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A couple years ago I was asked by a few pilots when we were going to put mx in denver so they could get a crew base there. They told me that it was in their contract that they couldn't have a base that didnt have mx. Anyone know if its true? I do know our mx area at den is very cloae to being staffed
Attention all Airtran mech's:

The arbitrator will use the offers made in a decision so you've already lost DOH! You have already shown you would give up some and that WILL be taken into consideration.

Me? I want to drag it out forever! You had an opportunity to get an instant pay raise (quite large too) with a pile of handsome benefits but you wanted MORE! GREED is alive and it's called Airtran!

With fuel prices going up the future of that POS 717 looks bleak! Oh and lest we forget when GK #### cans them we won't need all of those mechanics to support them! BYE! How does the fuel price effect the 717, I'll tell you. It makes NO common sense as well as business sense to fly a plane that burns valuable fuel and only haul 80 people! It's a no brainer, 717 is toast!

I make good money with GREAT benefits and a secure future with a solid company. YOU had and have your chance but you greedy SOB'S want it all! Go for it! I welcome the fight! I worked and fought with my fellow SWA AMT's to get us where we are and I WON'T give it up and away without a fight! Division forever is what we will have with this fight and if you're comfortable with being considered a POS by over 1700 mech's then fine, go for it. Might think about this, if your lead is an SWA mech, YOU'RE SCREWED!

I have had it with the attitude of a few Airtran folks on this board who THINK they deserve it all! GO TO HELL!
To Give you a clue the 717 does not seat 80 people. It seats 117 passengers if the business class were removed and replaced with coach seats you could have 132 passengers. Ummm smaller lighter aircraft and a lighter footprint equals higher cost.

As far as your insults you should try practicing the "Golden Rule" We all at AT worked hard to build the company that was targeted for purchase from SWA. It was sought after because it wasn't going to make a profit and increase the bottom line of SWA. I think you should check out page #8 SWA life 2012 Message to the Field from GK. It may give you an insight that AT did bring more than just aircraft and routes. Maybe you can reflect back on that the next profit sharing check you receive.
Like I said why is this a company issue? all we need to do is intergrate seniority and we want to hold the company hostage for money or incentive to do anything. This is AMFA? WE DON't CARE! MAKE THIS WORTH OUR WHILE! this is why mechanics get nothing done without management help! which in turn allows managent to lead us around like sheep

No we cant get noting done by ourself cause we have a bunch of idiots that reprecenting us. we have a bunch of greddy, lazy, cry baby mecahnics. All these kids running around here telling us whats good for us and fighting with the people that sign all our paychecks. OUR company nneeds this done cause were costing more money to them that were worht. yall want something to get something done, how bout the job yall already have, that should be enough to be thankful for
No we cant get noting done by ourself cause we have a bunch of idiots that reprecenting us. we have a bunch of greddy, lazy, cry baby mecahnics. All these kids running around here telling us whats good for us and fighting with the people that sign all our paychecks. OUR company nneeds this done cause were costing more money to them that were worht. yall want something to get something done, how bout the job yall already have, that should be enough to be thankful for

Imposter trying to pass himself off as a SWA Mech! Not gonna Work!
Imposter trying to pass himself off as a SWA Mech! Not gonna Work!

Correct. Another "new poster" with 3 post entering to say he knows everything. It's so obvious it's pathetic...
We have not seen your 4 yr offer or anything else for that matter.
My freind on the ibt committe said we have not recieved the amfa offer yet...
but we will vote on it when we see it...

Are you sure about your last statement? Is the April 5th meeting just to iron out the verbage? This is the first time I have heard that the AT guys will be voting on it. Can you pls elaborate, and get confirmation, and repost? Can anyone else say they have heard the same as 'dc9fxer' as far as the AT guys will be voting on the 4 year offer? Or could he be talking about the comte voting rather to send it out to the membership or not?

Also, does anyone know if the written offer has been sent over at least to the ibt and nego cmte? It may not reach the AT membership until after the April 5th meeting. Surely they have it by now, huh??
Are you sure about your last statement? Is the April 5th meeting just to iron out the verbage? This is the first time I have heard that the AT guys will be voting on it. Can you pls elaborate, and get confirmation, and repost? Can anyone else say they have heard the same as 'dc9fxer' as far as the AT guys will be voting on the 4 year offer? Or could he be talking about the comte voting rather to send it out to the membership or not?

Also, does anyone know if the written offer has been sent over at least to the ibt and nego cmte? It may not reach the AT membership until after the April 5th meeting. Surely they have it by now, huh??
Do you have any idea when the amfa membership is going to get to see the offer?
I haven't heard for sure if it will be voted on or not. But hopefully they let their whole membership see the offer.
I haven't heard for sure if it will be voted on or not. But hopefully they let their whole membership see the offer.

That would be wise. They don't want another fiasco like what happened to the AT pilots. They learned the hard way. Although it wasn't the memberships fault, it was the nego team (MEC) that refused to let the membership see it. That's when they got the 2nd offer from the company. The AT pilots lost a lot of money in the difference of the 2 offers. And now they are being sued for their actions. I don't think the IBT would want to take that chance, because it would get extremely expensive in the courts. We'll know more come the 5th.

POBIT, Not sure if we will see it in writing until we vote on it. It's so basic and easy that it's only 4 items or paragraphs.
😱 Read an article today addressing the rumors about the 717's. Very interesting that they did not mention the mechanics along with the pilots and f/a's. Could it be that the mechanic groups have not yet come to an SLI agreement yet? Very interesting as the rumors are flowing through out the mechanics from both sides as well as the flight crews. Although I do not see any layoffs do to SWA getting rid of all the 717's, I do see some possible relocations due to all the 737 support groups and maint being kept in Dallas. After all, they are building a huge "add-on" building to house the future 737 maint support employees. What is the plan for the current 717 support employees, as well as maint employees? The article from MVDV is below, with no mention or garrentee for mechanics.:

Bloomberg News

Southwest Says No Furloughs Planned in Boeing 717 Buyer Search

By Mary Schlangenstein on March 26, 2012
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Southwest Airlines Co. (LUV) has no plans to furlough pilots and flight attendants as it searches for a buyer for 88 Boeing Co. (BA) 717s acquired when it purchased AirTran Holdings Inc. in May, Chief Executive Officer Gary Kelly told employees today.

Concerns that jobs would be cut arose amid reports Southwest had reached an agreement to shed the 717s, most of which are leased from Boeing Capital Co., a unit of Boeing. Leases on the planes run as long as through 2024, and Dallas- based Southwest has said it’s working with Boeing to find a new owner for them.

“We’ve had no discussions, no talk, no hint with any of you about job furloughs,” Kelly said in a weekly phone message to employees. “That means we would have to shrink this company and we have absolutely no plans to do so. We have a lot of work under way to put Southwest in the position where we can grow this company and add jobs, not subtract jobs.”

Southwest is searching for “an opportunity to place the 717s” with another airline, Kelly said, declining to comment on reports it had already reached a deal. Southwest will retire 150 planes during the next five years and replace them with new aircraft, holding its fleet at about 700, he said.

Kelly reiterated that the airline is preparing for future flights to Hawaii, Alaska and close-in international routes. The carrier will add the first two larger Boeing 737-800s to its fleet beginning in April.

To contact the report on this story: Mary Schlangenstein in Dallas at {maryc.s@bloomberg.net} 🙁
Swadl, Thanks. Hope they let the membership see it. And have you heard if they will be voting on it?

Are you sure it was sent out, because they said it was not sent, they haven't received anything....But if it was sent, then there is alot of lying going around here from our committee and teamsters.

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