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ATTN AT2006 :
Im new here but Lineguy your a dickhead!

Posted at the beginning of each form is the following in case you missed it: It is also
in bright RED LETTERING:

Announcement: Name Calling and Posts that contain insults

Effective immediately, entire posts containing name calling or insults will be removed and the member that posted it will have their warning level adjusted. Please use the report feature to alert the moderators when this occurs. Repeat offenders will be at risk to have their IP Address blocked from accessing the site. ADMIN
I understand what you are saying. Just tired of the ibt trying to show-boat for the AT guys, when in fact, they are trying to give payback to the SWA/AMFA mechanics for their removal from SWA. I still say AMFA needs to send in the final offer now...

Ive posted several times in regards to this exact situation. So true, and sad. The IBT is so spitefull about AMFA and SWA MX, they will cut there nose off to spite there face, and dont give a rats ass who or what is injured in the process, I fear it will be miserable for the groups that have to work together unless the IBT is relieved of there duties soon. AMFA might as well put in the best last final offer , let us vote and call it a day. The IBT is simply stalling for dues....
As The great IBT collects those dues, the AT Mechs lose money every day that goes by... from day one the IBT has been dragging there feet, not answering calls , not showing up to meetings, ect.... time to wake up guys.
As The great IBT collects those dues, the AT Mechs lose money every day that goes by... from day one the IBT has been dragging there feet, not answering calls , not showing up to meetings, ect.... time to wake up guys.

We are awake but at there mercy at the moment. I cant wait to get under AMFA I just want this thing over.
We are awake but at there mercy at the moment. I cant wait to get under AMFA I just want this thing over.
if you think your at their mercy... your a sheeple. You and everyone at AT has had the oppertunity throw the ibt out (i.e. a card drive), you wanted them, you got em. As far as i'm concerned .... take all the time you want jackin with the ibt.
We are awake but at there mercy at the moment. I cant wait to get under AMFA I just want this thing over.

there is a way to release the IBT in the legal system if you feel like I feel that the IBT is not negotiating in "good faith" They have an agenda, its about the IBT, and only the IBT. They are undermoning this whole thing and hurting EVERYONE.
You're fairly accurate in your assessment of me except it's not for the benefit of my self esteem, seeing as my vast knowledge is limited to what I know now and have read and seen to date, therefor only benefit from my posts are to those who are unknowing of current situations but have now been brought to light. But even if I weren't limited to the boundaries of present informational systems that even a 10 yr old can asses as interpret, by means of 3rd grade simple math and reading skills, then I would still not see the need to attempt as "bolster" my self-esteem because that would mean that I'd know what the future holds, rather than playing the probability, and wouldn't bother meddling with you, a simple peon of the system who's strongest voice appears over an Internet forum. I can almost gaurantee that a drunk teenager or 'punk' would be a more useful terminology to describe me when I actually was a drunk teenager or 'punk'. Now, it's not so clever...

Shall we continue with the petty game we've got going on or are you really going to start hurting my feelings on the next post you make 🙂

So what do "asses" have to do with anything?

In case that flew over your head avtech04, it is 'assessment' not 'assesment'! Asses have nothing to do with that, you are the exception.
In case that flew over your head avtech04, it is 'assessment' not 'assesment'! Asses have nothing to do with that, you are the exception.

lol, how about you re-read the post and the few that followed... Maybe you could re-assess your current post and realize that the only asses on here are the ones who incorrectly analyze my posts and try to undermine me with grammatical or spelling errors.. You probably won't get what I just said. It's way over your head, but never the less, it was a child like, clever rebuttal. Probably your most wittiest yet! 🙂
lol, how about you re-read the post and the few that followed... Maybe you could re-assess your current post and realize that the only asses on here are the ones who incorrectly analyze my posts and try to undermine me with grammatical or spelling errors.. You probably won't get what I just said. It's way over your head, but never the less, it was a child like, clever rebuttal. Probably your most wittiest yet! 🙂

You did an edit AFTER being slammed! I know this and so does everyone else. Like another on the forum stated 'go have another drink, you'll think better'!
You did an edit AFTER being slammed! I know this and so does everyone else. Like another on the forum stated 'go have another drink, you'll think better'!

Another false assumption.. you can't edit another persons quote. Nice try in saving face though, epic failure, but good attempt. Like I said, go and try to read it again, nothing's been edited, you just can't read... Do you really want to play this game with me?? I can assure you, like any other, you'll fail too. But I will take your advice, or should I say, your re-qouted advice, since you can't come up with something anymore witty than what's already been stated, and have a drink. While I'm having a Heineken. or 2, I want you to make another attempt at an intellectual but yet insulting rebuttal towards me, because I've yet to see one... Follow my instructions carefully and you just might, earn back the once of little respect I had towards you in the beginning... Until then, stop wasting everyone's time with non sense that doesn't pertain to anything that'll help with the integration.
Seriously. We should rename this thread to "let insults fly"! Can't wait till we actually get to work together! This could get good. How about we just stay on topic and shut the hell up with the insults!
Another false assumption.. you can't edit another persons quote. Nice try in saving face though, epic failure, but good attempt. Like I said, go and try to read it again, nothing's been edited, you just can't read... Do you really want to play this game with me?? I can assure you, like any other, you'll fail too. But I will take your advice, or should I say, your re-qouted advice, since you can't come up with something anymore witty than what's already been stated, and have a drink. While I'm having a Heineken. or 2, I want you to make another attempt at an intellectual but yet insulting rebuttal towards me, because I've yet to see one... Follow my instructions carefully and you just might, earn back the once of little respect I had towards you in the beginning... Until then, stop wasting everyone's time with non sense that doesn't pertain to anything that'll help with the integration.

You're respect is something I do not want! Respect someone that clearly doesn't stand behind a CBA and enforce it! No thanks!!
Our CBA needs to be followed to the letter and the reason why is because the company(SWA) will use it against you every chance it can! And the only time they are willing to work outside our contract is when it benifits the company!!
Our CBA needs to be followed to the letter and the reason why is because the company(SWA) will use it against you every chance it can! And the only time they are willing to work outside our contract is when it benifits the company!!

And that's where the love and hate of a union gets to me. A union's CBA is supposed to be there to protect it's members and attempt to make it fair for all, but it restricts us to it as well.. Allow me to give you an example of my point of view. When I see a mechanic get some kind of special privilege that is not defined in a CBA, I see it as an opportunity for the better instead of a violation of the current. The DFW guys are a perfect example. If they were given the TDY privilege to do 7 on 7 off by the company, which BTW is not in our contract, then let them do it! A grievance will only stop it from continuing immediately, but by allowing the company the leeway to continue without resistance, you gain an opportunity to get either the same privilege in the next CBA negotiations, or something else the membership wants. Like we've been saying from the beginning of this thread, negotiations are a give and take, you give a little now and take a little later.. At least that's my perception of it.. That's why I would be willing to let certian big things sly, but never forget they happened for our next CBA negotiations... It's a win-win if you do it right. I would think that AMFA, being the almighty union that they are, would be aware of such a tactic..

In the situation you describe above, that removes that tactic entirely and forces you into long, drawn out, stalemate negotiations because you really can't leverage anything outside of work flow disruption which is a lose-lose for everyone... I hope I explained myself correctly.

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