A little note for all you "clowns" out here that this integration between SWA and AT mechs does not even effect. The SWA/AT nego cmtes are in fact following the law. They are in fact nego to come to a fair integration to be voted on by both memberships. Appearently, the AT group has desided to vote on the 4 yr offer from AMFA. Still the memberships will deside. If it is voted in, then the majority from both sides thinks it is fair. If it is voted down, then the majority from possibly both sides does not think it was fair. I love it when people that are not involved directly has so much input on how they think this should go. Just wait till AA and US (if they do in fact merge) start their integration nego, both sides will be fighting for the best outcome for their members, which is exactly what happens between SWA and AT. AMFA did exactly what a good union is suppose to do, protect their members seniority to the best of their ability. It's called nego gentlemen, how each side prepares for and protects their members is completely up to them. Now, give it a rest...
I have to disagree. This integration was not done in a fair manner nor is this vote fair. You've threatened and scared the AT committee into a position that resulted in the AT committee coming off their mark and negotiating our seniority away without our permission. The clowns were the AT committee members and the IBT, or more the puppets. AMFA made this negotiations as unfair as legally or illegally possible.
After the announcement of the aquisition was made, there was silence in both MX sides, AMFA ignored the IBT and vise versa. Then, the SWA AMFA committee made the first move by "voting" on the march 28th LOA that virtually placed every AT mechanic in the bottom of the seniority list if we got integrated. Dirty, but okay, I get it... Then, when ATL came together under the direction of our MX manager at the time, Jim Trebelcock, and made a committee, the first thing they did was offer you some seniority to make this happen. And as a reply, you asked for a staple.
They were back and forth for a few months, wasting time, playing AMFA's game they way AMFA planned on playing it from the beginning... Dirty!
So, instead of having the IBT file for arbitration from the begining, like the membership wanted, they allowed the AT committee to try and negotiate away out seniority. In which they have successfully done!!
To say that this deal is fair or done fairly is laughable at best. AT was trying to at fair with someone who was ready to slit our necks if necessary to spite their craft. That's why I will never agree with anyone who tries to analyze this and say it was fair!!
I'm pushing for this vote now because I'm tired of playing this game against AMFA, we were setup to lose from the beginning but no one bothered to look 5 mins in front of them to see that. Arbitration a year ago would have been fair regardless of the results just because how dirty AMFA has been playing this integration. And step 1 was that LOA!! I don't care who or what you are, that LOA was illegal and wrong. And sure you'll be willing to give it up now, but nothing stops you from getting it back after this is said and done, certainly not Jim suchhole, the SWA manager that signed off on it.
Let's call this what it truely is, an ultimate win for SWA mechanics! Regardless of how much more money AT might be getting out of this deal, SWA mechs get the ultimate prize, a nice little cushion at the bottom of the seniority list, plus less competition and more seniority for the next buyout or merger SWA does!! Because the money and benefits you already had so the ultimate winner here, SWA mechanics. So, I think we at Airtran deserve a thank you for giving you an everlasting 4 year boost over what you already have. Something an arbitrator would have never granted you....
So, let's get this over with. Vote the 4 years in, merge the 2 work groups and lets move on! But don't ever slap me in the face and say this was done fairly!