Even so its a group effort to AGREE on the arbitrator. They are done, crying over spilled milk. The argument in itself is BS. It's an agreed upon process, that is used as a last resort to reach a decision. We've lost arbitrations before, we press on. This whole I heard story lost its validity simply due to its initial ill informed author.... pathetic.
Again, its funny to me all the silence from ALL the AT people now that an independent Arbitrator has made a ruling that simply re itterates what SWA employees have been saying all along!! Show us some Fairness, the best attempt at saying anything is Avtech trying to say he heard from a friend who heard from his friend from a guy at Mcdonalds in ATL that the Arbitrator was a Plant, a secret SWA guy who sold the Dispatchers down the river for his $950 a day fee!!
Count the AT reponses since the Decision was made, chirp, chirp, chirp go the crickets!! They still get the Huge Windfall but they cant play the Victims any longer(reality sucks) ,,, But remember that some of AT employees may have to be incoveinenced a little bit from their
normal lifes, yes they will be making $30,000 MORE a year to be inconveinenced,,Does this sudden silence not show us the true character, what do we have to look fwd to??
What if, What if a year ago the AT people would of just admited that they were Getting the WINDFALL , WE at SWA got NOTHING and with that Truth AT would of said, hey SWA here is 4-5 years Boost and thank god we now work for a better company? A tremendously HUGE
what if, but I will tell you that this whole BUYOUT would of been far smoother and most if not all "Depts" at SWA would of welcomed them with open arms!!
Yet here we are and the AT Divide has been created, could this all been avoided if FAiRNESS was a concept a certain group in ATL understood?? or if they Could of stepped back from the Victim role enough to see it from our Eyes?? Those What Ifs we will NEVER know the answers too AND this Divide may now be FAR to wide and deep to ever be closed!!
Their Hand was Perfectly Over Played, so they talk about Appeal Appeal Appeal, but the truth shall set you free!! WINDFALL vs NOTHING