Where you been? YES. Your correct. IF we goto arbitration, the original LOA of Mar. 29 2011 will in fact remain in tact. An arbitrader cannot remove "anything" in our contract, including LOA's. An arbitrader can only rule on the integration of the mechanics senority, that's it, nothing more. I have been stating this for months. I have been challenged many times on this and it's been proven, An arbitrador cannot remove the LOA dated March 29, 2011. We have all heard the threats from the teamsters that they will file a suit against AMFA and the company, if and when this goes to arbitration, let them. This will prolong an arbitradors ruling by years, plus the AMFA attorney's have already stated they have a more probable case than the teamsters think. This is the exact reason the AT guys don't want arbitration, because the LOA will stay. Not the only reason, pay has a little to do with it too. Never be afraid of arbitration...
I've been here all along. Go back and read my post a little slower. You probablly read like you spell. Be done with these clowns. They won't be happy with anything less than everything. Let's take this to arbitration. I have seen Seeham in action. He is like a goddam attack dog. I came away both entertained and impressed.