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Yes it is nice to see. Puts a huge crator in everybody's comments that we have been unfair, tuff, dirty and mean. I bet the AT guys have changed thier tune about arbitration now. All I have to say is, if this gets voted down this time, the membership shoud tell nego cmte and National to go into arbitration with 6-8 years. We have more that were giving up than any other group with the LOA. Plus all the pay raises for the AT mechanics is the largest of any group except for maybe the pilots. Just a thought seeing how the arbitrators are ruling.

Now, I thought that LOA was just to get the IBT's attention and wasn't meant to last?? Or so you were making us all believe... This ruling doesn't necessarily reflect a future ruling although i'm sure AMFA will add this to their arsenal if it does go to arbitration.. If the SWA Membership votes this down and forces this to arbitration, when you're getting exactly what you ask for, it's not going to look good in the eyes of ANY Arbitrator. You have to keep in mind, the dispatchers have never voted on an SLI and this will be our 2nd vote for the mechanics. I'm not an arbitrator, but if I were and I saw the SWA membership vote down two agreements, one consisting of a minimum 4 years or 70%, your LOA, station protections and the 2nd that consists of a simple 4 year bump and all the protections gone, I would think that the SWA Membership never really intended on merging the 2 workgroups regardless of any SLI agreement. I know you're going to mention the come down from the ridiculous 12 year offer to 4, but AT has come down form relative, to DOH to 4 years/70% to 4 years.... AT has agreed to the AMFA terms and offer and if the AMFA membership votes it down a 2nd time, I don't think an arbitrator will take that very lightly when making a decision.. Although the dispatchers arbitrated ruling came to be 4 years, doesn't mean ours will be the same. Hopefully we will never find out either way, but i guess time will tell.
I now feel that I have to post this so not to be called a lier by xUT. Below is the company's statement on the TA'd SLI:Southwest and AirTran Aircraft Mechanics Reach Tentative Seniority Integration AgreementBlog By: EmployeeNews on Apr 24, 2012 at 9:00am

Southwest Airlines is pleased to announce that Aircraft Mechanics from Southwest, represented by the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA), and AirTran, represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) have reached a new tentative seniority integration agreement. If ratified, this proposal would integrate the two groups' seniority lists.

"I'm grateful for the many hours those on the Negotiating Teams dedicated to this effort," said Jim Sokol, Southwest Vice President Maintenance Operations. "Both sides learned a lot from the first round of talks, and I’m proud that we were able to reach a negotiated agreement outside of arbitration and that both sides will have a voice in their future here at Southwest."

Members of both AMFA and IBT will now have the opportunity to review and ratify this proposed agreement within the next 45 days. AMFA represents approximately 1,600 Southwest Aircraft Mechanics, and the IBT represents more than 400 AirTran Aircraft Mechanics.

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Your rating: None Average: 4.4 (8 votes) Posted in: Aircraft Mechanics AirTran AMFA IBT News SWA

Why do you have to take a month to do road shows to explain this agrrement, this is pretty clean cut and dry.
HAHA! The position YOU'VE held!! That's funny coming from one that has multiple time stated that he doesn't care what happens to the AT mechanics and is more recently wanting them to hit the street!! Between you and SWA.TECH, Squidly and Buscador... The only position you've shown on here was the one out for blood and not for a fair integration.. if this would've been posted by anyone else, like SWAMT or SWADL, then i would've believed it, but coming from you, I find it funny!!

Thanks for making me laugh this morning!!! LOFL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

By all means, find a previous post where I stated I don't care what happens to the AT mechanics or that I wanted them to hit the street. That dancing banana is the only thing that needs to hit the street. :unsure:
aai717- the reason why it takes time is because we have more MX stations that need to be informed of the TA! We will try to inform all members at all stations. Hope this info helps.
By all means, find a previous post where I stated I don't care what happens to the AT mechanics or that I wanted them to hit the street. That dancing bananna is the only thing that needs to hit the street. :unsure:

You're right, my mistake. It was on another forum that someone used your name, the-amt.com. They stated that they are going to vote NO on everything until AT mechanics hit the street. That may have not been you. My apologies, but the bananas here to stay.
And yes it is pretty cut and clean but we still must inform our membership. Trust me it's a good thing that we inform our membership on all things important.
AT has agreed to the AMFA terms and offer and if the AMFA membership votes it down a 2nd time, I don't think an arbitrator will take that very lightly when making a decision.. Although the dispatchers arbitrated ruling came to be 4 years, doesn't mean ours will be the same. Hopefully we will never find out either way, but i guess time will tell.
I will be voting for this agreement because it is in the range that I have always believed to be fair to us.

But I have to admit that I find it strange that now Avtech is trying to use the fear mongering on US to vote FOR a 4 year increase in our seniority over his fellow mechanics.

What a role reversal.
In fact, I do know xUT. Although by now you know, that the dispatchers have in "FACT" recieved thier ruling from the arbitrator. They recieved a 4 year boost for the SWA dispatchers. And yes you did miss the ruling. I have also recieved information that the baggage handlers, or rather rampers, are also going to recieve a boost in seniority. The amount has not been determained as of yet. However, my sources tell me that it will be 2.5 to 3 yr boost. Now we have 2 groups,for the SWA employees side that went thru arbitration that will recieve "boost" in seniority. Watch and learn my friend, I have more info than anyone out here in cyberland...

If you did 'know', you would have posted a link.
Had you done so, I would have kept my big yap shut (probably... :lol: ).
Take Care,
B) xUT
swamt, on 23 April 2012 - 10:03 AM, said:

Yes they do. We were told they will also look at what the other groups recieved in thier non-arbitrated agreements who have an agreement by voting them in, which means the pilots group and the F/A's. I would be willing to bet the arbitrators were aware of our current offer coming out soon of 4 yrs. And if they were not, I know the dispatchers unions enlightened them on it. At least the first offer of 4 and 70% was talked about.

Fact is, "YOU DO NOT KNOW"!, dispatchers arbitration has not been decided yet you 'claim' it has. It may very will be as you 'claim' but without an official ruling, you are speculating (at best).
I may have missed the ruling, and if so, please provide a link.
Do you believe me now xUT?
Rampers will get a boost as well. Just don't know the number yet.
I wasn't speculating.
No you didn't miss the ruling.
And you were provided a link, so now what do you think of that ruling?

As I stated previously.
Had you provided proof prior to your speculation, I would have not said much... :lol:
If you have such an 'inside track' on this, why did a UA person provide the link and not you?
As far as the ruling, it doesn't matter what I think. It's binding arbitration and both parties should be happy it's over.
B) xUT
XUT- swamt obviously knew about the ruling or wouldn't have said anything about it. And he was dead on about the 4 years. The fact that he didn't post it could have been many reasons why, such as posting from phone or just was busy. Either way it was posted and you can now see the actual ruling in its own wording.
Are you done embarrassing yourself xNUT?

You could apologize to SWAMT for calling him a liar, but I doubt you have the class.

An arbitrator has ruled that a 4 year bump for SWA employees is fair and is required to prevent a windfall to Airtran employees.

We have been saying this all along while you and other know-it-all outsiders have been claiming we were wrong, dirty, mean, destroying our craft and a whole lot of other things.

Keep your nose out of our business, you clearly are not as smart as you think.

Read the decision, the arguments sound as if we wrote them ourselves.
And the final decision was in SWA employees favor.
Embarrassed? Why?
I never called SWAMT a liar, I just wanted empirical proof. Without 'proof' it is speculation.
B) xUT
XUT- swamt obviously knew about the ruling or wouldn't have said anything about it. And he was dead on about the 4 years. The fact that he didn't post it could have been many reasons why, such as posting from phone or just was busy. Either way it was posted and you can now see the actual ruling in its own wording.

You may very well be correct and if that's the case, I apologize for jumping the gun.
As for myself, I always 'trust but verify'.
Just me I guess.
Good luck on your vote!
B) xUT
You're right, my mistake. It was on another forum that someone used your name, the-amt.com. They stated that they are going to vote NO on everything until AT mechanics hit the street. That may have not been you. My apologies, but the bananas here to stay.

IMHO, take The-Amt.com with a grain of salt. It's the wild west over there and you never know who's posting what. The-Mechanic.com was not much better. At least here, your ip, login, email is tracked.
That's why it is not as popular, cuts down on the b####hiters.
Good luck on your vote!
B) xUT
XUT- swamt obviously knew about the ruling or wouldn't have said anything about it. And he was dead on about the 4 years. The fact that he didn't post it could have been many reasons why, such as posting from phone or just was busy. Either way it was posted and you can now see the actual ruling in its own wording.

On a side note, You have to admit that having 2 TWU locals going to binding arbitration against each other is satire. Or is it just me?

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