30%, no more... We all want to see it done as over with but we're giving a lot away already just to appease out SWA counterparts while the majority of SWA mechs are not affected by this and will have no negative impact. Especially, considering that damn near every MX merger group in the past 2 decades has gone DOH for DOC and the FA's just went DOH with a stipulated 2.5 ur boost, I think 30% is the best you're going to get. If I see a .000000001% above that, I am recommending a NO vote to all members and can probably get enough to swing it towards the reject end of any TA. I did not recommend a no vote with this TA because I was advised to not even though I didn't agree with it, but I don't care any longer and will push my opinion on the membership.
30% is the number, no more.