Item 1: I understand you to be wrong. Proud2BPhilly and 1176 are not angry members of this board but rather an angry member of this board. Think singular. Goodoleboy, iam1776, are the same as proud2b and Jeff in writing styles and information. Notice, on an earlier thread, Jeff must have forgot which handle he was on since he was responding to himself. He told me that I said 'screw him' but he forgot he was on his other handle. So we know for sure that iam1776 and goodoleboy are one in the same. We also know that proud2be and Haden are the same because Haden is the only one that uses the numbers that proudtobe is using. I was on speaker phone in Haden's PHL meetings and I can tell you that proudtobe said the same things that are on my written notes from haden's meetings. Numbers that no other IAM official even discussed. Numbers that are actually only in Haden's head. So I am reasonably certain that hayden is in fact proudtobe.
Also, Jeff also tries to act dumb with his 1776iam handle but has slipped up and thought he was on his other handle and started the same grammer problems on his other handles as well. He has so many handles now that he has forgot at least twice now which handle he is on. As further humor, iam1776 tells me he voted because of me and he didn't know squat. Now, all of the sudden he is rattling off numbers that are unknown to most workers.
Item 2: I think it is great that you folks respond to Jeff. It keeps him busy and also shows his arrogance and ineptness of listening. This is reflective of the IAM also. Plus it takes up his time. His golf scores will start to go higher.
I haven't responded because the comments directed towards me were regarding the IBT. As of now, I doubt the IBT campaigns so any question in this nature is 'moot'. JC told me to wait till at least monday as they were still trying to work things out above at the top. Plus other questions directly related to the past TA were already beaten to death on this board as the TA and Hayden were KO'd. The right numbers were presented and the workforce was very educated on these matters. Only Haden is still living in the past. Hayden's deceit was 'rooted out' so he is just still pissed and can't leave it alone.
Item 3: Haden's numbers.
1. Profit sharing: His .35 was for someone making about 10 buck an hour. Then he mentions the top out at 19.00. But for those who would have made $19hr, the profit sharing was worth about twice what Haden rattled off. Not that this matters.
2. COC: Haden's numbers are similar to the ones that were provided to me by 'top' people. I say $21.19, I think Haden put it at $21.06. The difference is that Haden will refuse to talk about back pay and future raises since he believes or knows the IAM will negotiate the back pay and future raises away for other benefits. I think the IAM is 'very hot' to give Parker his transition so its imperative to keep them accountable. If the COC is awarded then it is very important NOT to negotiate COC award away but rather the focus should be to bring the west coast up to the new levels. Even Parker admits the west may eventually be involved in the COC. But Hayden's numbers of the contracts net worth are seriously off base unless he puts minimal value on the COC. Remember, the COC is worth about 200 million for east fleet alone over 5 years I believe although it could be over 7 years. The company hotshots even breakdown the numbers.
As far as arguing the numbers of the contract, it's really not worth any of our time. Fleet service made an educated decision and they made the 'right' choice. And if the COC is won, the last contract would immediately become a 'deep' concession. Unfortunately, Canale's boy, Hayden, didn't negotiate anything, he isn't built to negotiate.
Hayden gave up things already negotiated, then he agreed with Parker to throw in another 2 years of the bankrupcy contract, extend the wage scale to 12 years, and not negotiate any snapbacks but rather make the snapbacks IOU's. Hayden talks fast but he loses. Everyone in PHL already knows this that is why Canale's boy is reducing himself to silly internet handles and personalities like hillbillies [Just a Goodoleboy, think dukes of hazard], and rednecks who dont even know about periods and capitalization. IMO, Jeff's lost it and has flipped out. He took this whole thing personal.
Soon he will also lose his chair, the chair he never was elected in.
item 4:
Hayden was running his mouth that the COC is NOT for the west, and that the IAM was already in section 6 for the west. Both lies. Even the PHX chair just put out a letter [after we started putting heat on his butt] saying, "...Change of control...may or may not pertain to west employees." This is a great position switch but not enough yet. So workers across the system have been filling out cards to ditch the IAM, and only now is the IAM admitting it screwed over the west for 18 months by not enforcing the TWU's section 6 negotiations. As the PHX chair states, "Next step issues. Opening the TWU contract for section 6 negotiations." Jeff told everyone that section 6 negotiations were already taking place but now we hear the truth that it's a next step issue. Jeff is Jeff and eveyone in PHL knows he can't win an election against Daffy Duck, He has no 'juice' and his latest dribble is riddled with deceit. After all, these are the things that will position him up to the $100,000 pyramid.
Now, it's time for college football gameday!! Go Big10!