perserverance you guys said to do some receach so i did i got my info from the union guys in phil so i posted what they told me at least they answered my questons unlike tim who had all the answers berfor but wont answer questions now please dont question my motives because i think i was mislead like alot of people think it seems when you disagree with tim he says your are someone else and now you are starting to do it to my questions are were you or redeye or tim trying to get ibt oribew jobs for doing what you are doing and the other questions that i posted that no one answerd i agre with 737 we should stick together but i am not going to do what you guys say anymore without asking questions because tim seems to wrong abiout everything and he has a bad track record so my next question is you guys said to vote no now what do we do now and if you dont know what to do than you guys are misleading us i would type my name but the at work i asked the uys questions to told me not or i could get fired i wish i could watch football with tim but i have to work today those guys also told that tims wife supports there family must be nice but i have to work to suopport my family and i am not angry well a little bit but i feel i was mislead and i will continue to ask questions