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Basically for our junior guys a % gain means nothing. This will not have a drastic effect on myself or my immediate co-workers as we are all over 10 years however we want some decent protection for our junior guys. There is no way our new guys who made the cut should be behind those who didnt want to make the commitment, or the guys who didnt make the cut , because SWA bought AT, and payed off there huge debt using the money we helped earn. Anyway I guess we will see what happens. I will vote for what is best for the members, and you AT guys should do the same, and be sure to keep the future in mind, the future of aquisitions. This is not the first or even the second airline SWA has bought, it may not be the last. What precedence do you want to be in place for the future of SWA MX??

I am refering to 2 of your post. #829 & #832. In one you say you will take a 30% reduction. In the other you say you would vote to give 1 or 2 years. Knowing these are your hard core numbers and minimums, tells me you have somewhere between 3.5 yrs and 7 yrs with AT not the larger number in the teens that I think you posted a long long time ago in the original thread that was removed. Why do I say this? Because anyone's bottom numbers, 99.9% of the time, will coincide with each other when comparing boosting or reduction. They go hand and hand. In other words 30% of 3.5 yrs = aprox 1 yr, 30% of 7 yrs = aprox 2 yrs. We've heard from the get go that AT "will not" take a hit in their senority, that it's DOH or arbitration. The SWA membership was willing to change the reduction in AT senority over to the yearly boost, as the majority of the AT side has said they would prefer a boost to us rather than a reduction to their senority, time and time again. Now for the AMFA membership to agree to keep going with the boost rather than the reduction method, they were asked what it would take, the 4 years overwhelmingly came out, matter fact unnamously, not one single person voted to not to support the yearly offer. The way I see it was, the 30% is actually right at the 4 years for you, right? At least going by your poat from way back when. If I have the wrong guy pls say so and I appoligize in advance. There was one other poster with tech in the name and a number, maybe it was him/her.
We don't want this to drag out, you guys don't want this to drag out, and the company don't want this to drag out. Sorry to tell you, but 4 really is the bottom number. As you know from the original thread, I was 25-35% with a settle of 30% as well, however, I am not the majority, the majority wanted yrs. The 4 yrs helps our lower senority guys out the best, the AT guys voted in the other offer overwhelmingly with the 4 yr minimum. Yes it had fences, but we all knew it was a no brainer "no" vote from the SWA guys with any fences involved. Plus getting rid of our overwhelmingly protection LOA letter is also what the minimum 4 yrs is all about, that's huge. You guys really do need to take the 4 yrs to a vote and consider it. The company is very comfortable with the current offer being made. If the ibt refuses to allow their membership to vote on it, well, that will be on them. They better do what the majority of their membership wants and let them have a say so to their future not the ibt's when they are done and gone from AT. Hate to see arbitration, but to tell you the truth, we have nothing at all to lose, and we will retain our original LOA letter as well, so we would be better protected in the long run anyway. Think about it guys, think long and hard. This is not a personal threat or anything like that, I just know what the membership is willing to do if this does get dragged out and into arbitration. Plus we will have years and years of seperation amongst the mechanic group.
Although I have not read the written offer beig sent over, but if it has "everything" we have been told, so far, in it and evrything the company has said and offered in the trans agreement, I will be a yes vote on this one. I know I wanted % over years, but the main issue with the fences are gone and then we can all move onto contract nego.
BTW: It has been stated that AMFA is in fact in contact with alot of ATL mechanics and they want to see this offer and vote on it. Both thru locals as well as AMFA National.
And then what?? If gets voted down, we're back to square 1, if it passes, which I doubt but could be close, then yea we'd move on. Why not take the for sure way and be done? What make this more difficult than it has to be?? The 4 year vote is questionable, the 30%, which was SWA mechs idea BTW, is almost certian. Then WE could all push for the 4th line of MX because there would be no reason or excuse for SWA to get relief from it. Right now, they are going to keep the partition excuse, but with us voted into AMFA, you'd get the 401, AMFA would get $30k more/ month, and we'd all work together to negotiate a new CBA which could lead to some much needed language can changes and possibly more money. I say again, I weigh out he odds pretty accurately, I stated that the last offer was probably going to pass by 80% on the AT side and fail by 70% on the SWA side. Now I can tell you that the 4 year boost has a lot less chance of passing than the 30% does. If you offer is 4 year boost, I'd predict AT fail by about 60%, from what I'm hearing around te floor and from emails and phone calls. But, I've still been encouraging the 30% reduction and that has a favorable outcome that I think would pass by over 80% on the AT side and around 80% on the SWA side. Again, I'm just weighing the odds but what I see and hear. If you want to drag this out and have the IBT continuously ignore all of us, then keep pushing the 4 years. But if you really want to move on, then put the 30% out for vote and i bet it will pass on both ends...

Look dude, those fear mongering threads YOU'VE started aren't working. They are actually having the adverse affect that you obviously intended them to have. Especially the AT working on SWA planes thread, I really got a kick out of that!! It's already been tried and failed, once on date of aquisition and once on SOC. Everyone knows this step of the process, being our advisors, telling us what's in our best interest like you actually care, even acting casual like it doesn't matter to you. These are all phases of those process and most at AirTran should know it by now. I'm not here to play anymore games, I want this done and over with so this thread can die off like a fart in the wind and we can all move forward together. So, if AMFA's final offer is 4 years, then arbitraion will probably be the outcome whether we vote or not, but if you want to avoid it, like most claim they do, then I'm giving all of you our secret number, 30%... If AMFA makes that offer, I can almost gaurantee the IBT will listen... And to those at AirTran who disagree with me, ask your peers and see what they think before clobbering me with the insults. I want this done and am not voting in the 4 year boost.

As far as your statement "I can almost gaurantee the IBT will listen" I can tell you one time they listened to us , it was when they were told we no longer required their services. You continue to listen to them , we have been done with there backwards ways for some time now. And as far as your "secret number" the IBT has our "secret number" well it is not really secret , just secret to your membership because they wont let them decide.....
As mentioned before, avtech does not speak for a significant number of AT mechanics. He is only one vote and is in the minority. He's all talk.
As mentioned before, avtech does not speak for a significant number of AT mechanics. He is only one vote and is in the minority. He's all talk.

Im not worried about that avtech, im worried about the IBT. I know the ignorance they are capable of. If they wont put it to the floor , we will never know the outcome, and the AT guys have a long road ahead to get on our CBA, so we can all focus on OUR future and move some planes!! 🙂
I wonder what the AT guys would expect if AT had purchased an airline 1/4 there size and had to integrate there mechanics.... Im sure they would just let them walk right on across.... What a F*&%ing joke.
As mentioned before, avtech does not speak for a significant number of AT mechanics. He is only one vote and is in the minority. He's all talk.

I agree, he DOESN'T speak for me! If we would have come to a reasonable number months ago I would have a significant amount more money in my bank as well as 401K! WE are losing $$$ everyday we try to stand our ground and for nothing!

We were AQUIRED which means SWA could have just parted our airline out but they didn't. I think it's about time many of you realize that and take the cut in seniority like the SWA mechs want, after all they really aren't getting anything out of this and we are! Let's GROW UP!
I was talking to a buddy of mine in MCO and was told SWA mechs are filing grievances against us for working on their A/C. Anyone know if this is true? I didn't think we could work their A/C and visa verca.
I agree, he DOESN'T speak for me! If we would have come to a reasonable number months ago I would have a significant amount more money in my bank as well as 401K! WE are losing $$$ everyday we try to stand our ground and for nothing!

We were AQUIRED which means SWA could have just parted our airline out but they didn't. I think it's about time many of you realize that and take the cut in seniority like the SWA mechs want, after all they really aren't getting anything out of this and we are! Let's GROW UP!

Humm... This seems a little fishy to me. This guy just hops on the forum out of no where and these are the posts he decides to post. I don't think you are who you claim to be and if you are, then you're as spineless as the rest of the last yes votes.. Money comes and goes as faster or maybe even faster than it can be earned but time and years are not quite as easy to come by and shouldn't be so easily sold. Again, if you are one of the cowardly Atlanta guys that thinks this won't affect you, then you'll be in for a rude awakening.. but, of you're what I think you are, then stop playing this game, again!!
Humm... This seems a little fishy to me. This guy just hops on the forum out of no where and these are the posts he decides to post. I don't think you are who you claim to be and if you are, then you're as spineless as the rest of the last yes votes.. Money comes and goes as faster or maybe even faster than it can be earned but time and years are not quite as easy to come by and shouldn't be so easily sold. Again, if you are one of the cowardly Atlanta guys that thinks this won't affect you, then you'll be in for a rude awakening.. but, of you're what I think you are, then stop playing this game, again!!

I've read your posts and you're a dick!!!
Humm... This seems a little fishy to me. This guy just hops on the forum out of no where and these are the posts he decides to post. I don't think you are who you claim to be and if you are, then you're as spineless as the rest of the last yes votes.. Money comes and goes as faster or maybe even faster than it can be earned but time and years are not quite as easy to come by and shouldn't be so easily sold. Again, if you are one of the cowardly Atlanta guys that thinks this won't affect you, then you'll be in for a rude awakening.. but, of you're what I think you are, then stop playing this game, again!!

I know it, everyone knows it. WE are going to lose seniority one way or another. Our 17 year guy is NOT goiing to be with an SWA 17 year guy, he'll be far below.

I heard about you from friends, started reading and couldn't take it anymore. You seem to think everything that spews out of your mouth is fact, WELL IT ISN'T! You seem to believe your Nostradamus and that only you can magically see and know the future, WELL YOU CAN'T!

I want this crap over with and move on with MY life. I got on this site so that WE out number YOU! YOU are not speaking for everyone and you ARE NOT speaking for me!

A 4 year offer with no strings comes out I'm all over it. As far as the last offer, YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I voted yes! It was a good deal for us, you voted yes I'm betting.

Quit bellyaching and spreading your hatred and negativity! I wouldn't blame SWA if they said no to you in an interview.
I know it, everyone knows it. WE are going to lose seniority one way or another. Our 17 year guy is NOT goiing to be with an SWA 17 year guy, he'll be far below.

I heard about you from friends, started reading and couldn't take it anymore. You seem to think everything that spews out of your mouth is fact, WELL IT ISN'T! You seem to believe your Nostradamus and that only you can magically see and know the future, WELL YOU CAN'T!

I want this crap over with and move on with MY life. I got on this site so that WE out number YOU! YOU are not speaking for everyone and you ARE NOT speaking for me!

A 4 year offer with no strings comes out I'm all over it. As far as the last offer, YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I voted yes! It was a good deal for us, you voted yes I'm betting.

Quit bellyaching and spreading your hatred and negativity! I wouldn't blame SWA if they said no to you in an interview.

Interesting, I've had nothing but AT mechs best interest in mind when I post on here. Trying to work for the best deal we can get. And you come on here insulting me the way you do... You must not of read any of my posts because if you would have, then you wouldn't be speaking be way you are. So, given the fact that you are a new member to the forum and the timing that you became a new member and the way you're posting on here, I'm going to guess that you are not who you claim to be... I know I have support from those I speak to in Atlanta, not that I claim to be some sort of messiah for these guys but I know that a lot don't feel the same as you do..

BTW, stop portraying yourself as an AirTran mechanic, you're an imposture passing himself off in order to discredit me.... It's okay, you can have this fun on here, everyone knows my place, everyone knows that I look forward to working at SWA, but this time in the station I want to be and not in DAL like they offered me before, and I'll continue to give my advise and opinion as I always have. I can only speak for myself here and no one else like I've also stated numerous times and have never been wrong about what I post, but I have incorrectly worded information that ended up being misinterpreted. And like I've always said, all are entitled to their own opinion. So you go on and vote the way you want to vote and I hope that whatever happens, it happens in all of our best interest. Me, I haven't reneged on my opinion and am still a no vote just like last time around, just like I was in our last 2 CBA negotiations that were both settled and put to vote within a week. I have my number, you have yours. I'm part of the 42....
Interesting, I've had nothing but AT mechs best interest in mind when I post on here. Trying to work for the best deal we can get. And you come on here insulting me the way you do... You must not of read any of my posts because if you would have, then you wouldn't be speaking be way you are. So, given the fact that you are a new member to the forum and the timing that you became a new member and the way you're posting on here, I'm going to guess that you are not who you claim to be... I know I have support from those I speak to in Atlanta, not that I claim to be some sort of messiah for these guys but I know that a lot don't feel the same as you do..

BTW, stop portraying yourself as an AirTran mechanic, you're an imposture passing himself off in order to discredit me.... It's okay, you can have this fun on here, everyone knows my place, everyone knows that I look forward to working at SWA, but this time in the station I want to be and not in DAL like they offered me before, and I'll continue to give my advise and opinion as I always have. I can only speak for myself here and no one else like I've also stated numerous times and have never been wrong about what I post, but I have incorrectly worded information that ended up being misinterpreted. And like I've always said, all are entitled to their own opinion. So you go on and vote the way you want to vote and I hope that whatever happens, it happens in all of our best interest. Me, I haven't reneged on my opinion and am still a no vote just like last time around, just like I was in our last 2 CBA negotiations that were both settled and put to vote within a week. I have my number, you have yours. I'm part of the 42....

FAQ! Figure it out! YOU don't have AT mechs at heart! If you did you KNOW a 4 year deal is good and the last deal is better!

I don't care if I get kicked off this board, YOU'RE A DICK!
In case YOU haven't noticed Avtech04 everybody on here is against..AGAINST...what YOU believe! Hate to burst your bubble, no I don't 🙂, but it is the truth! I think YOU are the true poison!

I can only hope you see the error of your ways. I won't say everything I speak is for everyone but it does seem to be the majority! Get with the program! I'm NOT an imposter you pompous ass! You, madman and fadecfault are POISON! Let it f^ckiing go! We were BOUGHT! ABSORBED! And lucky we will have a job! STUPID! Look at the economy!
then you're as spineless as the rest of the last yes votes..

You have your fellow AT mechanics best interest in mind but most of them are spineless in your opinion. I'm pretty sure they're going to vote the way they want regardless of what you think about them. Just like last time. You sound like a true teamster trying to tell your workgroup what's best for them. Let them decide.

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