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You really need to grow up man.. You spend your time trying desolate and insult me time and time again, when all I am doing is putting information out there for all to comment, read, speculate, correct, etc... You, on the other hand, have made it a point to try and take a jab at me whenever an opportunity arrises.. I thought you may have been passed the childish banter, but I supposed I was wrong, yet again. It shameful to think that you were once an Airtran Mechanic and you used Airtran on your resume to get your position @ SWA.. You've forgotten your roots and that's okay, most kids don't take their beginnings into account anymore anyways. You really are a disappointment.

Thats laughable at best , first of all your "information" is pure unadultrated rumor, no more no less, but definetly not viable for any decision making purposes... second of all I would hardly call AT my "roots" I was in and out just like I was at timco, stepping stones in a career path is what that is called my friend. What you should be disapointed in is your own stagnation. Welcome to SWA I hope your trip with SWA will be as great as mine, and I mean this sincerely.
I'm not one to spread rumors, but there is a disturbing rumor that's getting stronger and stronger out there about the arbitrator that was selected for the dispatchers. I've been hearing this all week but haven't posted anything for the lack of conformation. Supposibly, the AT dispatchers are appealing the arbitrated decision for conflict of interest. The rumor spreading around is that the selected arbitrator was, in some way, shape or form, once a member of the SWA board of directors or is a significant share holder. He supposedly served on the board for SWA and AA at some point in his life. Like I said, I have not seen factual information to sustain the accusation, simply spreading it forward because the rumor is starting to snow ball and pick up strength and speed...

I personally wanted to leave the dispatchers situation alone but since it's being brought up so thoroughly, I thought I might give the AT side of information being spread. If anyone knows more, please feel free to add on and let me know whether this information is accurate or not.

The difference is the "information" youre spouting out is pure rumor, the information I posted was typed verbatim from the text document. Please.
IMHO, probably not a good position to take from someone that doesn't know his own CBA.
Just Saying... :lol:
Take Care,
B) xUT

which portion of my information are you questioning? The exact meaning of the 4 year bump and what it will mean for pay and bidding to SWA mechs under 5 years? Would you like to wager? I can tell you this the CBA requires clarafication on a regular basis, so yes sometimes it can be interesting to decipher, however that doesnt change the fact that we have a 5 year pay top out. As someone who doesnt even work for SWA I dont know how you would have some magic internal knowledge about how SWA corporate thinks , but I can tell you from inside over the last 13 years I do have an idea, and its not the same as yours! Have a great evening.
which portion of my information are you questioning? The exact meaning of the 4 year bump and what it will mean for pay and bidding to SWA mechs under 5 years? Would you like to wager? I can tell you this the CBA requires clarafication on a regular basis, so yes sometimes it can be interesting to decipher, however that doesnt change the fact that we have a 5 year pay top out. As someone who doesnt even work for SWA I dont know how you would have some magic internal knowledge about how SWA corporate thinks , but I can tell you from inside over the last 13 years I do have an idea, and its not the same as yours! Have a great evening.

The 'fact' you didn't know you have a wage scale in your CBA but posted like you 'know it all'.
Yea, that chafes my ass.

The 'fact' that you don't know if the SWA M&R gets a bump in pay or not and post some lame ass "My Rep Told Me" bullshit, that chafes my ass.

I tried being respectful and cordial but IMHO, you are a bullshitter.

I know you SWA guys don't like me here, guess what?

B) xUT
I tried being respectful and cordial but IMHO, you are a bullshitter.

I know you SWA guys don't like me here, guess what?

B) xUT

So here we are again xNUT, with you calling a SWA mechanic a LIAR.

Maybe we don't like you telling us you THINK you know more about our company than we do?
The 'fact' you didn't know you have a wage scale in your CBA but posted like you 'know it all'.
Yea, that chafes my ass.

The 'fact' that you don't know if the SWA M&R gets a bump in pay or not and post some lame ass "My Rep Told Me" bullshit, that chafes my ass.

I tried being respectful and cordial but IMHO, you are a bullshitter.

I know you SWA guys don't like me here, guess what?

B) xUT

what the hell are you babling about? I never said we didnt have a scale? I said we dont have an A/B scale in the classic sense of the term , you dim wit... I do know who gets a bump, AT mechanics. thats it. Dont feel bad we have a challenged guy here that couldnt figure out why he wasnt getting his 5th week of vacation. I think what truly chafes your ass is that you are a digruntled ex major mech that is fading away, and your sad inside. That is the exact reason you troll boards that have absolutely nothing to do with you and interject your BS wholesale. Like I said if Im wrong I will respectfully apologize to you, if your wrong i guess we wont be hearing from you much anymore... P.S. sorry for chafing yor ass.
Damn Xut, I wish you were here right now , I would give you a big hug!! Im pretty sure thats what you need , a BIG group hug! we have group hugs on dayshift all the time, sometimes even on ron!! LUV ya buddy!!!
So here we are again xNUT, with you calling a SWA mechanic a LIAR.

Maybe we don't like you telling us you THINK you know more about our company than we do?

TFB, If I am wrong, call me out with empirical proof.
I am not an expert and I make mistakes, When I do, call me out.
I have been known to apologize, not from you guys yet... 😛

If you don't like it, get me banned, otherwise prove your case or STFU!

Maybe you should teach your class and craft not to be ignorant of their agreements or contract.
Post verifiable factual information

Too Badd, Soo Sadd,

B) xUT
Hey Xut , are you turning red yet? LOFL, per your prior description I know your fanny is.....
Xut I will make a deal with you! If Im wrong I wont post on this board anymore , matter of fact I will delete myself from it, BUUUUUUT , if your wrong you have to do the same! Deal????? come on big guy , bite!
what the hell are you babling about? I never said we didnt have a scale? I said we dont have an A/B scale in the classic sense of the term , you dim wit... I do know who gets a bump, AT mechanics. thats it. Dont feel bad we have a challenged guy here that couldnt figure out why he wasnt getting his 5th week of vacation. I think what truly chafes your ass is that you are a digruntled ex major mech that is fading away, and your sad inside. That is the exact reason you troll boards that have absolutely nothing to do with you and interject your BS wholesale. Like I said if Im wrong I will respectfully apologize to you, if your wrong i guess we wont be hearing from you much anymore... P.S. sorry for chafing yor ass.

B) xUT
Ok xNUT,
You must be off your meds or are just trying to bait us now.

Are you just bored and trying to have some fun with us?
He said we have just one wage progression scale starting at zero years up until you top out.

That is fact and we have always had only one wage progression scale.

Only an A Scale.
B) xUT

ok ok youre special needs, im sorry here is the exact quote "just to clarify, SWA MX has no A/B scale. there is one scale 0 years to top out." you big dummy, show me how the hell we have an a/b scale? everyone here wants you to tell us. The way we see an a/b scale is tow groups of mechanics, with two seperate scales , with different top outs. WTF? are you really that stupid?

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