiple aliases ? Just curious why someone would suggest that people would do that, what would be the point if were all using an Alias & no one knows who we are why switch back & fourth ?
I'm new to this Board and have never been here before so this is a serious question, I'm not trying to be sarcastic.
from what i'm seeing the writing styles of everyone on here are very different and I don't think changing styles would be easy but once again i'm new to this Board so confess to being naive as to the logistics of it.

Also Raptorman does not dislike AMFA and clearly Anomaly does, doesn't seem right in my opinion to attack someone who is unable to defend himself while in suspension, do you think that is right ?
I know Raptorman he works for AA & from what i'm reading Anomaly works for United not AA, Also I know that Raptorman does not know nearly as much about AMFA as Anomaly or i'm sure he would post it, as you know he's not shy LOL it's pretty clear they are very different people, I'm new to this forum and I haven't been on this forum very long but I have noticed a common them (Paranoia) seems rampet on this Board, I mean everyone is accusing everyone of lying, using multiple aliases if everyone is a liar & using multiple aliases then what is the point of coming on this board ? If nothing and no one is real I mean I don't get it.
Raptorman really wants back in but is IP suspended for 2 weeks til August 7th, He broke a rule & TWU Informer turned him in, He is quite pissed about it, he can't post, view the forum or PM messages, I don't like defending him to be honest because he can defend himself but he can't until he is allowed to get back in the forum, He is a friend so I told him I would relay the message, I keep him informed when something is posted about him, i'm not as out spoken as he is so I told him I really don't want to relay messages.

I appreciate the explanation. I am NOT Raptor, but denying it wil do me little good. Many on this board believe their opinions are shared by everyone and ONLY a single person with multiple accounts would dare to contradict. It is amusing really.

TWU Informer, is the right name for this guy. I do not know what rule Raptor broke, but it seems fitting that the AMFA flag bearer would turn him in. Turning on each other, unfortunately, is what they do, and a true example of what the AMFA leadership would look like. This was their downfall at UAL.
I know Raptorman he works for AA & from what i'm reading Anomaly works for United not AA, Also I know that Raptorman does not know nearly as much about AMFA as Anomaly or i'm sure he would post it, as you know he's not shy LOL it's pretty clear they are very different people, I'm new to this forum and I haven't been on this forum very long but I have noticed a common them (Paranoia) seems rampet on this Board, I mean everyone is accusing everyone of lying, using multiple aliases if everyone is a liar & using multiple aliases then what is the point of coming on this board ? If nothing and no one is real I mean I don't get it.
Raptorman really wants back in but is IP suspended for 2 weeks til August 7th, He broke a rule & TWU Informer turned him in, He is quite pissed about it, he can't post, view the forum or PM messages, I don't like defending him to be honest because he can defend himself but he can't until he is allowed to get back in the forum, He is a friend so I told him I would relay the message, I keep him informed when something is posted about him, i'm not as out spoken as he is so I told him I really don't want to relay messages.
Not a big fan of raptor but didn't really see him break a rule what did he do, just curious
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