Remember this post you made?
Now read it as if I wrote it to you.
Take what we are offering and let's just move on.
And I have to agree with you. The AT committee has not kept to their word thus far, mostly thanks to its Atlanta members. So, since I can't say for certian what they are going to do next, because it's not what they're telling us, I am forced to agree with you. If it ends up being a 4 year vote then it's going to be a close one on both sides. Not so many people are on the payscale bandwagon anymore especially since a lot at Airtran believe that SWA is going to ask, or demand, concessions soon. No one can say they know for certian whether or no that will happen, but you know how word on the hangar floor spreads like a wildfire.
I guess the point I was trying to make before was, since I wasn't very clear, since we're the ones taking the hit on the seniority, then I think it just to be fair that it be done on our terms. Meaning, I we wanted to give percentages rather than years then let us go that route or if we wanted to take a loss on our seniority, let us go that route. Instead, AMFA is making us negotiate away our seniority. I'm not trying to sound like an ass on here I'm just trying to explain further what I mean. Like many have said before, SWA guys lives don't change here, you have nothing to gain or really lose either, so if you want me to give you a good show of faith, allow me to do it on my terms especially since so much is changing for AT mech's, some for the better and some for the worst. I hope what i was trying to say makes more sense explained that way.
I can tell you that if a 4 year offer were placed in front of me right now, today, I would probably vote yes just to get this over with. Of course only if there are no strings attached. Meaning, that LOA is gone and no protected stations or slots. To me, all those "protections" really only bring more harm than good because I limits us to what a unionized group is supposed to stand for and that's fairness for all and equal treatment.
Anyway, I wish the best outcome for all of us, SWA and AT alike, and hope for a bright future as one airline.