I have set back and listened to you amfa guys tell two sides to the story through out this whole ordeal. Playing "good cop-bad cop" with us. But for any of you to think that the way this is being handled, when this is over, that we can be one cohesive workgroup, shows the arrogance and spoiled-brat mentality that the rest of the industry sees you for.
I've been through alot in my years as a mechanic in this industry. With rising fuel costs, threat of nuclear war between isreal and iran, major airlines merging, an economy that will worsen when obama is reelected,etc..; it looks like your "golden dome" is about to come crashing down.
Yes, swa has alot of cash in the bank. And yes, they have no history of layoffs. Positive after positive after positive. For every airline, it stopped sometime. When swa decides to cut-back, if you think the pilots and fa's are going to be the only ones giving concessions to the company, your crazy. I've seen amfa have an "iron-clad contract" before, and thousands of mechanics ended up on the streets.
Some of them work there and some work here now. Ask them about the glory days. If you guys can't set aside your "we're superior" mentality for just a minute, we will never be the union amfa envisioned.
A majority of you see this as us vs. them, and swa luvs that. Because a work group divided helps them. I DO want to sit down and have a beer with you guys, and swap stories of the glory days, and discuss how we can make our brotherhood stronger. I just can't see it happening when instead of rolling out the welcome mat to a 20% bump in membership to strengthen the union, you look at us in a greedy, self-centered way like Cramer said "doing nothing for you but diluting you seniority".
I DO hope a truely "fair and equitable" agreement can be reached before arbitration. I DO hope we can unite under a common flag to have a true "brotherhood". I DO hope to come to Dallas and have a beer with you all. (Or phoenix, chicago, las vegas, wherever)
This was my first and last post. Just had to get my 2¢ in. The best advice out there is for airtran ibt brothers to stop posting. But it actually is great advice for both sides. All we're doing is creating animosity amongst ourselves and there will never be a true winner. Remember, we are not the only ones who read this thread. Just think of who else does and what information they gather.