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IBT organizing Drive

perserverance you guys said to do some receach so i did i got my info from the union guys in phil so i posted what they told me at least they answered my questons unlike tim who had all the answers berfor but wont answer questions now please dont question my motives because i think i was mislead like alot of people think it seems when you disagree with tim he says your are someone else and now you are starting to do it to my questions are were you or redeye or tim trying to get ibt oribew jobs for doing what you are doing and the other questions that i posted that no one answerd i agre with 737 we should stick together but i am not going to do what you guys say anymore without asking questions because tim seems to wrong abiout everything and he has a bad track record so my next question is you guys said to vote no now what do we do now and if you dont know what to do than you guys are misleading us i would type my name but the at work i asked the uys questions to told me not or i could get fired i wish i could watch football with tim but i have to work today those guys also told that tims wife supports there family must be nice but i have to work to suopport my family and i am not angry well a little bit but i feel i was mislead and i will continue to ask questions
I thought they were one and the same (proud2be and 1776) and I remember
a couple of topics ago I found it funny how they when they started posting, it was
after Hayden was asking guys to join the board and help him (in phl). I made a point
of saying that on one of my posts.
Now I hope to get this back on topic and see your post on Mon., hopefully. I hope
the IBT decides to reconsider thier decision and fight to represent the members who have
taken the first step, in signing the cards.......I know the IBEW is continuing thier card
signing, and are headed to CLT this weekend.

Quick question(sorry if I missed) but is the IBT in or out of ths thing ?
A shop steward told us last night "IBT pulled out due to upcomming merger with UA".
Quick question(sorry if I missed) but is the IBT in or out of ths thing ?
A shop steward told us last night "IBT pulled out due to upcomming merger with UA".

Upcoming merger with UA??? who is starting this rumore??

where do you people get this crazy information?

I heard Usairways would begin service to the North Pole this December......
Quick question(sorry if I missed) but is the IBT in or out of ths thing ?
A shop steward told us last night "IBT pulled out due to upcomming merger with UA".

As of now they are out. My understanding is they may be back in this coming Monday.
Tim Nelson said he would hopefully know no later than Mon....My hope is that the IBT
reenters and gets behind the over 3,000 people who have taken the first step in signing
the cards. Alot of people called the Int' after it was announced the IBT was withdrawing
from the chance to seek a vote and that the Int' is now looking into the support they may
have already and get behind thier supporters. The IBEW is still actively going forward with
thier card signings and in this upcoming week will be in other cities to answer any questions
anyone may have. I ask everyone to ask questions . The IBEW is a strong union with a great
leadership, and everyone should read up on them. They represent over 750,000 people and
do have ties to the travel industry through the railway division and offer us another choice
if and when an election should come to pass.........

Item 1: I understand you to be wrong. Proud2BPhilly and 1176 are not angry members of this board but rather an angry member of this board. Think singular. Goodoleboy, iam1776, are the same as proud2b and Jeff in writing styles and information. Notice, on an earlier thread, Jeff must have forgot which handle he was on since he was responding to himself. He told me that I said 'screw him' but he forgot he was on his other handle. So we know for sure that iam1776 and goodoleboy are one in the same. We also know that proud2be and Haden are the same because Haden is the only one that uses the numbers that proudtobe is using. I was on speaker phone in Haden's PHL meetings and I can tell you that proudtobe said the same things that are on my written notes from haden's meetings. Numbers that no other IAM official even discussed. Numbers that are actually only in Haden's head. So I am reasonably certain that hayden is in fact proudtobe.
Also, Jeff also tries to act dumb with his 1776iam handle but has slipped up and thought he was on his other handle and started the same grammer problems on his other handles as well. He has so many handles now that he has forgot at least twice now which handle he is on. As further humor, iam1776 tells me he voted because of me and he didn't know squat. Now, all of the sudden he is rattling off numbers that are unknown to most workers.

Item 2: I think it is great that you folks respond to Jeff. It keeps him busy and also shows his arrogance and ineptness of listening. This is reflective of the IAM also. Plus it takes up his time. His golf scores will start to go higher.
I haven't responded because the comments directed towards me were regarding the IBT. As of now, I doubt the IBT campaigns so any question in this nature is 'moot'. JC told me to wait till at least monday as they were still trying to work things out above at the top. Plus other questions directly related to the past TA were already beaten to death on this board as the TA and Hayden were KO'd. The right numbers were presented and the workforce was very educated on these matters. Only Haden is still living in the past. Hayden's deceit was 'rooted out' so he is just still pissed and can't leave it alone.

Item 3: Haden's numbers.
1. Profit sharing: His .35 was for someone making about 10 buck an hour. Then he mentions the top out at 19.00. But for those who would have made $19hr, the profit sharing was worth about twice what Haden rattled off. Not that this matters.

2. COC: Haden's numbers are similar to the ones that were provided to me by 'top' people. I say $21.19, I think Haden put it at $21.06. The difference is that Haden will refuse to talk about back pay and future raises since he believes or knows the IAM will negotiate the back pay and future raises away for other benefits. I think the IAM is 'very hot' to give Parker his transition so its imperative to keep them accountable. If the COC is awarded then it is very important NOT to negotiate COC award away but rather the focus should be to bring the west coast up to the new levels. Even Parker admits the west may eventually be involved in the COC. But Hayden's numbers of the contracts net worth are seriously off base unless he puts minimal value on the COC. Remember, the COC is worth about 200 million for east fleet alone over 5 years I believe although it could be over 7 years. The company hotshots even breakdown the numbers.

As far as arguing the numbers of the contract, it's really not worth any of our time. Fleet service made an educated decision and they made the 'right' choice. And if the COC is won, the last contract would immediately become a 'deep' concession. Unfortunately, Canale's boy, Hayden, didn't negotiate anything, he isn't built to negotiate.
Hayden gave up things already negotiated, then he agreed with Parker to throw in another 2 years of the bankrupcy contract, extend the wage scale to 12 years, and not negotiate any snapbacks but rather make the snapbacks IOU's. Hayden talks fast but he loses. Everyone in PHL already knows this that is why Canale's boy is reducing himself to silly internet handles and personalities like hillbillies [Just a Goodoleboy, think dukes of hazard], and rednecks who dont even know about periods and capitalization. IMO, Jeff's lost it and has flipped out. He took this whole thing personal.
Soon he will also lose his chair, the chair he never was elected in.

item 4:
Hayden was running his mouth that the COC is NOT for the west, and that the IAM was already in section 6 for the west. Both lies. Even the PHX chair just put out a letter [after we started putting heat on his butt] saying, "...Change of control...may or may not pertain to west employees." This is a great position switch but not enough yet. So workers across the system have been filling out cards to ditch the IAM, and only now is the IAM admitting it screwed over the west for 18 months by not enforcing the TWU's section 6 negotiations. As the PHX chair states, "Next step issues. Opening the TWU contract for section 6 negotiations." Jeff told everyone that section 6 negotiations were already taking place but now we hear the truth that it's a next step issue. Jeff is Jeff and eveyone in PHL knows he can't win an election against Daffy Duck, He has no 'juice' and his latest dribble is riddled with deceit. After all, these are the things that will position him up to the $100,000 pyramid.

Now, it's time for college football gameday!! Go Big10!

Tim I find it a little more than curious why when a subject comes up about you putting out bad information or when something you so absolutely state does not come to be than you dont want to talk about it anymore. when you say about the ibt campaign and your doubts and it being a moot point you are totally disregarding all the members who put their mislead trust and faith in aperson who quite obviously doent have the information or knowledge that he claims to have. Y
Like I said in an earlier post. My figures are correct. The T/A was worth around $2000 a year to me. I will not debate the mathmatics. Debating with an idiot about this is a waste of time. Anyway the T/A is a dead horse and you need to quit beating it. You voted. The results are in. Get over it.
I also agree that 1776phl and proud2bphilly look like one in the same.
Let me explain this one more time, the IBEW is part of the AFL-CIO, they will not raid the IAM and will turn your cards down.
Let me explain this one more time, the IBEW is part of the AFL-CIO, they will not raid the IAM and will turn your cards down.

Look you can keep saying that all you want. I read it before . So, I'll ask you
what if your wrong ? What do you know that apparently the legal team at the
IBEW doesn't ? Thier going forward with the card signings after talking it over.
I don't know how they plan on doing it but apparently they feel the need to go
forward and I'm thinking they know more than you. I could be wrong, but then
again so could you.
i have a question if we get a new union is it true they will just enforce our exisiting contract? if that is true why would we risk getting decertified to have the same contract 700 will you answer this if tim redeye perv will not because of there obvious motives of trying to get 100000 dollar jobs thanks
perserverance you guys said to do some receach so i did i got my info from the union guys in phil so i posted what they told me at least they answered my questons unlike tim who had all the answers berfor but wont answer questions now please dont question my motives because i think i was mislead like alot of people think it seems when you disagree with tim he says your are someone else and now you are starting to do it to my questions are were you or redeye or tim trying to get ibt oribew jobs for doing what you are doing and the other questions that i posted that no one answerd i agre with 737 we should stick together but i am not going to do what you guys say anymore without asking questions because tim seems to wrong abiout everything and he has a bad track record so my next question is you guys said to vote no now what do we do now and if you dont know what to do than you guys are misleading us i would type my name but the at work i asked the uys questions to told me not or i could get fired i wish i could watch football with tim but i have to work today those guys also told that tims wife supports there family must be nice but i have to work to suopport my family and i am not angry well a little bit but i feel i was mislead and i will continue to ask questions


I chose not to respond to your statements because you were offensive towards me. Initially I responded to you because
you had a question that I thought I could help you with. I found a website that I gave you a link to in hopes that you
could use the information as an answer. I am not on the IBT committee nor do I have connections that I can obtain
direct answers. For this offering I did not think you would bite my hand.
I enjoy this forum because of the resources that are shared by the members as a tool to self educate.
I in turn share acquired resources so that the information that I offer can be checked by others. I do not respect people
that offer opinion as fact or second hand information that can not be verified as fact. I do not offer information as a way
of manipulating human lemmings, but as a tool for you to gain information and formulate an opinion.
I am pro Fleet Service. A Union is a vessel that Fleet Service utilizes to their advantage. I am not a cheerleader for
any team other than Fleet Service. I chose to vote no for the TA because the TA was more hurtful than beneficial. I am on
the top pay tier like you and would have benefited to a degree. I will not vote for anything that offers jobs in exchange.
That is my opinion.
It is also my opinion that no one should accept anything I say as fact, and formulate opinions through education and research.
If you have nothing to offer this group but hateful rants, please spam elsewhere.

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i have a question if we get a new union is it true they will just enforce our exisiting contract? if that is true why would we risk getting decertified to have the same contract 700 will you answer this if tim redeye perv will not because of there obvious motives of trying to get 100000 dollar jobs thanks



read it its in there
redeye sorry if i offened you i didnt mean to i am just suspicious now sorry again
redeye thanks for the link it says the new union would just enforce our existing contract so why risk decertification to keep our same contract that does not make any sense to me and that is why i am suspious of anyones motives who is willing to risk our jobs on that because if we keep the same contract it must be for ther personal gain what do you think

Jeff just doesn't get it. The I Am Management sux and plus Jeff already knows that the risk of a decert is minimal when a company is barred from campaigning. It's like 99% union victory when a certification already exist on the property. The company can't campaign because of article 1, which also prohibits a union from striking.


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