Hard to be involved when your not in Dallas,Houston, phx.....
you are such a PU$$ie. One day you can stand up like a man. Union???? what union??? go ahead and sell out your lower senior guys.I agree. I too think the 4 yrs is low. However it was the lowest I was willing to go. What these guys need to think about is this. If this vote is rejected, it's off to arbitration correct? What will the number be if we do go to arbitration? From what I was told it will be 4. If AMFA is going into it with 4, then all a no vote really does is delay this crap for however many years it gets delayed. Just to find out we'll more than likely get 4 yrs thru an arbitrator, or less than 4 yrs. And that's if we get any seniority enhancement at all. An arbitrator could very well come out with dovetailed DOH for all.
One more thing, I too wish the seniority enhancement would be applied to all SWA mechanics regardless of starting date.
I don't need to be a fortune teller to see that this is a fair deal on the table now.
And if you talked to the committee more then you wouldn't be such a dumba$$.
Only a dumba$$ would claim to know the outcome of a process before it ended. Our negotiating and roadshow committees have stated their recommendations and opinions on the SLI/TA and LOA's. Now it is up to the MEMBERSHIP to decide: ' do we take a chance in arbitration or go for the sure thing' ? Noone is a dumba$$ for voting for what they perceive is in their best interest.. To you it's a fair deal, to others, it's not fair at all.
you are such a PU$$ie. One day you can stand up like a man. Union???? what union??? go ahead and sell out your lower senior guys.
some union. T-COCK needs to go along with louie.
Iunderstand that history doesnt always dictate the future, however in legally binding decisions it certainly helps steer the outcome. So , based on historical data, which is what we, as well as AMFA legal have to base our opinion of what the possible scenarios of arbitration may bring, the outcome would more than likely be the same or slightly less. Now you can base your decision on whatever you want, you could call the psycic hotline if you want, but you would be a dumba$$ if you based your decision on that. Dont let your emotions rule your vote, look at the historical data and make an educated decision.
Please present your historical data which, by the way, according to AMFA legal does not set a precedent for futute arbitrator rulings.......... So don't bother.
The bottom line is: This is AMFA. Let the members vote the way they please, even if you think it's the wrong decision. Don't lambast them for it. As stated before, vote your one vote.
Please present your historical data which, by the way, according to AMFA legal does not set a precedent for futute arbitrator rulings.......... So don't bother.
The bottom line is: This is AMFA. Let the members vote the way they please, even if you think it's the wrong decision. Don't lambast them for it. As stated before, vote your one vote.
I was not calling you a dumba$$ for your vote.Only a dumba$$ would claim to know the outcome of a process before it ended. Our negotiating and roadshow committees have stated/are stating their recommendations and opinions on the SLI/TA and LOA's. Now it is up to the MEMBERSHIP to decide: ' do we take a chance in arbitration or go for the sure thing' ? Noone is a dumba$$ for voting for what they perceive is in their best interest.. To you it's a fair deal, to others, it's not fair at all.