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No, they will be in limbo with no contract unless we make a new classification for them.

Because of the NMB ruling putting them in our class and craft we MUST represent them.

While in limbo they have no contract or language representing or protecting them.

This situation sets AMFA and us up for a failure to represent lawsuit.

Do you want to pay these guys a lot of money out of our dues after they win an easy lawsuit because we were to stupid to take a new premium position into our contract?

Go to the road show meeting with an open mind on this LOA.
Get educated and ask questions on this and don't make a snap decision against it now.

So the Big Bad AMFA is scared of a handfull of individuals and a "Possible" lawsuit So we better vote yes or bad things will happen. So we are stupid if we don't vote this in. I'm really motivated to vote no now. You have been spending too much time with Madman bub. Remember the first TA? We were all stupid for voting no, etc...blah..blah...blah Please produce a past case where this scenario played out and ended in a lost lawsuit and subsequent addition of a new classification in an existing CBA.
So the Big Bad AMFA is scared of a handfull of individuals and a "Possible" lawsuit So we better vote yes or bad things will happen. So we are stupid if we don't vote this in. I'm really motivated to vote no now. You have been spending too much time with Madman bub. Remember the first TA? We were all stupid for voting no, etc...blah..blah...blah Please produce a past case where this scenario played out and ended in a lost lawsuit and subsequent addition of a new classification in an existing CBA.
I voted against the first one also.

Ask AMFAs lawyer those questions, he thinks it it valid.
This is not my opinion bub, I am just passing on the info.
Why are you calling me Bub?
I think bro or dude are more appropriate for the times.
But hey, that's just my opinion.
Still no mention of anything for an update on the teamsters airline division site. Went over to the AirTran local 528 site and found a very brief, short and sweet one and posted it below. This was just posted 2 hrs ago:

Airline Updates
Updated On: Apr 27, 2012 (07:33:00)

In the matter of the Southwest/Airtran Mechanics and Related Empoyees Seniority List Integration matter:
On April 23, 2012 Airtran Mechanics and Related Employees reached a tentative agreement. Although it is the position of the IBT Airline Division and Local 528 that a date of hire seniority integration would be the most fair and equitable method, negotiations were contentious. It was ultimately agreed that Southwest Mechanics employed would be granted an across the board 4 year increase in senioirityon the integrated seniority list when Airtran/Southwest merge into one carrier. If the Agreements are ratified, Aitran Mechanics will receive up to a 35% pay rate increase on date of ratification in additon to enhanced benefits in line with those contained in the Southwest Agreement.

Ratification materials along with copies of the actual Tentative Agreement will be sent to AirTran employees as soon as they have been prepared.
Still no mention of anything for an update on the teamsters airline division site. Went over to the AirTran local 528 site and found a very brief, short and sweet one and posted it below. This was just posted 2 hrs ago:

Airline Updates
Updated On: Apr 27, 2012 (07:33:00)

In the matter of the Southwest/Airtran Mechanics and Related Empoyees Seniority List Integration matter:
On April 23, 2012 Airtran Mechanics and Related Employees reached a tentative agreement. Although it is the position of the IBT Airline Division and Local 528 that a date of hire seniority integration would be the most fair and equitable method, negotiations were contentious. It was ultimately agreed that Southwest Mechanics employed would be granted an across the board 4 year increase in senioirityon the integrated seniority list when Airtran/Southwest merge into one carrier. If the Agreements are ratified, Aitran Mechanics will receive up to a 35% pay rate increase on date of ratification in additon to enhanced benefits in line with those contained in the Southwest Agreement.

Ratification materials along with copies of the actual Tentative Agreement will be sent to AirTran employees as soon as they have been prepared.

Yeah I bet "the position of the IBT Airline Division and Local 528 that a date of hire seniority integration would be the most fair and equitable method" unfortunately for the non biased, as well as the dispatchers arbitrator , DOH is not and never was fair and equitable in this situation...
Yeah I bet "the position of the IBT Airline Division and Local 528 that a date of hire seniority integration would be the most fair and equitable method" unfortunately for the non biased, as well as the dispatchers arbitrator , DOH is not and never was fair and equitable in this situation...

Also note in the 528 update that they mention the 35% increase in wages and bennies, as if the teamsters got that for them.
Come to think about it now, this brings us to a question for all the AirTran mechs; And I am being serious here;

What did the teamsters get for the AirTran guys? Anything? Anything at all?

Or should the question be, What did the teamsters lose for the AirTran mechs?

The true teamster mentality showed thier true colors with this one gentlemen. I just hope all the other airlines mechs that are represented by the teamsters remember this kind of representation when it comes time to have the chance to replace the teamsters. Too bad the AirTran mechs were held hostage during the teamsters political agenda during these nego. The teamsters actually lost alot for the AT guys, very, very PATHETIC to say the least...
No they are mechanics who focus on chronic problems or if you have a question about a problem you may be working. They also work with a mechanic with other problems that was a assigned to the over night maintenance work load. (tech support request, yellew letters, red letters, or chronic letters) Its more of a support role. They are apart of our cba and are in the same level as leads, maintenance control, and inspector they all get paid the same. I hope this helps.
Thank you for the great explanation.
From the dispatchers arbitration.

Arbitrators opinion:
The record is abundantly clear that the Air-tran dispatchers, upon becoming Southwest dispatchers, will be able to enjoymany benefits not now available to them, benefits that greatly enhance what they receive with Air-tran. Additionally the Air-tran dispatchers, besides getting a windfall (thats right folks, he said windfall) with pay and benefits, will also have the added benefit of joining a well established , financially solid company where greater oppurtunities will be afforded.

In turn, it must then be asked, what do the Southwest dispatchers gain out of this merger with Air-tran. These Dispatchers have established there careers with Southwest and have established themselves on the Southwest roster by seniority. Absent a bump in seniority , as requested by 550, they gain nothing versus the Air-tran dispatchers , with this merger. (thats right folks he said , they gain nothing)
I would like to throw a huge "THANK-YOU" out to both AMFA nego cmte and the AT nego cmte for thier due diligence in coming to a TA for SLI. I also want to trow out there a "JOB WELL DONE" on both sides. I know the AT cmte had some brick walls dealing with the teamsters and ibt however you guys did overcome them and prevailed with what the AT membership was wanting all along.
I would also like to see some of the AT SLI Cmte members on our contract nego cmte. I think by getting them onto our contract nego cmte it will help with obtaining some of the language they had in thier contract over to ours. Again guys, thanks for your time and efforts to get to a TA'd SLI!!!
From the dispatchers arbitration.

Arbitrators opinion:
The record is abundantly clear that the Air-tran dispatchers, upon becoming Southwest dispatchers, will be able to enjoymany benefits not now available to them, benefits that greatly enhance what they receive with Air-tran. Additionally the Air-tran dispatchers, besides getting a windfall (thats right folks, he said windfall) with pay and benefits, will also have the added benefit of joining a well established , financially solid company where greater oppurtunities will be afforded.

In turn, it must then be asked, what do the Southwest dispatchers gain out of this merger with Air-tran. These Dispatchers have established there careers with Southwest and have established themselves on the Southwest roster by seniority. Absent a bump in seniority , as requested by 550, they gain nothing versus the Air-tran dispatchers , with this merger. (thats right folks he said , they gain nothing)

I should of been an ARBITRATOR,, I have been saying the EXACT same words,, lol

DAMN I missed my calling ,, let's ponder a moment THEY(AT employee) gets-WINDFALL ,, SWA (employee) GETS NOTHING,, arbitrator must not have known about those incredible near international destinations!!

Well those words are about as simple as it gets,, just when i had given up hope there was any realistic people left out there ,, hope restored there is SANITY out there
Its as simple as this, the arbitrator compared the metrics for both work groups and there was an imbalance. This is the exact scenario that has been exhaustively presented in many different formats to the IBT/AT group, which for some reason were unable to process this said factual information. Anyway time to listen at the road show for the fine details, and vote accordingly.
I'm not one to spread rumors, but there is a disturbing rumor that's getting stronger and stronger out there about the arbitrator that was selected for the dispatchers. I've been hearing this all week but haven't posted anything for the lack of conformation. Supposibly, the AT dispatchers are appealing the arbitrated decision for conflict of interest. The rumor spreading around is that the selected arbitrator was, in some way, shape or form, once a member of the SWA board of directors or is a significant share holder. He supposedly served on the board for SWA and AA at some point in his life. Like I said, I have not seen factual information to sustain the accusation, simply spreading it forward because the rumor is starting to snow ball and pick up strength and speed...

I personally wanted to leave the dispatchers situation alone but since it's being brought up so thoroughly, I thought I might give the AT side of information being spread. If anyone knows more, please feel free to add on and let me know whether this information is accurate or not.
I'm not one to spread rumors, but there is a disturbing rumor that's getting stronger and stronger out there about the arbitrator that was selected for the dispatchers. I've been hearing this all week but haven't posted anything for the lack of conformation. Supposibly, the AT dispatchers are appealing the arbitrated decision for conflict of interest. The rumor spreading around is that the selected arbitrator was, in some way, shape or form, once a member of the SWA board of directors or is a significant share holder. He supposedly served on the board for SWA and AA at some point in his life. Like I said, I have not seen factual information to sustain the accusation, simply spreading it forward because the rumor is starting to snow ball and pick up strength and speed...

I personally wanted to leave the dispatchers situation alone but since it's being brought up so thoroughly, I thought I might give the AT side of information being spread. If anyone knows more, please feel free to add on and let me know whether this information is accurate or not.

LOL, ok. Its easy to see, with all the data compiled in the arbitration paperwork, its perfectly clear to ANY non biased person which group was better off before the aquisition IN ALL ASPECTS, and which group essentially gains NOTHING. Are you serious? Let me guess , this rumor is hot on the floor at ATL, and MCO hangars... Avtech, for christ sake give it up, this wasnt a merger it was an aquisition. Just embrace reality and you will be better off.
P.S. I love your opener, "im not one to spread rumors, but...." but let me post this on the WWW, LOFL, dude you are pathetic.
P.S. I love your opener, "im not one to spread rumors, but...." but let me post this on the WWW, LOFL, dude you are pathetic.

You really need to grow up man.. You spend your time trying desolate and insult me time and time again, when all I am doing is putting information out there for all to comment, read, speculate, correct, etc... You, on the other hand, have made it a point to try and take a jab at me whenever an opportunity arrises.. I thought you may have been passed the childish banter, but I supposed I was wrong, yet again. It shameful to think that you were once an Airtran Mechanic and you used Airtran on your resume to get your position @ SWA.. You've forgotten your roots and that's okay, most kids don't take their beginnings into account anymore anyways. You really are a disappointment.

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