I really wanted to stay out of this, but it's killin me. You guys (I assume from PHX) sound pathetic. You all sound like your back in high school. Who gives a flying crap if they came into the brake room and took over a couple of chairs and or recliners to take a nap. They were in fact invited to come to the break room. I would have done the same thing. If they were in somebody's place, grow some balls, and ask them to relocate themselves, don't let it go then post on here how ungreatfull it was or how out of line they were. My god you guys look like little children fighting over a toy or something. If the AT guys came to Dallas and needed to use any of our facilities after working a downline, I would more than welcome them, use whatever they wanted to use, grab some grub, relax and more than anything, "make them feel welcome" I know I don't know the entire story, but, if it happened as I have read here, then this is just PATHETIC.
AvTech was right. Don't judge the entire group of the AT guys by what took place in PHX. If they did in fact act out of line. That would be like AT guys judging all of us at SWA for Buscadors postings (LOL). I think you get my point there. Please everyone, stay professional, polite, and welcoming of the AT mechanics coming to our company. We will in fact have to all work together. We SWA mechanics worked hard to get rid of the fences, restrictions, and LOA's out of the integration agreement, to in fact, stop the segegration of the 2 groups, the division of the mechanics. Don't start this division crap just because the AT guys had a downline to a SWA station. I'm sure I will get slammed for this, but I wanted to speak my mind on this issue. I am tired of hearing "us and them" It's a done deal boys and girls, we will be ONE, it's time to accept it, and move on. Good god, would the IBT please allow the AT mechanics vote on the current offer, and let the process move on the way it needs to move on. Sorry for rambling on. But pls can we get this done?? And, STOP the division postings!
AvTech was right. Don't judge the entire group of the AT guys by what took place in PHX. If they did in fact act out of line. That would be like AT guys judging all of us at SWA for Buscadors postings (LOL). I think you get my point there. Please everyone, stay professional, polite, and welcoming of the AT mechanics coming to our company. We will in fact have to all work together. We SWA mechanics worked hard to get rid of the fences, restrictions, and LOA's out of the integration agreement, to in fact, stop the segegration of the 2 groups, the division of the mechanics. Don't start this division crap just because the AT guys had a downline to a SWA station. I'm sure I will get slammed for this, but I wanted to speak my mind on this issue. I am tired of hearing "us and them" It's a done deal boys and girls, we will be ONE, it's time to accept it, and move on. Good god, would the IBT please allow the AT mechanics vote on the current offer, and let the process move on the way it needs to move on. Sorry for rambling on. But pls can we get this done?? And, STOP the division postings!