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Ideas on what we can do to cut costs at US airways …or generate revenue 2

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I know coach … I’m sorry ..

I’d rather morale suffer than everyone go to the curb in a year and a half’s time ..at least that’s how I see it … I hope I’m wrong .. I don’t know much if anything at all about how wall street works , or how the numbers play out in business and economics .When I pull up the yahoo stock page for our company , I don’t understand 95% of the things on it , all I see is the falling line .. I understand what is written about the subject , and I listen to the emotions of people when they speak to me about these different issues that affect us , I know what little information I can glean about our company from this website , so I’m simply listening to my intuition when I say we should do this … that’s all …


That sick feeling in your stomach is part of your "intuition". It applies to bad food as well as bad ideas. You should learn to listen to your body, it is talking all the time.
One thought:

If oil is the issue, then go one-step ahead of the problem and begin designing engines that run on something other than petroleum based oils. The automotive industry is developing alternative fuels, why can't the aviation industry do the same? I know this is WAY out there and opens a whole other can of worms since the cost of replacing every plane out there with different engines is an huge financial undertaking in and of itself and all the other associated tasks with it... but its an idea at least. As oil continues its ascent to the sky, one must wonder when the cost of R & D on alternative aviation fuels becomes a tangible cost to persue?
Airbus has proposed to have 30% of jet fuel composed of biofuel by 2020. Apparently it is not all that difficult.

That sick feeling in your stomach is part of your "intuition". It applies to bad food as well as bad ideas. You should learn to listen to your body, it is talking all the time.
SHark I must agree...............

Some posters on this forum work against us not for us. Let the company work the magic they are paid to do. Don't let our " Bright Ideas " bring us down

and our big mouths do us harm.
… the people who will fight hardest against this have the least invested , they are the ones who don’t need this job and would rather we all go under the bus if they can fly for just one more year free .. Then after the doors shut , their off on their merry way ….
It penalizes those who must commute vs those living in base, setting up another class division for you, Mr. Glass, to exploit. As 700 quite ably demonstrated more than once, you are completely off base here. What you are proposing is the same as if I proposed that those who do not non-rev to get to work must take a $50, or whatever, pay-cut vs those who do.

Why don't you proposed that? See how popular that would be.
Hmmm... maybe 'Freedom' is a wolf in sheep's clothing so that managment can test the waters here to see if these idea fly.

Here's an idea.
You need to charge what it costs to fly someone. That though would mean US would have to compete against WN and competitor's pricing and service. Maybe the business model is wrong and the "egos" at the top just think that they're right and WN has it all wrong.
Start charging for all pre-assigned seats, except for elites and full fare. Also I agree with other posters, get rid of those nasty pillows and blankets.
I know coach … I’m sorry ..

I’d rather morale suffer than everyone go to the curb in a year and a half’s time ..at least that’s how I see it … I hope I’m wrong .. I don’t know much if anything at all about how wall street works , or how the numbers play out in business and economics .When I pull up the yahoo stock page for our company , I don’t understand 95% of the things on it , all I see is the falling line .. I understand what is written about the subject , and I listen to the emotions of people when they speak to me about these different issues that affect us , I know what little information I can glean about our company from this website , so I’m simply listening to my intuition when I say we should do this … that’s all …

Wake up, man!! Who elected you leader of the kingdom, arbiter of benefits or my conscience?
My conscience is absolutely clear in saying, I am unwilling to give up ANYTHING further.
This is a cyclical industry and it would be foolish, no absurd, to offer up a concession that will be impossible to get back.

Let DP, SK and the others bite the bullet and EARN their bonuses and large paychecks.

You accomplished what you wanted. A giant pot to be stirred.
I hadn't looked at this thread until today, and I haven't read it. But I'm going to say my piece, and if it was said before, well, my apologies.

RAISE FARES! Every airline CEO, CFO, COO, and anaylst (qualified or not) has been saying that the airlines are losing money because of fuel costs. Economics 101, pass that on to the customer. Airlines are so afraid of "colluding" (sp I know) with each other and feeling the Hand of God squish them (That would be the DOJ) that no one is willing to step up and raise fares. It's all about maintaining the status quo.

On the flip side, they've almost done just that. But since they're too chicken #### to have a higher FARE in Orbitz they hide it in surcharges.

Airlines need to stop toeing the line and charge their customers for the cost of the product. The oil companies are doing it, and more. What's happened to them? A Congressional inquiry. And that's lead to nothing.
I hadn't looked at this thread until today, and I haven't read it. But I'm going to say my piece, and if it was said before, well, my apologies.

RAISE FARES! Every airline CEO, CFO, COO, and anaylst (qualified or not) has been saying that the airlines are losing money because of fuel costs. Economics 101, pass that on to the customer. Airlines are so afraid of "colluding" (sp I know) with each other and feeling the Hand of God squish them (That would be the DOJ) that no one is willing to step up and raise fares. It's all about maintaining the status quo.

On the flip side, they've almost done just that. But since they're too chicken #### to have a higher FARE in Orbitz they hide it in surcharges.

Airlines need to stop toeing the line and charge their customers for the cost of the product. The oil companies are doing it, and more. What's happened to them? A Congressional inquiry. And that's lead to nothing.
I'm with ya....my cable bill goes up twice a year for their rising cost...power bill..water ...groceries, GAS....ETC...those are daily/monthly bills for most Americans...why not flying....most folks don't fly that often ,as pay the monthly bills that are'nt questioned....airfares are much more in line with cost of 10 years ago than utilities,etc...I'm sure those employees are getting raises/COL each year while the airline folks subsidize lower fares through give backs/beneifits...to please the public....it's time we (airlines)say if you want to fly pay market /current day value with all other rising cost...just my thought
sorry boys and girls not in fleet had to have a taste of the insanity of one our posters,

I've been sitting on the sidelines watching him self implode. Folks don't waste your time with this poster

he has been sitting in the AZ sun to long without a hat .

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Charge for non-rev?

WTF, If Dougie and his boys were so great they would have all the answers and coming after my non-rev would not be one of them. WTF. Watch the financial news and the majority say greedy speculation is involved with oil. I don't know when but oil will come crashing down at some point. $80-$95 barrel when all said and done. Remember home prices a couple of years ago????
sorry boys and girls not in fleet had to have a taste of the insanity of one our posters,

I've been sitting on the sidelines watching him self implode. Folks don't waste your time with this poster

he has been sitting in the AZ sun to long without a hat .

:lol: :lol: :lol:

If you actually met freedom, you would find him to be a very nice and polite person. He is not insane or a demonic spirit, as some on this forum may believe. Do I agree with many of his ideas? Nope - not many. He can be wrong-headed in some of his opinions. But at least he cares about something. Imagine what a boring world this would be if we all agreed.
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