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Look , I know this is gonna hurt, and im sorry, really. Unfortunately growth is a neccesity, and inevitable. You cant stop it, I cant stop it, the SWA we know and luv will never be again. Knowing this, does this mean it has to be a miserable place to work? No it doesnt, even with the changes its gonna be hands down the beast airline to work for. I work with pesimistic, miserable fu@ks here, and Ive worked with them at other companies. Point is you can sit there and point out all of the negaitves, or look at the bright side , that your employed with an industry leader, with great benefits. The SLI is going to happen, hopefully soon so we can start focusing on the future instead of crying over spilled milk. Everyone wants something out of this "deal" well guess what??? Its not gonna happen, this is REALITY, everyone getting a miraculous company funded bonus is FICTION. Get over yourself and quit acting like a child. How junior are you to be so bitter? You mus be in orlando, thats my guess. I am in 13, and I definetly consider myself junior. I love these 4,5,6,7 ect. year guys that have this ultimate sense of entitlement.WTF REALLY.... what a fu@king joke.

You sound like one of the "guys with bad attitudes".

Its not about how many years you get. It's about where everyone falls on the combined list.
4 years is a joke. Complete windfall for AT. That puts 3/4 of all the AT guys above anyone that hired into SWA in the last five years. The only way it would even be some what fair would be a number that puts 200 AT guys above SWA that hired in the last five and 200 below. 50/ 50. So that needs to be around 8 years.

-If you read the Dispatchers ruling "4 years puts half of all AT DISPATCHERS BELOW SWA.

PILOTS -Every capt. from AT became a F/O in their agreement. That is HALF OF AT......there was also a specific number of F/O that will pick up capt before them too for SWA.

My point is we will get the same or better then what we are voting on GOING TO ARBITRATION.
My point is we will get the same or better then what we are voting on GOING TO ARBITRATION.
Talk to your committee members about that. They have said it ain't gonna happen.

First off we will never get the same arbitrator because even if he was available, the IBT would strike him.
Second, we have already agreed to a 3 arbitrator panel instead of a single guy.
Third, we would not be going in asking for 8 years and risk a backlash from the panel.

You really need to ask this stuff of the committee and our lawyers. We pay our lawyers $400 an hour for their advice. You really need to hear it if you think 8 years is even remotely possible.
well basically if you got hired in 5 years ago at SWA it would be 300 above, 100 below with the four year bump. DOH 340 above 60 below. Not much of a difference.

-For you even @ DOH with 13 years would put at least 3/4 of AT below you. Does not really effect you that much...

-The only ones that are really effected were hired in the last 3-7 years...The ones that have the highest risk of getting laid off or wanting to bid into a better slot.

-swa also will be giving up the LOA that protects us currently. When the company signed that they were agreeing that SWA should be placed above any NEW people who join SWA. Especially since there are 1700 or so of us and 400 of them.

I would like to hear why it could not happen? What points can be made coming from the AT side that could convince someone that they deserve DOH? The dispatchers ruling clearly shows that QOL and pay and benefits are worth something.

I don't think the arbitrator always goes with what either party is asking...? They can come up with something in the middle, if they think it is fair. I think that is the whole point in having someone decide between two parties in the first place.
Any road show info?

WNMECH has already posted that there was no surprises and or changes from what we have been told from the latest offer from 4-23. A basic breakdown is 4 yrs enhancement in seniority for the SWA mechs, head count for the BWI and MCO stations, DOH for the AT mechs, as well as full pay for all second pay period after DOR, Integration and transitional agreements will be one vote for both.

I was told that all the meetings held today went very well. It is a very simple agreement, therefor there were not a large amount of questions. The AMFA attorney squared some items up and everyone left informed. Thanked the cmte and attorneys and left satisfied. I will add this, as I promiced to, after all the meetings were done in Dallas, I still have not heard one "NO" vote as of yet. Everyone I have spoken with after all the meetings are telling me they will be voting "YES" I attended both the noon and 2pm meeting so I actually was able to talk to both dayshift and eve mechs in Dallas. Not speaking for any other city or for the graves mechs.

Once again, I will be voting "YES" for all agreements being presented. You can call me a company man all you want, but I personally feel this IS a very fair deal for both sides and is in fact the minimum I was willing to go (as far as years) on the seniority enhancement. As far as the guys at SWA that are 3-5 years, yes you are affected the most (I believe), but I am not willing to take the risk of getting an arbitrator that thinks all mergers should be treated the same and give all of us dovetail DOH. Which would put all you 3-5 year folks even further down the seniority list below the AT guys. Huge risk going thru arbitration, are you really wanting to take that risk? Plus, knowing we held up this integration process, how do you think the sec 6 contract negos will go with the company? Alot of things to think about here guys, but please, all members take the time to vote, I don't care if you are voting "YES or "NO" but just please ALL take the time to vote, and vote how this directly effects you and your family...
You sound like one of the "guys with bad attitudes".

Its not about how many years you get. It's about where everyone falls on the combined list.
4 years is a joke. Complete windfall for AT. That puts 3/4 of all the AT guys above anyone that hired into SWA in the last five years. The only way it would even be some what fair would be a number that puts 200 AT guys above SWA that hired in the last five and 200 below. 50/ 50. So that needs to be around 8 years.

-If you read the Dispatchers ruling "4 years puts half of all AT DISPATCHERS BELOW SWA.

PILOTS -Every capt. from AT became a F/O in their agreement. That is HALF OF AT......there was also a specific number of F/O that will pick up capt before them too for SWA.

My point is we will get the same or better then what we are voting on GOING TO ARBITRATION.

With your vast knowledge of the negotiations, and the arbitration process, I have to ask myself?? why arent you on the negotiation committee ?? are you even a rep??? out of the woodwork people come running, now that we have a t/a that is reasonable. Where were you when we were discussing this earlier??
[sup]This is democratic process. Everyone will vote, and they will tally the votes. So as far as whats "fair" or not , that will be decided by the majority. Regardless of the decision, EVERYONE needs to man up and accept it. Myself included. All this bickering back and forth about what it should be resolves nothing. Like I said , in my opinion its more than likely the best we will see, sure we may see exactly what we have now after arbitration, why waste the time and money? And sure its plausible we could do better, however based on empirical and historical data regarding arbitration, I doubt we will do better, probably the same, and potentially worse. I understand and respect your opinion, and if it were up to me it would be a staple, however its not and based on what im seeing this going to arbitration more than likely wont result in any positive , beyond where weve negotiated to. If AT votes it down, maybe an Arbitrator would be more inclined to lean our way . [/sup]
I was always told that if you throw alittle money towards the highet seniority guys they would sell out in a heartbeat. Sure its easy for them to sell out the 5yr and less guys. First schedule a meeting on a tuesday when they are all off so you dont have to look at them when you do it. Next tell everyone that it will make section 6 negotiations go better if we vote yes. We all saw what you guys did last time for alittle money. Screw the new guys, I want alittle bit more money since im retiring soon and as long as I get mine I could care less.
With your vast knowledge of the negotiations, and the arbitration process, I have to ask myself?? why arent you on the negotiation committee ?? are you even a rep??? out of the woodwork people come running, now that we have a t/a that is reasonable. Where were you when we were discussing this earlier??

I was thinking the very same thing. Notice the number of postings from him. Only 6. Now that we have a T/A they come out of the wood works screamin loud. I too would like to know where this guy has been thru-out negos, he had plenty of chances to be an observer and get paid for it. Just odd he now comes on here nearly at the end of it all, and screams 4 is not enough. That is fine if you feel this way, just asking where have you been over the last 1 1/2 years? This thread was started back in Oct 2010.
Hey AvTech04,
Do you have any more insight from the members where your at? Do you still feel the same that it will pass?
So far not hearing anything negative on our side. Other than this one man posting out here, I have yet talked to a "NO" voter as of today. However, I will give another update once the guys start recieving the ballots, as this is when all the talk fires back up.
BTW; Have you ever heard why Sokol went to MCO shortly after the T/A was announced? If anyone knows what his meetings were about with the SWA and AT guys (I believe seperate meetings were held) please let us know. I'm still pretty currious about that one.
I was always told that if you throw alittle money towards the highet seniority guys they would sell out in a heartbeat. Sure its easy for them to sell out the 5yr and less guys. First schedule a meeting on a tuesday when they are all off so you dont have to look at them when you do it. Next tell everyone that it will make section 6 negotiations go better if we vote yes. We all saw what you guys did last time for alittle money. Screw the new guys, I want alittle bit more money since im retiring soon and as long as I get mine I could care less.
If you think we can get a better deal than this from arbitration then you need to call or e-mail a committee member or your ALR and get informed.
They have direct advice from our labor lawyers and have been involved in this from the beginning.
They have said we will not see a better deal and they can explain why.

If it goes to arbitration and we get 4 years there, would you vote to accept it then?

Or are you only going to agree to the nuclear option of not voting in a JCBA and keeping the contracts separate?

You are not going to see a deal with an 8 year bump, so what (if anything) will you vote for?

I am just trying to see where you are coming from.
SWAMT-- if you want to hear some NO votes talk with guys on the East and West coast! Also as far as that Meeting went in MCO BWI with the SWA guys it was a meet and greet with Suckhole and T-COCK. Basically telling them the Cock is new sheriff in town and that he won't be backfilling spots with OT cause guys call in floater at last minute and also saying that those guys are basically f@cking their buddy. Also he told them that he was going to take care of his guys!!!! Meaning AT employees!! A one sided cock!! I give him 2 years to before let go!! He is NOT SWA material!!!

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