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So what's the next move now that the union election is done at Horizon? Will the IBT allow the AT guys to continue to nego? Have they recieved our written offer yet? What's the next step from here? Anyone know?
BTW; 153 to 103 in favor for teamsters to remain at Horizon. 3 voted for no union. I think 323 was eligible to vote.
Not fair and equitable? Your cmte thinks so. They were the ones that offered a boost in the beginning. And the IBT has also responded by a counter offer of 2.5 years boost countering AMFA's 4 yr boost. They have previously also offered a 70% boost. So it is, in fact, looking very fair for SWA mechanics to get a boost. Almost the entire membership has stated that 4 yrs is the lowest they will go. It is also my lowest that I would vote to accept. The final number of boost that we all vote on is yet to be seen. But I will say it will take the current offer of 4 yrs to have a chance to pass on the AMFA side.
I just appreciate the repost of my original statement to him. He's done this a few times in the past, but has always reposted below the quote, this time he did not. Looks like he's gonna have some problems with PCS and OTS ect... lol.
I was told the ibt will let the AT nego cmte start nego again with SWA cmte. They set some dates for end of March, but had conflicts with SWA cmte. They are trying to reset dates to get back to table. Also was told that the ibt also said that a nego agreement is better than arbitration. We should be hearing about new dates soon. Also the AT guys should have the written offer by now and this maybe the reason behind the ibt releasing the cmte back to the table for nego. All I got for now guys...
We have not seen your 4 yr offer or anything else for that matter.
My freind on the ibt committe said we have not recieved the amfa offer yet...
but we will vote on it when we see it...
We have not seen your 4 yr offer or anything else for that matter.
My freind on the ibt committe said we have not recieved

the amfa offer yet...
but we will vote on it when we see it...
Your not alone. No mechanics on the swa side have seen it either. Just rumors
The two groups are looking for dates to meet and discuss the proposal before the end of the month. The Company and AMFA are passing the document back and forth making sure the MCO and BWI provisions are complete. AT should be receiving it soon.
The two groups are looking for dates to meet and discuss the proposal before the end of the month. The Company and AMFA are passing the document back and forth making sure the MCO and BWI provisions are complete. AT should be receiving it soon.

another company and AMFA deal again? Why do we need the Company to hold our hand to get anything done?
The two groups are looking for dates to meet and discuss the proposal before the end of the month. The Company and AMFA are passing the document back and forth making sure the MCO and BWI provisions are complete. AT should be receiving it soon.

Thank you MadMan.
It seems like everytime we are told it's going over to the AT guys, something comes up and it doesn't make it to them. Sorry for this AT guys. And I figured it was more than likely the protection langusge and or some of the other "perks" they are trying to sway us all to vote it in. I would say if the company really wamts this thing to pass, it's time for them to step up to the plate and get it done. The company knows how to do it, now lets get it done now, here in April, not years down the road. The company was the ones in a rush, and here (it would appear) the delays are coming from them. At least that is the way it appears to me.
another company and AMFA deal again? Why do we need the Company to hold our hand to get anything done?

Not a company deal. The company has to sign off on some of the numbers for the head count protections, just like any other company would have to. Company not holding AMFA's hands this time around. It's a tri-party involvement...
Thank you MadMan.
It seems like everytime we are told it's going over to the AT guys, something comes up and it doesn't make it to them. Sorry for this AT guys. And I figured it was more than likely the protection langusge and or some of the other "perks" they are trying to sway us all to vote it in. I would say if the company really wamts this thing to pass, it's time for them to step up to the plate and get it done. The company knows how to do it, now lets get it done now, here in April, not years down the road. The company was the ones in a rush, and here (it would appear) the delays are coming from them. At least that is the way it appears to me.

Like I said why is this a company issue? all we need to do is intergrate seniority and we want to hold the company hostage for money or incentive to do anything. This is AMFA? WE DON't CARE! MAKE THIS WORTH OUR WHILE! this is why mechanics get nothing done without management help! which in turn allows managent to lead us around like sheep
This is not a company deal!!! Unfortunately we have to have the company sign off and approve some items, such as 401K, Denver and slot protections. Those are items only the company can offer and give. There might be a retro on the 401K also. Guys there is no reason to get in a rush over this let's get it right this time and if it takes a few months so be it at least we will know its been done right if it passes. Also there is a meeting set for April 4th between the AT Comte and AMFA Comte. The offer I was told will be sent today from the company. But we have heard that before. But I'll tell y'all this AMFA and the membership is strong on the 4yr boost and NO fences!!!!!

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