And then what?? If gets voted down, we're back to square 1, if it passes, which I doubt but could be close, then yea we'd move on. Why not take the for sure way and be done? What make this more difficult than it has to be?? The 4 year vote is questionable, the 30%, which was SWA mechs idea BTW, is almost certian. Then WE could all push for the 4th line of MX because there would be no reason or excuse for SWA to get relief from it. Right now, they are going to keep the partition excuse, but with us voted into AMFA, you'd get the 401, AMFA would get $30k more/ month, and we'd all work together to negotiate a new CBA which could lead to some much needed language can changes and possibly more money. I say again, I weigh out he odds pretty accurately, I stated that the last offer was probably going to pass by 80% on the AT side and fail by 70% on the SWA side. Now I can tell you that the 4 year boost has a lot less chance of passing than the 30% does. If you offer is 4 year boost, I'd predict AT fail by about 60%, from what I'm hearing around te floor and from emails and phone calls. But, I've still been encouraging the 30% reduction and that has a favorable outcome that I think would pass by over 80% on the AT side and around 80% on the SWA side. Again, I'm just weighing the odds but what I see and hear. If you want to drag this out and have the IBT continuously ignore all of us, then keep pushing the 4 years. But if you really want to move on, then put the 30% out for vote and i bet it will pass on both ends...
Look dude, those fear mongering threads YOU'VE started aren't working. They are actually having the adverse affect that you obviously intended them to have. Especially the AT working on SWA planes thread, I really got a kick out of that!! It's already been tried and failed, once on date of aquisition and once on SOC. Everyone knows this step of the process, being our advisors, telling us what's in our best interest like you actually care, even acting casual like it doesn't matter to you. These are all phases of those process and most at AirTran should know it by now. I'm not here to play anymore games, I want this done and over with so this thread can die off like a fart in the wind and we can all move forward together. So, if AMFA's final offer is 4 years, then arbitraion will probably be the outcome whether we vote or not, but if you want to avoid it, like most claim they do, then I'm giving all of you our secret number, 30%... If AMFA makes that offer, I can almost gaurantee the IBT will listen... And to those at AirTran who disagree with me, ask your peers and see what they think before clobbering me with the insults. I want this done and am not voting in the 4 year boost.