Wow, this place got pretty hot from late morning to now. When I have not been working on the aircraft I have been making some phone calls. This would be a great place to work if it were not for the A/C. It appears ,as I stated earlier, that the committee will be coming but have been instructed by Don Toney not to propose anything, but to listen to anything proposed by AMFA. This I hope want be a problem,if AMFA proposes it,however if they do not,the chief steward on AT's committee,who I assume will now be the chairman, will follow Don Toney's mandate. He will not act unless someone does it for him. He will follow but he will not lead.If the 25-30% is proposed and if the chief steward does not bring it to the members,or if it is blocked by Don Toney,I have been assured it will be presented to the mechanics by other parties. The other parties have only the best interest of all mechanics in mind. I believe the 25-3o% will have very little opposition,except by a few. You always have a few. The question will be if AMFA will propose it. What do you think?