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To be honest, I do not know what "permanate panel" truely means. However, I tend to believe as you, that he is on a list of arbitrators that SWA and the TWU has to choose from when they have to use an arbitrator for a decision breaker. With that being said, I still believe he is considered to be a completely seperate party from any of the enities. I would believe he is a "contractor" per sae. He is also listed on a permanate panel for American Airlines/TWU as well. I believe this has nothing to do with a conflict of interest as the rumor mill is contending. Look at it this way, there are currently arbitrators on a list, more than likely called a "permanate panel list" that if we (AMFA and teamsters) were to end up in arbitration over our seniority integration, would have to select from. In other words none of them are tied directly to the company or the union, they are just listed as an option and it's up to the 2 sides rather they accept or reject each arbitrator listed on said list. Hope this helps. Again, I think this guy is completely neutral now. And the rumors will start to get squashed.
You gotta remember, the company and the unions have been thru arbitrations before, both sides know what they are legally bound to do. I don't think either side would risk "slipping in" a certain arbitrator to be able to rule in favor of one of the 2 sides. I believe the TWU 540 is grasping for something, as they did not like the ruling going in the SWA dispatchers favor. All this is my own assumption, if I am wrong, please someone correct me. The dispatchers are done. The rampers will reveal the next arbitrators ruling on June 1. And I still hold to my original post that they will get a 2.5-3 yr boost, with a higher percentage leaning towards the 3 yr mark. If you hear anything else AvTech feel free to post. You will more than likely hear more runblings than we will over here...

Thanks for your input. I try not to post rumors on here because I don't want to start an unnecessary wildfire, but this one with the dispatchers is snowballing out of control on our end of things. I've been telling those, like I posted on here, the dispatchers are the dispatchers and the mechanics are the mechanics, 2 different worlds. An arbitrator may look at the dispatchers case or he may not, no one knows so leave them alone and let them get going on their TA instead of dissecting and over analyzing their situation. We have a TA we're getting ready to vote on and we need to focus on understanding everything involved with our own situation. That's been my story as I've told it across the floor whenever the dispatchers come up.

As far as the TA, the IBT and AT committee have not set road show dates yet, that I'm aware of. Jim Sokol was down in MCO giving some sort of speech to the SWA mechanics and the AT mechanics at a local hotel. I didn't attend so I don't know what was said. I do know, however, that he spoke to the 2 groups at separate times so I am curious to get someones input as to what he said to the SWA mechs and what he said to the AT mechs so we can compare notes..

If anyone attended this meeting, please comment of what was said.
Buscador why are you trying to stir the pot with AVTECH over his simple post about missing a post. Let's not get sidetracked here please.
Thanks for your input. I try not to post rumors on here because I don't want to start an unnecessary wildfire, but this one with the dispatchers is snowballing out of control on our end of things. I've been telling those, like I posted on here, the dispatchers are the dispatchers and the mechanics are the mechanics, 2 different worlds. An arbitrator may look at the dispatchers case or he may not, no one knows so leave them alone and let them get going on their TA instead of dissecting and over analyzing their situation. We have a TA we're getting ready to vote on and we need to focus on understanding everything involved with our own situation. That's been my story as I've told it across the floor whenever the dispatchers come up.

As far as the TA, the IBT and AT committee have not set road show dates yet, that I'm aware of. Jim Sokol was down in MCO giving some sort of speech to the SWA mechanics and the AT mechanics at a local hotel. I didn't attend so I don't know what was said. I do know, however, that he spoke to the 2 groups at separate times so I am curious to get someones input as to what he said to the SWA mechs and what he said to the AT mechs so we can compare notes..

If anyone attended this meeting, please comment of what was said.

AvTech, don't you work at MCO? Can you find out what the meeting with Sokol was all about. It may have been about the SLI protections. I bet there was a need for him to goto MCO and BWI to get it from the horses mouth. Just a guess though.

Yea we still have no dates set for RS either. Haven't checked the site today yet. I believe SWADL posted that there has been some "NO" votes coming out of both the east and west coast, maybe this has something with Sokol's visit and he might move from the east and got the west to help sell it for ratification. Just another guess on my part, I do not know for sure. Post when you find out from your co-workers in MCO.
AvTech, don't you work at MCO? Can you find out what the meeting with Sokol was all about. It may have been about the SLI protections. I bet there was a need for him to goto MCO and BWI to get it from the horses mouth. Just a guess though.

Yea we still have no dates set for RS either. Haven't checked the site today yet. I believe SWADL posted that there has been some "NO" votes coming out of both the east and west coast, maybe this has something with Sokol's visit and he might move from the east and got the west to help sell it for ratification. Just another guess on my part, I do not know for sure. Post when you find out from your co-workers in MCO.

Yes, I do work in MCO, but everyone I ask tells me that they did not attend. Maybe no one from AT attended, I doubt it, or maybe they are to timid to speak up. As soon as I find out what was said from anyone who attended, I will post it on here. I was also trying to get the SWA mechs in MCO, that attended, to post what they were told to see if maybe we can get those who attended on the AT side to post and get a conversation going, but nobodies biting.. -_-
Here in some of the out-stations, and i hear in Atlanta, we can't wait to find out who avtech04 is?
Here in some of the out-stations, and i hear in Atlanta, we can't wait to find out who avtech04 is?

lol, I'm hearing that a lot lately.. People are even calling down and asking about me. The funniest part was that an Atlanta Mechanic called me and asked me who I was :lol: :lol:

I wonder what the hype is all about 🙂
Has anyone been following the-amt.com?? I'm dumbfounded by the comments being made in there by supposed SWA mechanics!! I mean, are there guys out there really trying to screw a measly 357 mechanics out of their livelihoods, out of their jobs, all because a 4 year increase isn't enough of a boost for them?? I mean, even a guy that posted as SWAMT is saying these things!

I don't get it, what does it even effect you at SWA to have AT mechs join you at a 4 year loss?? Now you're asking for 8 years? C'mon, where do you draw the line! This is gut wrenching to think that a group of people would risk putting their AMT brothers, for lack of a better word, to the street because they don't feel like they're gettin enough out of the deal! That's down right shameful no matter what your reasoning is or how you explain it! You're willing to jeopardize the livelihood of 357 families out of pure spite... Those who have that mentality are sick, sadistic, neurotic individuals. I have to be honest, I can take a lot of grief from a lot of different directions, but to read the posts that I'm reading on the-amt.com is just sickening. I haven't been on there in a while, until today, and it's just disgusting!!! I truely hope that is not the real mentality at SWA because if it is, then god help us all!
Has anyone been following the-amt.com?? I'm dumbfounded by the comments being made in there by supposed SWA mechanics!! I mean, are there guys out there really trying to screw a measly 357 mechanics out of their livelihoods, out of their jobs, all because a 4 year increase isn't enough of a boost for them?? I mean, even a guy that posted as SWAMT is saying these things!

I don't get it, what does it even effect you at SWA to have AT mechs join you at a 4 year loss?? Now you're asking for 8 years? C'mon, where do you draw the line! This is gut wrenching to think that a group of people would risk putting their AMT brothers, for lack of a better word, to the street because they don't feel like they're gettin enough out of the deal! That's down right shameful no matter what your reasoning is or how you explain it! You're willing to jeopardize the livelihood of 357 families out of pure spite... Those who have that mentality are sick, sadistic, neurotic individuals. I have to be honest, I can take a lot of grief from a lot of different directions, but to read the posts that I'm reading on the-amt.com is just sickening. I haven't been on there in a while, until today, and it's just disgusting!!! I truely hope that is not the real mentality at SWA because if it is, then god help us all!

Avtech, just as there are AT guys who feel relative, or DOH dovetail is fair for the SLI. There are hardline SWA MX guys that want a staple. Most of the realistic people here understand that a staple is just as reasonable as relative seniority. Please dont stereotype SWA MX into one group based on what a couple people, on an anonymous forum post. I think 4 years no fences is about as fair as were gonna see , and barring some unforseen anomaly uncovered at the road show, I will vote yes. Interestlingly I wonder what youre standpoint would be when you are AMFA SWA MX, if we were to aquire another airline 1/5th our size?
Has anyone been following the-amt.com?? I'm dumbfounded by the comments being made in there by supposed SWA mechanics!! I mean, are there guys out there really trying to screw a measly 357 mechanics out of their livelihoods, out of their jobs, all because a 4 year increase isn't enough of a boost for them?? I mean, even a guy that posted as SWAMT is saying these things!

I don't get it, what does it even effect you at SWA to have AT mechs join you at a 4 year loss?? Now you're asking for 8 years? C'mon, where do you draw the line! This is gut wrenching to think that a group of people would risk putting their AMT brothers, for lack of a better word, to the street because they don't feel like they're gettin enough out of the deal! That's down right shameful no matter what your reasoning is or how you explain it! You're willing to jeopardize the livelihood of 357 families out of pure spite... Those who have that mentality are sick, sadistic, neurotic individuals. I have to be honest, I can take a lot of grief from a lot of different directions, but to read the posts that I'm reading on the-amt.com is just sickening. I haven't been on there in a while, until today, and it's just disgusting!!! I truely hope that is not the real mentality at SWA because if it is, then god help us all!

Your kidding with your post right. I do not post very often at all but sometimes the ignorance from some of you AirTran people just sets me off. I for one am not overjoyed with the 4-year bump but will vote for it to get this mess over with. But to play the role of "jeopardizing the livelihood" of the AT mechanics and their families I must laugh out loud. So just for a second picture yourself living in that cardboard box with your family when the homeless guy next to you or your children ask you. Gee DAD, so you were getting a $35000/year raise plus their were giving the greatest retirement package of almost any company in America plus you were getting better healthcare at about 1/2 the cost plus DAD you were getting more days off to spend with us but you were unwilling to give the people who contributed in the building of a great company anything for their hard work when your contributions only lead to a company that although to the media was a darling but was in fact $2,000,000,000 IN DEPT. Sorry DAD, I just started economics in school and I am not sure I follow. PLEASE EXPLAIN!!!!! The one thing you did get right in your post was it is SICKENING. And yes, it seems everyday GOD does help the morons, over and over and over and over and over again.
Your kidding with your post right. I do not post very often at all but sometimes the ignorance from some of you AirTran people just sets me off. I for one am not overjoyed with the 4-year bump but will vote for it to get this mess over with. But to play the role of "jeopardizing the livelihood" of the AT mechanics and their families I must laugh out loud. So just for a second picture yourself living in that cardboard box with your family when the homeless guy next to you or your children ask you. Gee DAD, so you were getting a $35000/year raise plus their were giving the greatest retirement package of almost any company in America plus you were getting better healthcare at about 1/2 the cost plus DAD you were getting more days off to spend with us but you were unwilling to give the people who contributed in the building of a great company anything for their hard work when your contributions only lead to a company that although to the media was a darling but was in fact $2,000,000,000 IN DEPT. Sorry DAD, I just started economics in school and I am not sure I follow. PLEASE EXPLAIN!!!!! The one thing you did get right in your post was it is SICKENING. And yes, it seems everyday GOD does help the morons, over and over and over and over and over again.

Take a deep breath, we all know that avtech has a polluted and skewed view of these proceedings. Like I said , and so have many others, oh how the tide will change when they become AMFA SWA MX..... Time will tell, keep em safe brother.
Take a deep breath, we all know that avtech has a polluted and skewed view of these proceedings. Like I said , and so have many others, oh how the tide will change when they become AMFA SWA MX..... Time will tell, keep em safe brother.

One of my favorites of his latest post's went something like this, Im not one to spread rumors, BUT...... LOFL But im gonna post the non substantiated BS on the WWW to inflame an already hostile situation... Pathetic.
I have to reiterate that I do not represent the AT guys here. I am one person and only speak for myself. Same as SWA.TECH stated about not generalizing the SWA MX, please don't generalize the AT MX off any of my posts. I appreciate the level head response SWA.TECH originally posted because its true.

Also, I don't have a polluted or skewed view either. It's just disturbing seeing so many post so much hatered over this integration. I'm not putting out a 'whoa is me' post, I was just astonished on how far it has actually gotten. I didn't realize it's gotten so nasty between us.

Lastly, I also have to remind you guys that I was all for giving some as a show of good faith to you guys. Yes, DOH is fair in my eyes when you're compare apples to apples, but I saw you guys point of view a long time ago and have ever since been advocating a seniority boost/cut. AT mechs are getting a lot more out of this deal than SWA mechs, but how much more was always the question. How much seniority are the improvements worth. I too believe 4 years is a fair offer across the board with no fences.

Again, please don't take my post out of context, it was formulated as a question and not a statement. I was simply alarmed by what i read and reacted, nothing more. We have all had those moments during this integration.

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