IBT No Show Forum

Wow, I have to admit, I'm highly impressed with your knowledge of Airtran's financial status and all it's debts after the buyout. You're putting out information that I didn't even know about.. But, where exactly did you get this information from I wonder? Becaue the total cost I saw was 3.4 billion which has already returned over 200 million in a year.. And the difference from the 1.4 billion purchase to the 3.4 billion, as I understood it, came from the stock conversion and final payout.. So, I'm seriously wondering where did the 2 billion of debt come from??


"Southwest will pay about $670 million with available cash. Southwest will assume $2 billion in AirTran debt."
Oh, and on the spineless comment, I was merely trying to bring the ATmech01 portrayer to light... I knew that person, or couple of people, would use that as a tool to fire back at me but under their SWA logins... Guess who are the 2 that did... :blink:

Boy! Sure can't get one over on you Nostradamus! You're right AS ALWAYS! Except I've never worked in MCO with AT! In fact haven't been to MCO in over a dozen years. Except for that ... yea you got me! Oh and if it is too much for your mind to figure the '01' in my sig is my hire date with AT, but I'm sure you figured that out.

For someone who claims to be in the know as you do how could you NOT know about our 2 Billion in debt?
Interesting, I've had nothing but AT mechs best interest in mind when I post on here. Trying to work for the best deal we can get. And you come on here insulting me the way you do... You must not of read any of my posts because if you would have, then you wouldn't be speaking be way you are. So, given the fact that you are a new member to the forum and the timing that you became a new member and the way you're posting on here, I'm going to guess that you are not who you claim to be... I know I have support from those I speak to in Atlanta, not that I claim to be some sort of messiah for these guys but I know that a lot don't feel the same as you do..

BTW, stop portraying yourself as an AirTran mechanic, you're an imposture passing himself off in order to discredit me.... It's okay, you can have this fun on here, everyone knows my place, everyone knows that I look forward to working at SWA, but this time in the station I want to be and not in DAL like they offered me before, and I'll continue to give my advise and opinion as I always have. I can only speak for myself here and no one else like I've also stated numerous times and have never been wrong about what I post, but I have incorrectly worded information that ended up being misinterpreted. And like I've always said, all are entitled to their own opinion. So you go on and vote the way you want to vote and I hope that whatever happens, it happens in all of our best interest. Me, I haven't reneged on my opinion and am still a no vote just like last time around, just like I was in our last 2 CBA negotiations that were both settled and put to vote within a week. I have my number, you have yours. I'm part of the 42....

"BTW, stop prtraying yourself as an AirTran mechanic" Pretty hard when I am, I wish you would stop portraying an aircraft mechanic! You are one jaded individual.
AvTech04, on 10 March 2012 - 10:28 PM, said:
then you're as spineless as the rest of the last yes votes..

You have your fellow AT mechanics best interest in mind but most of them are spineless in your opinion. I'm pretty sure they're going to vote the way they want regardless of what you think about them. Just like last time. You sound like a true teamster trying to tell your workgroup what's best for them. Let them decide.

Thank you lineguy! AvTech04 is the proverbial drop of oil in the fresh water supply!
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What is he getting at? Elaborate.

The company has dedicated themselves to "assist" in anyway possible to get this done. Rather the ibt wants to get this done or not, it can still get to the AT membership for a vote. It will take alot of input from all the members to the ibt, as well as possibly removng the ibt ASAP. But it can and will be done if need be...
Sorry, but they really need to know. The teamsters are hiding everything from them and it's pathetic.
Well, I'm not entertaining the SWA mechanic or whoever that troll is portraying like an AT mech. I know how many truly feel about this deal. I've heard both yes and no's, from both Atlanta and Orlando, so I know that guy doesn't know what they're taking about. Especially if he truly believes the last deal was a good one... And if he is from Atlanta, then the fear mongering is getting to to him...

I never posts what I don't think is beneficial to the AT guys and I'm fine with it going out for vote. Let the votes speak for themselves and the fear mongering continue until then, treblecock's threat to put AT mechs on the street must be working..

I've only been on here speaking the truth as I know it and giving the information as its handed to me. I haven't changed my position on anything even with the childish name calling and insults. I especially can't stand the teamsters for what they've done to us, especially when we needed them the most.

Although, I have been re considering this new offer from just tonights conversation amongst other mechanics, especially since the fences and LOA's are going away. They've given me a point of view that I haven't considered yet, the MCO mechs. I think this is a better deal then the last one and can now see why AMFA is pushing it so hard.

I WILL tell you I don't work in either of those cities Nostradamus! East coast just not either of those two.

BTW, what is up with that stupid 8 year old dancing banana? Are you showing us just how childish you are?

You know damn well the last deal was a really good one for US as it protected us in that the SWA mechanic that bid to ATL or MCO or BWI would be the first to go in the event of a reduction not our guys!!! Maybe it was written in big words that you don't understand but it doesn't matter it's gone now! WAY TO GO ON THE NO VOTE STUPID! You voted away your protection.
The company has dedicated themselves to "assist" in anyway possible to get this done. Rather the ibt wants to get this done or not, it can still get to the AT membership for a vote. It will take alot of input from all the members to the ibt, as well as possibly removng the ibt ASAP. But it can and will be done if need be...
Sorry, but they really need to know. The teamsters are hiding everything from them and it's pathetic.

You are so correct! We get our info from the AMFA Airline Rep, he's always eager to answer and explain anything.
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What are you getting at?

Sir. It would benefit yourself as well a your entire membership to edjucate themselves on the ins and outs of aquisitions, buy-outs and mergers. We will know very soon how long this will in-deed, get dragged out for some time. To answer your question, if the ibt does in fact refuse to let their members see or vote on current offer, then there maybe a loop hole to allow the AT guys to vote on the current offer. Can't say anymore than that. Like my brothers told me, I need to hush up and let the teamsters do what they do best. However the next offer will not be no where near the existing offer. Look at the AT pilots when their MEC refused to let their members see or vote on the original offer...
It will only get worse for us. If you haven't figured it out the first offer was better for us, this one is still good but in case some haven't seen and figured it out (AvTech04) it will only get worse. WE lost protection in overlapping cities, in ATL. We are all here for the money and with SWA and their 401K match we actually have the possibility of retiring with some money!
I've read your posts and you're a dick!!!

Oh yes! I like this guy. When this is all over I'm having a party and him, lineguy, swa.tech and a few others over for beer n bbq! Oh and you're welcome to come to, I'll need someone to clean up afterwards!

To think he's AirTran! Guess he didn't like you calling him 'spineless'!
Time stamps? Keep reaching. I don't know who ATmech01 is either. Not my style but if you want to believe it's me, knock yourself out. :lol: Your spineless comment was indeed directed at all the AT yes voters. I was merely pointing out this fact.

You said ^^ that too.

I sure did, and you're the one pointing it out :lol:

AvTech04, Are you sure you're on the Airtran mechanics side? Lineguy may be the 'only' one pointing it out but we all see it! Does anyone like you?
I wonder what the AT guys would expect if AT had purchased an airline 1/4 there size and had to integrate there mechanics.... Im sure they would just let them walk right on across.... What a F*&%ing joke.

You're wasting your breath swa.tech. They have asked us to put ourselves in their shoes but they can't seem to put theirselves in OUR shoes! Seems to be one way street here.
This is a clever tactic you guys are pulling together, making up an AT screen name that pretty much sums up what ever other SWA me mechanic has been joining and saying for the last few weeks.. Where was all this a few months ago?? Obviously you guys are against me because I want a better deal for the AirTran guys and are all using this opportunity to attack me seeing as 'you got me right where you went me'

I already told you, only reason I posted those comments 'spineless' even 'cowardly' was because I wanted the person that made that login to resurface under this SWA ID and lineguy has been the one to do so. No one seems to acknowledge that statement, no one seems to acknowledge the fact that I put a different perspective on it and and looking at a different perspective. Ever since I made the thanking everyone thread, there seemed to have been an influx of "SWA" mechs on here trying to pound my voice until I stop posting. Really, this could be one SWA mechanic with multiple logins, we don't know.

To answer the only person that has remotely shocked me on here by joining the bandwagon, SWAMT, I thought I did reply to your post way back when. Because I specially thought I posted that I don't fall in the range of your theroy. First, I never posted my seniority on any post, second, if a 4 year boost didn't effect me profoundly, then I'm either a highly senior mechanic or a very lower senior mechanic. Either way, I can assure you that my minimums are not a direct effect to my seniority. I gave my reasons log ago for the 30% and you'd agreed to my logic behind it. I simply said that a hit in AT seniority would be a greater impact that a boost in SWA seniority and have posted a scale, long ago, showing the difference....

To the rest of the misfits who think they have some sort of superiority complex over me, down to analyzing my avatar, you guys have joined in a successful alliance to insult me together and are trying to shut up the only voice of opposition on this forum. Well, you can have it!! This forum is all yours, I'll let the kids run a muck on here spreading their oh so valuable information and look forward to their contributional posts towards a better CBA once this is done and over with. Some form of language that benefits the whole and not themselves. Oh, and to answer your avatar question, it was meant for the children on this sites entertainment. I figured you kids needed something to look at while you tried to bring me down, I was waiting for one of you to point it out, not surprised of the person who did....

Well, it was a pleasure talking and working with you SWAMT, SWADL, Madman, the adults represnting SWA. I can see I've gone as far as I can on my usefulness here, I hope another Airtran mechanic steps up and gives you as much information as I have. And, don't stoop the the level of these children on here or join their band wagon. I think I saw a post once that SWA mech on here once told them that they were like bullies at school just trying to stir the pot. I'll continue my words in other forms as I already have been, emails, phone cslls, etc... Have fun "slamming" me like you've made it a point to, I leave here laughing of how pathetic and childish it all is.

One last thing, I maybe mistaken but, fadecfault has yet to post on this new forum so if atmech01 is really true to his story about hearing about me in this forum just recently and mentioning me, madman and fadec as the poisons, then it makes it even more obvious that he's a fake and I am not willing to play these childish games any longer. You guys can have them!

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