IBT No Show Forum

Maybe, but what they say to your 'face' may not be what they do in cyberspace.
Reading internet "Huff N'Puff" is much easier than actually doing it.
Take Care,
B) xUT
The people I know from SWA are very good union people who were very supportive of us during our strike. They also did not have a god complex. I remember when we (you and I and the other AMFA foot soldiers) were working hard to sell the idea of AMFA back in the day.

If it was not for us there would be no AMFA for these guys to champion.

I really hope these guys can get past this. I think they will because many of the blowhards do not represent the majority.

Take care.
If you really knew how AMFA worked, then you would know we never blackmailed AMFA National, they simply did exactly what the membership told them what to do. AMFA National listens to their members. teamsters never listen to their members and always tell their members what is best for them. And BTW, we told AMFA National if they were to entertain a card drive from the AT mechs that they would be removed just as fast as they came into SWA. It was the exact same thing we told the teamsters when they were trying to raise our dues (without a vote mind you) along with many other issues at the time, and they did not believe us, matter fact they thought we were bluffing, they enacted the dues increase and 2 weeks later we had an overwhelming record card drive done for AMFA to come in. It's not blackmailing, it's fact. You tell someone what will happen if they do something, and that is the result of what you told them is fact, not blackmailing.

Semantics, If I threaten to brake your nose if you don't give me $100 is that blackmail?
But I do have a better understanding of where you are coming from.

We all out here in cyberland know what you are doing UT. You are trying your dambness to discretic AMFA as much as you can. Not going to happen sir. But by all means please keep trying to do so, your ignorance on how we operate at SWA is very comical.

Not in any way, just trying to help you guys make AMFA the "BEST" Union!
Everyone is watching what the SWA AMFA is doing.
If you are such great example of AMFA unionism, why did the Horizon M&R stay with the ibt?

Until you can grasp how AMFA works, I will leave you with this: The membership runs and operates AMFA, not the National.

Yet you blackmail the international to deny AT membership.

With the teamsters at your UAL/CAL location, the ibt runs the union. Which is never in the best interest of the members. I will be frank with you, the dumb-asses at UAL voted the teamsters back in because of all their promices and garrentees. They are now feeling the effect of their votes. By all means, pls put a question, from you, to an AT mechanic if they thought their interest was in the forefront while the teamsters were dealing with their integration with the SWA/AMFA membership. You keep harping on AMFA, AMFA does what the membership tells them to do. No other union works this way--NONE! If you cannot accept this then tuff-titties. Get over it, move on and start a card drive at UAL, OH wait, never mind, there is already one going on at UAL/CAL. And there is one started at AA. Hmmmm, I wonder why?...
No argument, UAL M&R foolishly voted in the ibt and will pay dearly for it for years.
Take Care,
B) xUT
Maybe, but what they say to your 'face' may not be what they do in cyberspace.
Reading internet "Huff N'Puff" is much easier than actually doing it.
Take Care,
B) xUT

I'm sure most of us on here would be happy to say to your face what has been said on this forum if the opportunity should ever arise. You are just another internet wise guy who is overwhelmed by his own self-importance. :lol:
Yet you blackmail the international to deny AT membership.

B) xUT

No blackmail. We simply delayed the inevitable so we could reach a fair and equitable seniority integration. Your definition of fair is not ours, but then again, yours doesn't matter since you aren't included in the process. :eek:
AMFA worked pretty well at United, but the UAL M&R did not see it, but no one ever blackmailed AMFA National. Maybe they should have then UAL would be just like you!...

:p xNUT... :lol:

And just maybe you were not enough of a leader to keep AMFA in at UAL eh hotshot ?

Blame them but it just reflects how poor of a job your precious local 9 did.

You call it blackmail while we call it holding the Amfa national accountable.

We show strenght in our locals while you were weak.

I like your new moniker xNUT, I am glad to see you embrace what we here see of you.

By the way, you changed one of my posts and as you scolded me once " that's against forum rules"

xUT wrote:

Semantics, If I threaten to brake your nose if you don't give me $100 is that blackmail?
But I do have a better understanding of where you are coming from.


No that is not blackmail. That is in fact Robbery. And if I refused to to give up the $100 bucks, and you did brake my nose for not giving you the $100 bucks, then it becomes assult. Which niether case mentioned here has anything to do with blackmail.
Once again, and as others have tried to tell you, we have never blackmailed AMFA as you have suggested. We simply told them what would happend if they did not do what we requested of them. Just like we have been telling the AT guys that if they did not go along with what we have told them (or at least what I told them) then the company will start to get ugly. And they did, starting with pulling full pay and retro pay. Again this is not blackmailing, it is for a fact what will happend if they do not play along nicely. Everything we have said would happend to the AT guys, has happend. Try again xUT...
There are a lot of on the fence people now compared to before on the last vote. More No's than before also. I think it's going to be a lot closer than before, but I still think it will pass. There are so many low seniority guys that are going to be at the bottom of the list anyways that's obviously voting yes and now the higher senior guys that voted yes before because of the protections, are pretty much all no votes. If I had to call it, I'd say it's going to be 55% yes to 45% no's. Thats about how much I would gauge this vote. I predicted the last vote to pass by a significant margin, I think I predicted over 80% yes, even though I was a no vote. This ones a little tougher to call.

And to POBIT, I don't want arbitraion now, it's too late in my opinion. I want to see this through to end in our hands. But I did want arbitration in the very beginning. I pushed for it and told our union that it was our best route, as did many others. Obviously I fell on deaf ears and now thanks to the IBT, the AT committee and AMFA, we are where we are now.

Vote this in and get it passed us. Give the SWA guys their 4 years and lets move on. I may not think it to be the fairest deal, but it's time we get this done and over with. Besides, in the while scheme of things, the difference between 4 years and 2.5 years in an overlapping station is only about 2 guys, so let them have it and let's move on!!
who says the 4 years will fly? Just because it's offered by the committee doesn't mean its what the people want ....
I'm sure most of us on here would be happy to say to your face what has been said on this forum if the opportunity should ever arise. You are just another internet wise guy who is overwhelmed by his own self-importance. :lol:

DISGRUNTLED EX MAJOR........ knows everything , yet knows nothing.
who says the 4 years will fly? Just because it's offered by the committee doesn't mean its what the people want ....

Yea, we'll see... The rest of your membership is smarter than the ones that post on these forums. You'd be dumb not to vote for a 4 year boost. You're getting 4 years above what you currently have for the rest of your career!! if SWA buys or merges with another airline, you'll have a 4 year advantage already, something an arbitrator will never award you for no amount of money! you're getting something money can't even buy, in other words. And to vote this down to spite 357 already JUNIOR mechanics, in their majority would show an extreme amount of stupidity.

Just to reiterate this and put it in perspective, AT mechanics are getting a boost in money, SWA mechanics are getting what money can never buy, a boost in seniority!! If you don't think your LOA is worth the 4 years, well think again. Everyone knows that if anyone fights that LOA, AT, the IBT, etc.. They're going to win. That LOA doesn't stand a prayer in a court of law. But I am just a simple mechanic that changes tires and brakes, what do I know! Oh wait, that's the same thing all you guys do too!
xUT wrote:

Semantics, If I threaten to brake your nose if you don't give me $100 is that blackmail?
But I do have a better understanding of where you are coming from.


No that is not blackmail. That is in fact Robbery. And if I refused to to give up the $100 bucks, and you did brake my nose for not giving you the $100 bucks, then it becomes assult. Which niether case mentioned here has anything to do with blackmail.
Once again, and as others have tried to tell you, we have never blackmailed AMFA as you have suggested. We simply told them what would happend if they did not do what we requested of them. Just like we have been telling the AT guys that if they did not go along with what we have told them (or at least what I told them) then the company will start to get ugly. And they did, starting with pulling full pay and retro pay. Again this is not blackmailing, it is for a fact what will happend if they do not play along nicely. Everything we have said would happend to the AT guys, has happend. Try again xUT...

OK, my analogy sucked. :p
It's SWA AMFA ballgame, I may not agree with the way it's handled, but it 'IS' SWA AMFA decision.
Just don't expect me to disappear if I don't agree.
Take Care,
B) xUT
And just maybe you were not enough of a leader to keep AMFA in at UAL eh hotshot ?

Blame them but it just reflects how poor of a job your precious local 9 did.

You call it blackmail while we call it holding the Amfa national accountable.

We show strenght in our locals while you were weak.

Sometimes truth and education fail in light of lies and deception. AMFA 9 did not degrade themselves to the BS that the ibt promised. We told them the "TRUTH"!
We "informed" the membership of their track record (including crossing union picket lines), false promises (never kept), but the UAL M&R chose the ibt.
Even now that the ibt has not kept 'one' "written" promise, the UAL M&R doesn't have enough cards for AMFA or the IAM.
Yea, blame me if that makes you existence easier.

I like your new moniker xNUT, I am glad to see you embrace what we here see of you.
Thanks, I thought you would appreciate it. :lol:
By the way, you changed one of my posts and as you scolded me once " that's against forum rules"

My bad, did you squeal to mommy?

Take Care,
B) xUT
Sometimes truth and education fail in light of lies and deception. AMFA 9 did not degrade themselves to the BS that the ibt promised. We told them the "TRUTH"!
We "informed" the membership of their track record (including crossing union picket lines), false promises (never kept), but the UAL M&R chose the ibt.
Even now that the ibt has not kept 'one' "written" promise, the UAL M&R doesn't have enough cards for AMFA or the IAM.
Yea, blame me if that makes you existence easier.
I would say that is like blaming a lost game on the refs, but in your case it is worse.

You are saying your own membership was too stupid.
They fell for "lies and deception" eh xNUT.

Man up, take responsibility for losing that election. Perhaps it was your inept leadership skills that turned the tide.

No you are right, your members were just to stupid to believe you.

You are a piece of work.

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