I don't see the post where Tim says screw you. I do see posts where he has
quoted goodoleboy but nothing directed to you. Oh by the way your posts are nothing
but run on sentences and hard to understand. The capital at the beginning of a sentence
and a period at the end would be appreciated. I know its' trivial to ask but it would make
the reading of your posts alittle easier..
Tim, if and when you hear a decision from the IBT it would be appreciated to see the
post a.s.a.p., also do you have an apx. time when you might hear something ?
Now, for all the people who are posting the proverbial ''I told you so'' , think back to
these past 2 weeks and all the talk in and out of the workplace about the IAM, IBEW and the
IBT. It was good to see people talking, people caring. We can't lose sight of the main goal
we all seek, to gat a fair and equitable contract. Guys, voting down the TA , in my opinion,
was a good idea. This proposal didn't reflect the state of the company. We have given and or
have been stripped of alot of wages and benifits and are entitled to regain them in some form
with a profitable airline. The hourly rate increase as alot of you have pointed out was a selling
point for you. Not for me, I wanted to see an increase in all areas without another give back.
I read all the posts saying we may have made a mistake and I don't agree. I feel we (east)
were entitled to let our COC be heard. As a union everyone is entitled to ''due process'' and
to vote in a TA and for go the ''due process'' would have been an injustice to the people who
sought to have thier grievance heard. I may not speak for most of the workforce, but I do
understand the anger of certain people who feel basically screwed by thier own membership,
but to put it in alittle perspective, I am making less now in all phases of work than what I was
making 10 years ago. That pay increase would have helped me too but I can't sell myself out
for another 4 + years. I'm not asking for the key to the vault, I'm asking for what WAS ours.
The company made an agreement with us in the language we had placed in the concessions
we gave up. Now they don't agree with it. Guys I realize its been a trying time both emotionally
and financially for us but we can't sell out on our pride. We made this airline profitable again and
USAirways may be profitable for some time. We made it through the storm and we shouldn't
deny ourselves the rainbow. You are my union not the IAM .Please remember this is my opinion,
so if you have an opinion post it don't direct it.