Any union that agrees to outsource work from its members should be ousted. Remember CHS,ILM,CMH,DTW? Any of those stations ring a bell?
Sorry I had to correct some of my numbers.1776phl....You say the T/A was worth $6000 to you. I make almost $15,000 less than I made in 2000. According to the SSA. My wages are at 1993 levels. This T/A was not even worth $2000 to me after all was figured in. As for the extra week of vacation I will have that anyway before the end of this contract. This and other factors convinced me to vote no. Regardless of what anybody said the final decision on how to vote was mine and mine alone.
tim please put ouy accurate information.. 64% of the workforce did not even vote let alone 64%vote to turn down the t/a. what did happen was 64% of the votes that were cast were votes to turn it down. in all actuality we didnt even have 45% of the people vote. please for once stop spinning it. enough of your misinformation and b.s.What misinformation are you referring to? Please tell us?
More money isn't more money when it means you lose things that were already negotiated to make more money. If more money was more money then it would have been more money. It didn't happen that way and everyone knows it so go get your hankerchief and stop your pouting about why 64% of the rampers had the 'smarts' to vote out your **** **** agreement.
Did you like that one?
Then throw on an extended wage scale and another 2 years of the bankrupt contract, and IOU's.
Your ignorance is disturbing. And your venom breeds of IAM nonsense. Every time the IAM gets thier a$$ handed to them they say ignorant things like you and your boy hayden say, "...made decisions based on emotion rather than rationalization." In other words you're saying rampers are dumb a$$es. Screw you. Anyways, you seem like you have the credentials for the next AGC job.
does it ring a bell when the claSS 2 C ITIES WOULD HAVE BEEN PROTECTED FOR ANOTHER COUPLE OF YEARS IN THE T/A. that the number of flights on an annualized basis would have been greatly reduced to protect that work. any of that ring a bell?P.S.
Any union that agrees to outsource work from its members should be ousted. Remember CHS,ILM,CMH,DTW? Any of those stations ring a bell?
you better check your resources.1776,
OK maybee not crying but whining. Tim did not force anybody to vote either way. You made that decision all by yourself. Anybody that agrees to give more back to the company, in my opinion, is an idiot. 5 more years of this BK agreement, that is a shame. The IAM should be ashmed of themselves. The COC is worth alot more that $6,000 a year to you and everybody else. How about maybee $12,000. Granted the COC is not a guarentee, but, it is a good possibilty. So please do some research for yourself and make your own decision. I did. and I believe it was the right one.
2000 dollars? you better go add it up again. it is way more than 2000. with annual increases til the t/a expired.1776phl....You say the T/A was worth $6000 to you. I make almost $15,000 less than I made in 2000. According to the SSA. My wages are at 1993 levels. This T/A was not even worth $2000 to me after all was figured in. As for the extra week of vacation I will have that anyway before the end of this contract. This and other factors convinced me to vote no. Regardless of what anybody said the final decision on how to vote was mine and mine alone.
UH WRONG AGAIN. if w win arbitration than there is no more bargaining. arbitration is in lieu of more bargains. and the wage if we win will be alot close to 19.50 than 22.1776,
The real union guys? We are all real union guys. I can see you are a glass is half empty not half full type. If we win the COC, then we have more bargaining power than ever. The hourly wage i am told by "the real union guys" is about $22 ang some change. So you are willing to take $19
I wish I could do your math! Please quit trying to sell me on why I should have liked and accepted this TA POS. It was what it was. A big pile of steaming dog@#%t! Deal with it, we as a whole, the Fleet Service Employees, voted no. Get used to the fact that we will not settle for anything less than what we are due.
25 million was the amount of money the t/a was worth to us.1776,
How did I agree to give them 25 million a year back? Just curious. I voted no.
How did I agree to give them 25 million a year back? Just curious. I voted no.