And you'd be correct. I never stated that I speak for anyone as a matter of fact. I've only stated that I speak with many and get input as well as give output to those I speak to... And as I said in my previous post, after having an insightful conversation about this current offer, I am re-considering and re-weighing my opinion's. I'd lost light on some of the facts out there and was asked a question that I could not answer with out being a hypocrite...
It was presented to me very simply, by another mechanic that gave me a different perspective. He asked, If I were asked 2 years by SWA, before the acquisition, to come on board with my current seniority, my current position, better benefits, more pay, continue working on the same equipment that I am working on now and simply asked to change my uniform and give the current mechanics a few years more seniority, would I do it?? My honest answer was yes, I would!! If this would have been presented to me in this kind of manner and perspective, then I would of been a lot more willing to move to years rather than stay on my % kick.. But SWA and AMFA came at it from a fear tactic angle that didn't sit well with me and my natural reaction was to protect and defend, as it is with most people..
So, coincidentally only, in light of our new SWA friend on the forum posting as an AT mechanic, which had no influence on my decision what so ever, I've come around to actually consider this offer. But I am still proud to say that I voted NO on the last offer!!!
Lets put it to vote and see what happens!
BTW, the time stamps on these posts tonight are impeccable! From lineguy, to SWA.TECH and our new friend atmech01... and the verbiage coincides with my theory as well, especially after lineguys TROLL posting.. That's a clever maneuver! lol