I never said the TWU has stopped outsourcing. The TWU has never agreed to outsourcing anywhere near the amount AMFA, IBT, and the IAM has agreed to or allowed.
Did you not see Gless testify before the House Aviation Subcommittee on restricting further outsourcing? I have. Has the TWU been in contact with press on restricting outsourcing? Yes. They published a report that was quoted by the media many times in the past few years. Your 561 officers have let you down i they have not told you about all the things the TWU has been doing for you. Rojas, Ruiz, Peterson, and Owens spend too much of their time self-promoting and not enough time representing the facts.
Never say never. Who led the legacy carriers in outsourcing prior to 9-11? Wasn't it AA, even though AA was the only carrier with second class mechanics earning super low wages in our contract-OSMs? Historically the TWU always agreed to more outsourcing than the IAM, it took 9-11 and BK to change that. The IBT never had much of a presence prior to 9-11, just SWA as far as i remember, the rest were small.
By the way what exactly is the limit on outsourcing? How many jobs? How many manhours?
Whats Uniteds furlough protection date? Isnt it 12/31/11? Whats ours? Oh yes, thats right, nobody in the TWU has system protection anymore at AA.
Where is the language that prohibits AA from sending anything overseas? The fact is they could send any fleet they want overseas, they could send everything they outsource overseas,cant they? So, if overseas costs half as much that means they can send out twice as much work and elimninate twice as many jobs. So, once again, not even factoring in parts, lets say the cost to outsource is equal to in house, that means that they can outsource 35 out of 100 jobs, but if they get it done for half the cost then they can outsource 70 out of 100 jobs.
UAL has language that says they have to keep the narrow bodies in the US, that means they have to pay more and makes a more effective outsourcing limit than our 35% (tentative) cap.
When did Gless testify about outsourcing, last December? What makes you so certian that we didnt send out whatever the International forwarded us? I believe we did.
Explain what you mean by "representing the facts". I always thought you "presented" facts. Please give the keyboard back to your better half.
Yep we have more mechanics,
making less money, less vacation, less sick time, fewer Holidays, less IOD time with the worst pension and the worst workrules, compared to any other airline. You may be proud of that, I'm not.
Yes our peers went through BK. Their orrdeal was a lot shorter than ours. UAL mechanics gave their first round reorganization concessions in early 2003, they got a lot of it back by December of 2011. They operated under concessions for 8 years. We gave our first round or reorganization concessions in April of 2003 and wont have the opportunity to get anything back intil 2018,