comming in late to the show...
I have been reading this forum for a while now. I am an actual airtran mech with 15 + years and I do not work in ATL..
Someone posted a comment about how we would handle buying an airline 1/4 our size.. well that actually happened
way back when ......
Valujet bought a small airline in fla called airtran..almost 1/4 our size... guess what we Dovetailed our mechs 1 for 1...
but their senority was only good for bidding in MCO if they moved they went DOH.. That way neither of us got screwed on our days off.......
worked out great back then......
comming in late to the show...
I have been reading this forum for a while now. I am an actual airtran mech with 15 + years and I do not work in ATL..
Someone posted a comment about how we would handle buying an airline 1/4 our size.. well that actually happened
way back when ......
Valujet bought a small airline in fla called airtran..almost 1/4 our size... guess what we Dovetailed our mechs 1 for 1...
but their senority was only good for bidding in MCO if they moved they went DOH.. That way neither of us got screwed on our days off.......
worked out great back then......