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Ideas on what we can do to cut costs at US airways …or generate revenue 2

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I am not retired, I left after all the cuts during the second bankruptcy and made more money after three months than after 17 years at US.

And let me inform you of something, nothing you can do will prevent this place from making it or failing.

The problem is US is selling tickets and they are not covering their expenses, how many of the 35,000 employees will non-rev?

They need to fix the root of the problem, not seek the money from the employees who have given back billions in concessions since 1992.

Charging non-revs will not save the company.
I am not retired, I left after all the cuts during the second bankruptcy and made more money after three months than after 17 years at US.

And let me inform you of something, nothing you can do will prevent this place from making it or failing.

The problem is US is selling tickets and they are not covering their expenses, how many of the 35,000 employees will non-rev?

They need to fix the root of the problem, not seek the money from the employees who have given back billions in concessions since 1992.

Charging non-revs will not save the company.

Your selling snake oil 700

The company CAN’T charge more than the market will bear , this is econ 101 !!!! You’re a smart man you KNOW this …

Your emotional argument that the poor employees have given much is true , and I’m sure it fires many up with the memories of loss …but your leading them down a dark corridor by blindfolding people with emotion ….

I’ve hated this company too , the way they dragged out our suffering here in the west (fleet) but even while all of that was going on , I still respected that they were doing their job in negotiations to the best of their ability … as inhumane as it was ..I know where many of you are coming from , but don’t burn down the house because some of the paint is peeling …

I believe that nothing I can do personally will save the company , but I believe all of us acting in concert can save our company… we are the strongest , most intelligent , most fired up group of workers out there …I believe in US :up:
No , I’m not prepared to let this place fail… while a lot of people are blinded by emotion and their own personal pain , where will countless thousands of pilots , FA’S ,baggage handlers , and gate agents who have been doing this for decades GO ?

They will do what I did in 1984 when Air Florida closed its doors. Get another job & move on.
I don't work in the airline industry, but I am vehemently opposed to charging non-revs, for all of the reasons stated above, and then some. Non-revs are at the bottom of the pecking order behind all paying customers, so theoretically they are not occupying a seat which otherwise would be a revenue seat. The only thing this costs the company is the added weight of the non-rev, which is a small price to pay for their blood!

But most importantly, why should the employees who have sacrificed their livelihoods keep the company afloat to subsidize the entitlement attitude of the paying traveling public?

Fares should cover the airlines' costs. If you cannot afford to fly, stay home!!! Flying is a privilege, not a right. It's as simple as that.
If they cannot charge enough to cover their costs then they simply need to go out of business, I am not selling snake oil.

Business 101, sell your product for more than what it costs you or your doomed to fail.

No company has ever stayed in business from the wallets of the employees.
I don’t want us to go out business 700 .. I like my job , I like my co-workers … I like the ability to fly around the country and the world .. Even with a minimal charge of 20 dollars , I’d still stay ..

I say if it will help keep our doors open , then I’m OK with a 20 dollar charge to fly around round trip .

These are hard times , the measure I propose is inconvenient … but not brutal , it’s effective but not cruel … the people who will fight hardest against this have the least invested , they are the ones who don’t need this job and would rather we all go under the bus if they can fly for just one more year free .. Then after the doors shut , their off on their merry way ….
Explain how it will generate any significant dollar amount?

It is not a guaranteed source of revenue, you will put an undo burden on employees that commute.

Do you know how many FA bases, RES Centers, MTC Stations and Ramp Stations have been closed, or outsourced over the years?

There are a lot of people that commute.

There are only 35,000 US employees, how many will non-rev?

You just don't get it, if you cant sell your product for a profit, then your company will go out of business.
Come on , commuters WOULD and SHOULD be exempt ..we’re not going to charge them

You say 35K , but it’s more , the son’s and daughters , the mothers and fathers , the person we can put on our bennies if we’re not married .. It’s a higher number than that ..

Does ANYONE have the numbers for this kind of scenario ?

700, perhaps you haven’t noticed but there’s only ONE company that’s making money right now ,and it’s WN , it’s also speculated that if it wasn’t for their OIL hedge they would be losing money as well ..
Our industry was not DESGINED for these types of prices , I think the hoop your setting for the airlines is too high , give them some slack , who envisioned oil would go from what 60 dollars to 133 in two years time . (it was two years right ?)

This alone will not SAVE us , but it will help , and it’s better than doing nothing ..
here's a unique ideal how about our greedy top management not take their 100 to 200% bonuses the very thought of these clowns getting that while we go through what we do is disgusting
Come on , commuters WOULD and SHOULD be exempt ..we’re not going to charge them

You say 35K , but it’s more , the son’s and daughters , the mothers and fathers , the person we can put on our bennies if we’re not married .. It’s a higher number than that ..

Does ANYONE have the numbers for this kind of scenario ?

700, perhaps you haven’t noticed but there’s only ONE company that’s making money right now ,and it’s WN , it’s also speculated that if it wasn’t for their OIL hedge they would be losing money as well ..
Our industry was not DESGINED for these types of prices , I think the hoop your setting for the airlines is too high , give them some slack , who envisioned oil would go from what 60 dollars to 133 in two years time . (it was two years right ?)

This alone will not SAVE us , but it will help , and it’s better than doing nothing ..

Hey genuis....if by some stroke of idiocy they decide to implement your plan and the employees decide to rebel and not fly, guess what? They will not generate any cash. So now what?
They flights are full enough as it is that it's very difficult to non-rev so where would they be generating this revenue if employees decide not to fly?
Freedom, first your begging everyone on threads on how we don't understand that you have no money, how you have to vote for the TA because we are going into a depression, blah, blah , blah, so on and so forth. Now your TA money is going to 20.00 charges on non revenue travel? You have got to be kidding me! I don't know whose ear you have right now but this is getting a little out of hand. To even consider that your fellow employees now pay for travel, oh...and excuse commuters? This thread is getting a little out of control here and this will be my last post on this goofy plead of yours to generate revenue for the company that you have been rallying against. You are incredible. I am requesting the moderators ....if they are listening will close down this thread. I know I am not the only one thats had enough of the posturing going on.
Funny gas prices are up, food prices are up and you dont see those companies complaining, because they actually sell their product at a profit.

Once again, how much revenue will charging them bring in?

Probably not much, once again you dont get it.

You cant sell a product for less than what it costs you to produce it.

That is the problem that has to be fixed, not trying to get more from the employees.
Freedom, first your begging everyone on threads on how we don't understand that you have no money, how you have to vote for the TA because we are going into a depression, blah, blah , blah, so on and so forth. Now your TA money is going to 20.00 charges on non revenue travel? You have got to be kidding me! I don't know whose ear you have right now but this is getting a little out of hand. To even consider that your fellow employees now pay for travel, oh...and excuse commuters? This thread is getting a little out of control here and this will be my last post on this goofy plead of yours to generate revenue for the company that you have been rallying against. You are incredible. I am requesting the moderators ....if they are listening will close down this thread. I know I am not the only one thats had enough of the posturing going on.
I AM poor , dexter , I don’t like to advertise that fact because I’m not PROUD of it , so yes , this 20 dollar round trip fee would hurt me more than most , but I’ll be a MAN about it …

Oh and incase you haven’t noticed we ARE going into a depression!!!!!!!!!!

Commuters should be excused because their coming to work , many of them have been displaced by conditions beyond their control , we should not inconvieance them any further …

Duhhhhh , we’re not losing money dexter duhhh everything is fine duhhh the ecomony is fine … duhhh if we go BK we won’t close down forever because there’s just a TON of invesement money out there , and people will just FLOCK to our company , we will change our company name to the BK company , and people will say to themselves , ohh I want to invest in the BK company …

Have it your way , DON’T take simple , realtively painless steps to protect your job … and when the company comes asking for you to take a pay freez , or CUTS , remember maybe we could have avoided that outcome by thinking AHEAD …

Fine close the thread!
I am done, you just dont get it, this thread needs to be closed.
I agree, close the thread. 14 pages and only the OP thinks charging non-revs is a good idea.

None of us 'haters', etc. can change her mind.
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