Look , I know this is gonna hurt, and im sorry, really. Unfortunately growth is a neccesity, and inevitable. You cant stop it, I cant stop it, the SWA we know and luv will never be again. Knowing this, does this mean it has to be a miserable place to work? No it doesnt, even with the changes its gonna be hands down the beast airline to work for. I work with pesimistic, miserable fu@ks here, and Ive worked with them at other companies. Point is you can sit there and point out all of the negaitves, or look at the bright side , that your employed with an industry leader, with great benefits. The SLI is going to happen, hopefully soon so we can start focusing on the future instead of crying over spilled milk. Everyone wants something out of this "deal" well guess what??? Its not gonna happen, this is REALITY, everyone getting a miraculous company funded bonus is FICTION. Get over yourself and quit acting like a child. How junior are you to be so bitter? You mus be in orlando, thats my guess. I am in 13, and I definetly consider myself junior. I love these 4,5,6,7 ect. year guys that have this ultimate sense of entitlement.WTF REALLY.... what a fu@king joke.
Documents are pretty straight forward and the committee unanimously recommends a yes vote on all votes.Any road show info?
Talk to your committee members about that. They have said it ain't gonna happen.My point is we will get the same or better then what we are voting on GOING TO ARBITRATION.
Any road show info?
You sound like one of the "guys with bad attitudes".
Its not about how many years you get. It's about where everyone falls on the combined list.
4 years is a joke. Complete windfall for AT. That puts 3/4 of all the AT guys above anyone that hired into SWA in the last five years. The only way it would even be some what fair would be a number that puts 200 AT guys above SWA that hired in the last five and 200 below. 50/ 50. So that needs to be around 8 years.
-If you read the Dispatchers ruling "4 years puts half of all AT DISPATCHERS BELOW SWA.
PILOTS -Every capt. from AT became a F/O in their agreement. That is HALF OF AT......there was also a specific number of F/O that will pick up capt before them too for SWA.
My point is we will get the same or better then what we are voting on GOING TO ARBITRATION.
With your vast knowledge of the negotiations, and the arbitration process, I have to ask myself?? why arent you on the negotiation committee ?? are you even a rep??? out of the woodwork people come running, now that we have a t/a that is reasonable. Where were you when we were discussing this earlier??
Well darn, you busted me.We just found out who avtech04 is.....................
If you think we can get a better deal than this from arbitration then you need to call or e-mail a committee member or your ALR and get informed.I was always told that if you throw alittle money towards the highet seniority guys they would sell out in a heartbeat. Sure its easy for them to sell out the 5yr and less guys. First schedule a meeting on a tuesday when they are all off so you dont have to look at them when you do it. Next tell everyone that it will make section 6 negotiations go better if we vote yes. We all saw what you guys did last time for alittle money. Screw the new guys, I want alittle bit more money since im retiring soon and as long as I get mine I could care less.