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IBT organizing Drive

Careful what you wish for, 1776. Don't forget your "brothers" here in the Class II stations. We're already making $15.00 an hour. Actually $15.60. Way to show "we're all in this together". THANKS, IAM!
burnout if we didnt listen to tim and the guys on this board with there own agendas and took the transtion agreement class 2 would have been gone and the west would be making what we make also i voted no and see now that it was a mistake for myself because i am stuck at 17 instead of 19 and for you guys because there is still class 2 i made a mistake when i voted no because i didnt question these guys but i will now hope you get brought up to class 1 pay soon 1776
burnout i took redeyes advice and started looking on to this stuff myself and the iam did fix the class 2 in the ta i actually have a copy of it and we all would have made the same so i dont know what you mean and for the record i dont think i like any of the unions and i sertainly see that tim and other have clear agendas on these boards and it is soly for themselves and this is another example tim and guys like timtold us to vote no without thinking about you guys in class 2 only himself

Were you thinking about the ones in the class 2 cities when you voted for class 1 cities to be paid $2.00 more per our than class 2 cities? Now you know how we have felt all of these years while you have been making $2.00 more than us. How do you like being thrown under the train? The same goes for those that are junior and bid before those that are senior to them. You all think it is funny now, one day the wrong will be corrected. Then we'll see how happy you are.
burnout i took redeyes advice and started looking on to this stuff myself and the iam did fix the class 2 in the ta i actually have a copy of it and we all would have made the same so i dont know what you mean and for the record i dont think i like any of the unions and i sertainly see that tim and other have clear agendas on these boards and it is soly for themselves and this is another example tim and guys like timtold us to vote no without thinking about you guys in class 2 only himself
What do you think ORD is? Who was thinking of who? Jeff, you forgot to change handles and posted under the wrong handle so everyone knows now.

Jeff, you say there is no more class 2 stations. Jeff, kindly go to article 3 of your **** **** agreement. Jeff, stop lying. Everyone kindly go to the TA article 3 and also look at your east contract article 3. If that TA would have passed, class 2 stations [really second class stations] would still be subjected to a certain amount of scheduled departures. Further, the new TA had third class cities named [18 of them] and Jeff saw fit to allow those westies to be contracted out since they would have lost their protectons with Jeff's class 3 status. Jeff, your **** **** TA went down the tubes with your $100,000 club membership. Sorry but we weren't going to allow it. I wasn't responsible for it going down the drain with all your dreams but if you wish to continue blaming me then think what you wish. I have no problem with that but did you ever think that rampers are smarter than you think? Not everyone can get a Local Chairman job based on golf instruction jeff. Heck, you didn't even have to get elected.

And stop talking down to all the rampers. I didn't tell all the rampers in PHL to vote NO, I didn't tell all the rampers in PIT to vote no. I didn't tell all the rampers in CLT to vote no. You give me too much credit. What I did was put out the facts about your 'piss clam' agreement that shut down all your double talk. That's what I did Jeff. And my agenda is clear, to get rid of the IAM leadership so these workers can finally have a negotiations team that is not filled with eunichs and 'altar boys' that allow United's boy Boss Canale to sell out fleet service time after time. Unfortunately, in this case, it is easier to get rid of the union than to get rid of its leadership.

Jeff, stop taking things that were already negotiated: COC, profit sharing, protections for west stations, about 20 other west benefits, AND STOP trying to throw them in Parker's trash. Stop trying to extend a bankruptcy contract by another 2 years. Stop trying to extend the wage scale from 10-12 years. Excuse yourself before you are thrown out. Allow someone else to take charge and start negotiating something that actually means something.

burnout if we didnt listen to tim and the guys on this board with there own agendas and took the transtion agreement class 2 would have been gone and the west would be making what we make also i voted no and see now that it was a mistake for myself because i am stuck at 17 instead of 19 and for you guys because there is still class 2 i made a mistake when i voted no because i didnt question these guys but i will now hope you get brought up to class 1 pay soon 1776
I gotta be honest with you, dude...I didn't listen to anyone. I looked at the agreement and made my own decision...no one else made it for me. And I'm not sitting around asking, "So now what do we do. Someone tell me what I should do or think now!" When I first saw the "highlights" they sent out, I couldn't believe how anyone could vote against it. But when all the details came out, I knew I wasn't voting for it. My philosophy was, "If I'm wrong, I'm no worse off than I was the week before they offered this deal". But I won't have to wait as many years to negotiate a better deal. This "latest edition" of our contract was negotiated in bankruptcy. We are now profitable. VERY profitable. The TA that was offered us required concessions. Sure we were offered some money and vacation, but we had to make concessions to get that. Why do you have to give concessions to a profitable company? And then have to wait even more years before renegotiating? It just didn't make sense to me. Or to the other 75% of the voters in my station that voted against it. I did what I thought was right and STILL think was right. I didn't jump at the bone that the IAM was offering to their little ramp doggies. The money would be great, but I feel like I took a stand. And like I said before, I'm no worse off than before they made the offer. And I'll see them again in 2009.
And there's no sense arguing why I voted the way I did. It was MY vote and MY decision. I didn't do what Tim or anyone else told me to do. I'm a man, I make my own decisions. And I won't sit around asking, "What should we do next?" It's my decision, my vote. Just like it was yours. Don't blame anyone else. You decided, you voted...accept it. Hopefully the COC will go our way. And if not, we'll see you in 2009...not 2012
1776....You just don't get it. All you can do is is spout off about we would be getting 19 an hour now. There was a lot more at stake than that. If you based your vote on something you were told on here then you are very naive. Most I know voted what the thought was best for them. Not because they were told by Tim or anyone else to vote this down. We are not sheep to be lead to the slaughter house without fighting back. I can't blame anyone out west for voting yes. They apparently voted based on what they thought was best for them. If I were in their shoes I would have voted yes also. We might be rampers but we are not stupid.
Freedom...I think we will win and think the company thinks we will win also. They have fought this as hard as they can. Their last option is the appeal. When we win I expect them to come back with another offer but this time it will have to be a fair agreement. If the company thought they could win this they would have let it go to the arbitrator in Feb. The T/A was a last ditch effort to stop the COC. They counted on everyone out west to vote yes and the class II to vote yes also. They were also not counting on having the large turn out in the hubs. They were gambling on the numbers and they lost.
tim ther you go again everytime i question you you say i am someone im not and you call people names if i was part time and my wife supported my family like you i guess the money woulnt matter for me either but i guess you didnt get the union job with the teamsters keep trying i wont be going away you mislead enough people
I joined this forum after the POS TA was voted down. I made my mind up based on the fact that our so called union sold us out to the company. I am tired of being the IAM's whipping boy. So with that said this forum needs to be changed to the IBEW organizing drive. GO IBEW :up: :up: :up:

Yo obviously are being DECEPTIVE, and you obviously have an AGENDA. Could it be you see that bag boy job with Canale fading away?

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