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Dear IAM

Better get your facts straight, Fleet NEVER rejected any concessionary contracts before them in either bankruptcy case. It was the M&R who voted down the first concessionary contract in the first bankruptcy case.

And I was with M&R not fleet, and I told anyone who asked me to vote no as I voted no.

So I guess you admit that everything else I said was correct, or at least unchallenged. Your IAM knee jerk reaction of blaming the members for the poor leadership of the union has been debunked.

You claim that you supported a "no" vote, did you vote NO as a committee member against even bringing it back to the members? The union had the authority to tell the company NO.

Vote No and then what? Vote again on the same contract? The IAM had NO PLAN for rejection other than another revote and you know it.
So you're saying the working men and women get exactly what they deserve because they voted out union? Such talk is treason against Justice and worthy of 1,000 nights with Rosie Odonnel! Like Delldude, your understanding of justice is lacking. Nobody deserves to be treated unfairly. And it is appaling, juvinile, and utter nonsense to blame the working men and women, but very Delldude & 700like.

Another thing, most who are advocating that the IAM is not doing their job are the very same people who tried to make a difference in the union. But the communisitic and full blown paternalism structure limits those who seek changes.
The result is a union of nepatudes, uneducated and weak minded thugs, and alchoholics that are running the show.


You're a high and mighty self serving jerk....tell everyone about how you got shafted by IAM for your own deeds....something about stealing address lists of members was it?
Abrogation, final offer, not a deal, the language was there and you all voted and approved it, the only people to blame are yourselves.
I still see you're still rooting around for one of those cushy IAM jobs. :lol:
I guess the FACT that the IAM decided to RE-VOTE the MEMBERSHIP'S "NO" decision, relieves the IAM of any BLAME..

If the RE-VOTE decision by the IAM was not so PATHETIC, it would be almost funny that you lay ALL the blame on the membership.
When did Fleet ever revote?

Guess you dont remember the letters Siegel sent to everyone's home, mechanic and related that is, where he was going to hold his own vote and then abrogate if it was voted down.

I don't agree with the revote, but if the members were so adament about rejecting it why did it pass the 2nd time?

And that was 2002, about time you let it go since you have done nothing to change it and concessions were voted in two times after that.
When did Fleet ever revote?

Guess you dont remember the letters Siegel sent to everyone's home, mechanic and related that is, where he was going to hold his own vote and then abrogate if it was voted down.

I don't agree with the revote, but if the members were so adament about rejecting it why did it pass the 2nd time?

And that was 2002, about time you let it go since you have done nothing to change it and concessions were voted in two times after that.
I remember Siegel's letters quite well, So What ?
The IAM should of said "go ahead and hold your vote"

We've been over and over this, and we will CONTINUE to do so as long as you come on here blaming ONLY the membership for all this B.S.

You ask why it passed the second time ?, Well this is where most of the blame belongs to the IAM,
But since the IAM decided to hold the second vote, you are correct that SOME of the membership is to blame, along with the IAM.
These are the members that put their tails between their legs [following the IAM's example] and changed their votes when the PATHETIC second vote was held..
OK 700, What do you suggest a member do to CHANGE anything that has to do with this union ?? Believe me, I have tried. We have looked into changing the IAM constitution and bylaws on how officers are elected.
You know as well as I that this process is as CROOKED as a dog's hind leg..
I cannot understand why you are interested in holding a position in this organization.
Don't count on me "letting this go" anytime soon, 2002 hasn't been that long ago.
When did Fleet ever revote?

Guess you dont remember the letters Siegel sent to everyone's home, mechanic and related that is, where he was going to hold his own vote and then abrogate if it was voted down.

I don't agree with the revote, but if the members were so adament about rejecting it why did it pass the 2nd time?

And that was 2002, about time you let it go since you have done nothing to change it and concessions were voted in two times after that.

Once again, if the members are to blame and the leaders innocent of blame, even though they failed to lead why have them? Why pay these guys six figure salaries if all they are is middlemen? "Heres the companies offer, take it or leave it, we cant do anyhting to make it better".

The fact is that all the IAM did was stand by and let the company do as they pleased. They formulated no plan to resist, they collected their dues and washed their hands of the membership. The fact is the IAM suuported the company instead of the membership.They did so by not leading. Then they have the nerve to blame the members. The members deserve better.
Kinda like the TWU at AA since you all took concessions without even being in bankruptcy.

You know what they say about a glass house?
i wonder how it would be today if the iam had allowed all it fleet service members to vote on the offer that the company had said would be 15 an hr across the board?
For the record fleet service never filed for a decertification. If you knew the true facts, USAir bought Piedmont (an airline from the traditionally anti-union south), and then went to the mediation board and requested an election. They said the Piedmont people should not have a union shoved down their throats because the ramp for Piedmont was non-union. It was granted because USAir paid the off the mediation board. Never in airline history has an election been requested by a company and granted. This procedure is done by a vote of the employees and not the employer. The Piedmont employees thought they would be better off without a union and the company won. After screwing the employees the day after decertification the employees realized they were better off with union representation and filed a year later for an election. Sadly they picked the wrong union and it took 4 years to get the first piece off crap contract after the company paid off the union to drag their feet. Those are the facts and stick that in your pipe and smoke it. I lived through it! We would have been better off with the Dishwashers of America than this ball washer union we have now! They will sell us out again and you know it!:shock:

I am sorry but these guys who live down the street from me must be liars as I only relayed what they told me.

Yes, you are correct I did not live it.

I DID see how the ramp workers worked though, I sure did! They would be clocked in for eight hours and only there a couple hours, THAT is a fact. When the S**it hit the fan in the airline industry these kinds of practices had to stop which is one of the reason the rampers got the royal shaft all around.

After years of an easy ride the roosters came home to roost. For those who did nothing with their lives to be prepared for such circumstances they are crying the loudest blaming the unions and everyone else except themselves.

One guy down the street from me was on workers comp for two years (he was faking it), even had look outs for the camera man coming around, FACT. He was doing his lawn yard business, still is. He went from comp to retirement paid two full years for doing nothing. He didn’t want to work part time after working full time for years so that was his way of screwing the company, mission accomplished. I can name this guy, he is my neighbor. How many more out there like him? Is he alone? Of course not. Is this behavior the unions fault?

I KNOW this is fact and you do to.

I have three different trades under my belt to keep me going where most of the ramp guys have zero, their choice. They made that choice and NOT the unions therefore crying about how the union screwed you is a cop out. I have NO pity for that mind set, none whatsoever! Get off your a-z-z like the rest of the crowd and stop blaming everyone else for life’s woes. Everyone has woes if you are breathing, what you do about it is what makes the person.
I DID see how the ramp workers worked though, I sure did!
3rd shift mechanic
He was a second shift mechanic.

Don't let the facts get in your way.
The question is was he/she ever a sleepy 3rd shift mechanic


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