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Hey AvTech04,

Are you getting some input from the guys you work with? If so, roughly what are the percentages of yeses and no's? Just courious. Once we have our road shows we will have a good idea how this will all go on the SWA side and I will post.
I posted my opinion about you already, so go back and take a look. I'm not entertaining your idiocy, but I will answer your question, for the 5th time since you apparently can't remember. I was hired by SWA for a position in MCO before even going over to AirTran. I turned it down because, apparently, SWA and their ultimate management and brilliance posts positions internally while simultaneously posting the same position externally. So I applied, got hired and someone transferred into the position I was hired for before I could begin... They then offered me the position that opened because of the transfer and I humbly turned it down. SWA is just another airline, same at delta or AirTran in my perspective, only difference is they just over pay for their performance. In the end, I decided to stick with Airtran. They were the logical choice for me seeing that I am unwilling to move or change my way of life for any airline. But, like I said, I am not entertaining any of the idiocy that comes from your posts any longer, so go find my opinion of you and have a nice day 🙂

You sir are BRILLIANT! when you were considering career choices , and you decided to go with an airline!! NO ONE ever has to relocate with an airline, so damned smart!! Thanks for your reply it gives me more insight on youre profile. You should apply for management when you finally do come over, then you could do something about all of us overpaid, underperforming mechanics!! Im sure in your opinion they are the same , thats because you havent worked for SWA, we have people from EVERY arline, and the concensus is, its not the same. Its probably good you didnt take the transfer, because with your attitude you would have washed out like some of the other AT guys did. Good luck during probation.
AT mechanics will get the better end of this deal. They get all the increases in pay and benefits and lose none of their quality of life, not that I'm saying they should. When the 2013 Annual Bid is completed the vast majority of AT mechanics will hold almost exactly what they had previously. I can't see one negative thing about their agreeing to the 4 years.
Hey AvTech04,

Are you getting some input from the guys you work with? If so, roughly what are the percentages of yeses and no's? Just courious. Once we have our road shows we will have a good idea how this will all go on the SWA side and I will post.

There are a lot of on the fence people now compared to before on the last vote. More No's than before also. I think it's going to be a lot closer than before, but I still think it will pass. There are so many low seniority guys that are going to be at the bottom of the list anyways that's obviously voting yes and now the higher senior guys that voted yes before because of the protections, are pretty much all no votes. If I had to call it, I'd say it's going to be 55% yes to 45% no's. Thats about how much I would gauge this vote. I predicted the last vote to pass by a significant margin, I think I predicted over 80% yes, even though I was a no vote. This ones a little tougher to call.

And to POBIT, I don't want arbitraion now, it's too late in my opinion. I want to see this through to end in our hands. But I did want arbitration in the very beginning. I pushed for it and told our union that it was our best route, as did many others. Obviously I fell on deaf ears and now thanks to the IBT, the AT committee and AMFA, we are where we are now.

Vote this in and get it passed us. Give the SWA guys their 4 years and lets move on. I may not think it to be the fairest deal, but it's time we get this done and over with. Besides, in the while scheme of things, the difference between 4 years and 2.5 years in an overlapping station is only about 2 guys, so let them have it and let's move on!!
AT mechanics will get the better end of this deal. They get all the increases in pay and benefits and lose none of their quality of life, not that I'm saying they should. When the 2013 Annual Bid is completed the vast majority of AT mechanics will hold almost exactly what they had previously. I can't see one negative thing about their agreeing to the 4 years.

Wait a minute, I won't say the vast majority of AT mechanics will hold what they hold today. Yes, the ATL guys won't be affected right away but our next 2 biggest stations will be MCO, BWI and DFW (to lesser extent because of fewer guys) some of those guys will lose day shift, second shift and their days off. Also our IND and BOS ( this is one guy here and I know its funny) will have to relocate. That leave us with MKE and FLL, MKE will stay similar to ATL but FLL will be a highly desirable station for the combined group. All of our stations know this and are still willing to pass this, it will be closer than the last but, it will pass. I'm not trying to get on you just trying to help you understand. And yes we all know the money and benefits are good and that help.
All we keep hearing from the other side is how mean and unfair SWA mechanics and AMFA have been.
This highlighted quote hints at the real elephant in the room.

The company started this and agrees with us.

Your little review of the history of this has left out a few details.

All work groups waited for the pilots to settle and set the precedent for negotiations.

The company gave a LOA protection letter to SWA pilots first.

The company told Airtran pilots that they would give up seniority or would never see SWA pilot wages .

The company, the people who sign your pay checks, believe all SWA employees deserve a seniority boost in exchange for the superior pay and benefits that the Airtran employees will get.

The company gave SWA mechanics a protection LOA because they think it is fair.

Nice scape goat. Since it is 'The Company' why are you even involved other than to parrot what 'The Company' says. Fact is you guys sway 'The Company' in your favor then use 'The Company' as a crutch. 😱

Anyone who says this is all because AMFA or SWA mechanics are playing “Dirty” or are mean and have no “Honor-Skill-Integrity” xNUT B) are missing these facts.

Go cry to 'The Company' , maybe I'll get banned... :lol:

The company controls this whole thing.
If they said they would pay Airtran employees SWA wage rates regardless of the outcome, then all work groups would hold out for DOH.

But guess what?

'The Company' has a major say in what is fair and equitable to all employees and believes this is the fair way to do it.

All work groups are trying to get the best deal for themselves and the selective outrage to just SWA employees is noticeable.

Try going in and directing this same level of distain Sandinista to 'The Company' who is directing this seniority for benefits swap for all.
We have an open door policy at SWA. You can go right in to a manager or director or VPs office and tell them how mean and dirty they are for wanting a fair seniority for benefits deal for SWA employees, and for buying Airtran and giving them opportunities they would never see at Airtran anywhere in the near future.

I am sure 'The Company' cares how you feel about it.
😛 xNUT... :lol:
We have had THIS discussion before too.
I guess you missed it also.

Amfa is not the fantasy you pretend it is.
News flash.

When we dumped the ibt, we wanted a union of our own.
We were tired of the teamsters telling us what was best for us and then not listening to us.

Amfa had a democratic system and open negotiations.
Since we never trusted the ibt, this system fit our bill.
That was all. We were not joining a cult or some over reaching utopian society to protect all aircraft mechanics in the world.

The amfa system allows us the autonomy to control our own destiny period.

If that ever changes, we will dump them also.

Amfa works for us, we don't work for them.

Why do I have to keep repeating myself to you xNUT B)

I absolutely had no previous knowledge that you guys blackmailed amfa national to keep out the AT guys until you 'have your way with them'. If you have a link to that post, just put it here.

AMFA worked pretty well at United, but the UAL M&R did not see it, but no one ever blackmailed AMFA National. Maybe they should have then UAL would be just like you!...

😛 xNUT... :lol:
I absolutely had no previous knowledge that you guys blackmailed amfa national to keep out the AT guys until you 'have your way with them'. If you have a link to that post, just put it here.

AMFA worked pretty well at United, but the UAL M&R did not see it, but no one ever blackmailed AMFA National. Maybe they should have then UAL would be just like you!...

😛 xNUT... :lol:

If you really knew how AMFA worked, then you would know we never blackmailed AMFA National, they simply did exactly what the membership told them what to do. AMFA National listens to their members. teamsters never listen to their members and always tell their members what is best for them. And BTW, we told AMFA National if they were to entertain a card drive from the AT mechs that they would be removed just as fast as they came into SWA. It was the exact same thing we told the teamsters when they were trying to raise our dues (without a vote mind you) along with many other issues at the time, and they did not believe us, matter fact they thought we were bluffing, they enacted the dues increase and 2 weeks later we had an overwhelming record card drive done for AMFA to come in. It's not blackmailing, it's fact. You tell someone what will happen if they do something, and that is the result of what you told them is fact, not blackmailing. We all out here in cyberland know what you are doing UT. You are trying your dambness to discretic AMFA as much as you can. Not going to happen sir. But by all means please keep trying to do so, your ignorance on how we operate at SWA is very comical.
Until you can grasp how AMFA works, I will leave you with this: The membership runs and operates AMFA, not the National. With the teamsters at your UAL/CAL location, the ibt runs the union. Which is never in the best interest of the members. I will be frank with you, the dumb-asses at UAL voted the teamsters back in because of all their promices and garrentees. They are now feeling the effect of their votes. By all means, pls put a question, from you, to an AT mechanic if they thought their interest was in the forefront while the teamsters were dealing with their integration with the SWA/AMFA membership. You keep harping on AMFA, AMFA does what the membership tells them to do. No other union works this way--NONE! If you cannot accept this then tuff-titties. Get over it, move on and start a card drive at UAL, OH wait, never mind, there is already one going on at UAL/CAL. And there is one started at AA. Hmmmm, I wonder why?...
This small group posting here is a the vocal minority of the SWA employees that I know and call freinds.

One question for you. Is it not true that everything that has happend to date, has happend as we have stated? Yes we are a small group posting here, however, it is and has been the majority of what the membership has stated. And the voting results have prooven this. Just ask one of your own, like AvTech, everything we have said would happend, did happend. They were not threats or fear mongering, they were facts. Now I am not talking about the postings from the SWA guys that are claiming AT guys will be out of a job if this goes to arbitration. But everything else stands. Just take the time to research it...
Has anyone heard any details on this proposel besides the 4 years. Any idea on the details of the station protections? Will there be a 401k match? Denver mx? I'm glad to see that most everyone is communicating better this time around, I hope we can keep it up.
Has anyone heard any details on this proposel besides the 4 years. Any idea on the details of the station protections? Will there be a 401k match? Denver mx? I'm glad to see that most everyone is communicating better this time around, I hope we can keep it up.

It's actually very simple. SWA gets 4 yrs boost in seniority. AT keeps DOH. The headcount protections for BWI and MCO, I believe are the current numbers that are currently working in these locations. The exact numbers I do not know, but we will know more at road shows. No fences. The March 29, 2011 LOA will disappear. And the integration agreement and the transition agreement will have one vote for both documents, they both survive or die with one vote.

The 401K match increase and Denver maint. was agreed upon by the company at one of the last couple of meetings. I believe it was agreed to after the 3 party's agreed to sign the "Process Agreements" What has to happend is the membership "has to vote on this" In other words the membership has to vote in the increase to the 401K as it is a change to our contract. Yes, it is a possitive change, however, anything that changes anything in our contract must be agreed upon by the membership by a majority vote. This time the 401K and Den maint is not tied to anything, we will get it, however, we have to vote it in. So we will all see another item to vote on. If these guys vote this one down this time, the mechanics will not see the 2% increase come back until sec 6 is done. The 401K/Den maint and the integration/transitional agreements will be voted on seperately. One last note, the 401K increase match will get retro'd back to 1-2012.

POBIT, The way I understand it, the 4-23-12 meeting is suppose to be for 1) Going over each and every line to verify and clerify intent to all 3 party's involved. 2) Final fix to any verbage clerifications. 3) Get all 3 party's to anitial off on the agreements. 4) Then finally send it out to both sides for ratification process. I know, I know, All the other meetings always had more and more crap come up after they started the meetings. I don't think this will happend this time, it should be about a 2-4 hour meeting and done. But, you never know...
For all you guys trying to get back to Dallas, the first bid is posted concerning the 5 per month positions for the new 4th line of maint. Just posting this to show the AT guys that this will continue until the 3rd quarter of 2013. So the AT DFW guys will have plenty of opertunities to get into Dal. I do believe the last 2 bids that had openings in Dal went unfilled, this tells the company that most if not all the mechanics wanting to come to Dal is done. The bid # is 46-12. 5 pos for Dal and 2 others outside stations. Good luck bidding...

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