The only thing I do not agree with is the bankruptse statement made.Thanks for the update, this sounds like it's a lot of quotes over a period of different meetings, not just one. But never the less, it's not alarming to anyone. We all knew the 717's expiration date's, we actually hoped SWA would use them to strike a deal with boeing for more -800's or MAX airplanes.. It's the most feasible alternative since SWA isn't keeping a pretty good bit of AT's 717 major markets.. Again, no shock there, this was already expected. Hell, even Hirshman told us before the date of closing that they probably weren't going to keep them for too long.
What I find the most interesting about this article is what I Bolded and underlined above.. I remember similar statements made to the AA and Delta employees just prior to bankruptcy... It sounds to me like the fear monger here is the CEO himself. Read it carefully, as contract negotiations are coming up.. Don't be surprised if GK asks for concessions from SWA labor groups and soon, regardless if AT is assimilated or not! Otherwise, it's probable that bankruptcy and a reorganization is in order for all of us within the next 5 years, giving SWA some relief from it's labor agreements and allowing them to restructure without having to bring outsourced work in-house first..
This article just has the adverse effect to resolving our SLI issues prior to arbitration. From my interpretation of this article, it makes me want to give less and less seniority. Maybe that'e GK's goal, keep us separated so he could dismantle the higher cost group, or maybe strike fear into all of us to get this done and concede in the labor agreements without resistance... I really couldn't say for sure, but, like i said above, that one statement scares me more than any other in this post..
I agree with your entire post. However after reading it several times and studying the statements just prior to and aft of the para you bolded, I have to think GK is refering more to rules and language not so much wages. I also think maybe he was leaning towards the flight crews getting some international rules ironed out before the intl flights start, as he said earlier in article that they are resticted to the lower 48 states currently.
Did anyone also catch the quote from GK where SWA and Boeing has already come to an agreement with the 717's?
"But AirTran's leases on those planes don't begin expiring until 2017 and run to 2024. So Southwest has reached agreement with Boeing—from whom it leases the aircraft—to try to place the planes elsewhere."
"If we can't find a home for them, we'll fly them and pay for them, or not fly them and pay for them," he said.
Again I take the post as "more directed" towards the flt crews, but not dismissing it entirely to mean all groups.
I also agree with you that this is GK's way of applying a little pressure on the mechanics group as he did with the pilots group to get the 2nd offer voted on, I see him doing the exact same thing here and now, matter fact look for more statements in the near future, if something isn't announced by that March 1, 20112 SOC date. The company's time line to get this new agreement with the mechanics is expadited to the point of is it fiesably possible.