'' so dont act like you are better than i amm ''. .......I never said or pretended I
was. I simply asked for you to be alittle clearer on your posts so I wouldn't have to read
and reread them.
Now as far as me ''telling you'' to vote no, I was giving my opinion on what I felt
was in the best interest for the whole work group. You decided for yourself the vote that you
casted. I did not right your name or place an ''X'' in the box. If you read my posts and that
influenced you to make a decision to vote no, I'm glad because I think that was and still is
the right decision. The TA being voted down now allows are (iam) attorneys to go forward
with the CIC which I believe we were entitled to all along. It also keeps us from being locked
into an agreement til 2012 when our current agreement expires in 2009. The agreement that
we currently have was one made with a bankrupt airline and now we'll have the oppourtunity
to negotiate with a profitable airline. If you believe this TA ,as read, was a good offer from the
company, then I would have to disagree. Your also asking ''what do we do now i hope you have an answer or your motives are easily seen ''. I'll ask you what motives are easily seen ? My only so
called motive is to get back some if not all that was ''given and taken'' from me in the past. I'm not
asking for anything more. My first hope was that this TA would give back some. It did and didn't.
Sure the wage increase was in there and other benifits but so to were givebacks again and I don't
think we should be giving anything back. Also, why were they asking for an increase in the duration
of the contract ? 1776phl, the company is back and were still negotiating as if were still fighting to
keep them afloat. If this CIC comes back with any kind of significant number, then we as a group
can do nothing but benifit from it. I don't know if this answers any of your questions but I couldn't
and still don't see any other choice but to have voten NO on that TA.. "Profit Sharing''-give backs..
No....and even before the IBT and IBEW got interested in us, all the talk was about getting the
leadership to listen to the membership and we may be headed down that path, but I'm still open
to the possibility of change and I hope the IAM hears us and steps up to thier responsibility as
elected leaders to do just that.
ps: if the name of a person is on the bottom of the page that could also mean that they
never logged off ....and have walked away.