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What if u don't have 3.5-4? And why would each individual case matter and be different? A 1 time hit is a 1 time hit and shouldn't vary.

This is why I like the percentile instead of years. This way if you took 25-35% from all, its a set number and can be done to all. Plus its more fairer across the board. Ex: If you take 5 yrs from a 20 yr mech that's 25%. But if you take 5 yrs from a 10 yr man that's 50%. And then, like you said you will run into taking 5 yrs from a 5 yr man which equals 100%. Just not fair across the board this way.
BTW; I will still stick to my range of 25-35%.
Look, I have to some what apologize about my earlier posting. I was a little rambunctious and a little under the influence simultaneously, which never ends well. I did mean what I said about the DFW guys, but I didn't need to approach it in such an abrasive manner. For that, my apologies. It's just that I've gotten the opportunity to work with some of those guys and they are good people, undeserving of what's happening to them, but they're understanding about this being a nature of the beast situation, so their humbleness instead of angry made me even angrier for them at the results of the vote. It had nothing to do with Us not having a say in the vote, it was the whole situation that was $hitty. If the tables were turned, I would have been on the fence with my vote as well, but probably would have voted yes. But, it wasn't my vote and there's nothing that can be said nor done about it now, so moving on.

I've already posted the max I'm willing to give, we get a roughly 30% increase in pay thanks to the AMFA negotiations and the company agreement, so using the law of averages and the weight bare and loss to gain benefit for the SWA guys, I will not vote in anything above 30% decrease in AT seniority, with the march 29th LOA being removed for the SWA contract and the TA amended to show pay retroed back to at least SOC, if not even sooner.

30% is the max fairest method to use instead of years. It has the impact on the AT side that AMFA wants and a least impact on the majority of the AT side. Also, it's the average pay rate advantage that we get transitioning over to SWA. So 30% or less is the number if we all agree it's a one time thing, no strings attached. (removal of the LOA's, no fence, and we get the pay in return) but the 30% hit goes back to no later than the purchase date or Date of closing. I would be a 100% yes vote to those terms.

Again, my apologizes to those I may have offended in my earlier post, it wasn't my intention.

AvTech04; No prob brother. I've done it too. Alot of us have done it. Remember my fit I threw at MadMan when he first arrived. All this senority issues are delicate issues, it's our livelyhood for the future. BTW still love your passion, keep it up. Ok, moving on to your post.
You and I (with several others) have always agreed to the 30% range, And I also think your methodoligy of coming up with the numbers you are willing to go with is very fair indeed. I would also like to reinterate something; Are you guys concerned that there would be more than a one time hit? I keep hearing this come up. YES, this would only be a one time hit in your senority. If you guys are being told any different I have no idea why. I also agree with you guys getting the pay ASAP. Although that is in the company's hands, but I believe they have already told you guys that you will get it, at least that is what we have been told by the company as well. Welcome back brother...
Exactly so 20-25% would be fair ?

We have posted what we thought was fair to us in order to get this thing to pass. Looks like your numbers are 20-25%, AvTech has posted that he will not entertain anything more than a 30%. My range was 25-35%. The reason I give the range is for room to be nego. I still honestly think it will land around the 30% range for fairness as AvTech has pointed out. These are individuals opinions, these guys are not the nego's and this is not the nego table.
Fine, then the 30% hit and done with AMFA, we'll work with SWA on the TA, hopefully with the support of AMFA to atleast include retro, DEN MX, and 401K.

I say you guys deserve the full retro. #1- It should cost the company a little for getting this done outside arbitration. And #2- You guys should be compensated for the 30% as well. When you guys do work with SWA on that I think AMFA should also lean on the company as well, after all both sides are willing to move to get this done.
I dont wanna be 2 different work groups, I don't wanna screw anyone over, I don't wanna lose seniority, I don't wanna look at my union brothers and feel any negativity towards them, and I don't want this thing to drag on.

Then keep putting pressure on your nego cmte to get them back to the table as we are over here on our side. I am 99.9% positive we can get this done if the changes are made as we are discussing here.
Thanks,guys. I have talked to several members of the AT committee. They do plan to come to the meeting next week. They will have their local business agent with them not the IBT.They will be tied up with Horizon Aire. The AT committee will also be without their chairman, Pepper Atkinson,he got removed by Don Toney the local IBT president because Pepper called the committee together in January to talk about a possible solution, modification or removal of the fencing to propose to AMFA, if the agreement failed, but did not call Don Toney first,unintentionally,he says.Don Toney has not attended one meeting.Go figure it. Don Toney wants arbitration,the AT mech's don't if all possible.Pepper bucked the IBT and paid for it. The commiittee will also be absent one more member because of a vacation conflict. I have talked to Pepper and he believes the mechanics will go with a 25-30% and or 3-4 year reduction to AT mech's or increase in SWA seniority. If the fences is removed. He says the simpler the better.I hope SWA will propose this and the committee will bring it back to the mechanics to vote on. Can this happen,do you believe you committee will propose this? Hope to be one soon.

Glad to hear AT cmte. is showing up. Sorry for you guys that Pepper was removed. Maybe you guys can push real hard for him to attend, after all his ideas are right in line with alot of the AT guys on this forum as well as the SWA guys. With his help I am positive this thing can be done and overwith by April 1st, Easter at the very latest. And this is if we take the entire month of March to conduct the voting.
BTW: If the majority of the AT mechanics are willing to get back to the table, then you guys need to E-mail, write and call the IBT "relentlessly" (and professionally) and let them know what you want. I think the IBT will allow you guys to do so if they were flooded with traffic about it. It would look extremely bad to the outside world if the IBT went completely in the opposite direction that their dues paying members wanted. That would be grounds for a law suit for DFR Failure to represent. They don't want that. The UAL/CAL boys would drop them in a heart beat. Not saying they would rush into AMFA's arms at all, just saying they would replace them very quickly, they are watching this with a microscope... Thanks for the info AT2001, look forward to seeing your team back to the table next week, that is IF this thing gets voted down, I've seen it before. Good luck to you and yours brother.
I also wanted to thank the AT mechanics that posted the correction to MadMans misinformation about the IBT NOT decertifying at AT. Also thanks to AT2001 for the update of who is showing the the meeting on the 23rd. Just make sure all you AT guys let your comte know what it will take, although they seem to already know. Just ask them to get something done so we can move on. This also goes for the AMFA members as well. Hope we can finallize this and move onto our section 6 nego's
Here's a suggestion ... we'll take the 20% if you AT clowns take a 20% drop in pay and bennefits. Is that an acceptable middle to meet at? I probebly know the anwser. Quit asking for the cake, ice cream and a cherry, and be real. I'm sure sokol promissed you everything all in due time, but lets face it you AT clowns either are greedy or just got greedy.
Lets quit going backwards and leave the insults in your hand. I would take NO raise and keep ALL of my seniority and my current contract. So no you don't know the answer.
Lets quit going backwards and leave the insults in your hand. I would take NO raise and keep ALL of my seniority and my current contract. So no you don't know the answer.
Ok, let's not go backward.
You work for swa and will be an amfa member.
You will not be able to keep your at payrate and current senority.
So you stop going backwards and join us on our hard fought amfa contract.
Lets quit going backwards and leave the insults in your hand. I would take NO raise and keep ALL of my seniority and my current contract. So no you don't know the answer.
I am also 100% sure that if you proposed that to your mechanics, they would laugh you out of the room.
I am also 100% sure that if you proposed that to your mechanics, they would laugh you out of the room.
Already have. At least most. Told me how THEY voted, so it will pass on this side, overwhelmingly, at least in my opinion.
Already have. At least most. Told me how THEY voted, so it will pass on this side, overwhelmingly, at least in my opinion.
And when you told them that you wanted NO payraise and would vote for THEM to get NO payraise, how many laughed in your face?
And when you told them that you wanted NO payraise and would vote for THEM to get NO payraise, how many laughed in your face?
Nobody I know would be willing to vote for a deal that put all you guys on a "b" scale to ours.
It would divide our groups even more than the company offer.
And If you would (and I think you are bluffing) then you would be in a very small minority of either group.
probably a group of only 1.
And when you told them that you wanted NO payraise and would vote for THEM to get NO payraise, how many laughed in your face?
Not no pay raise. Just willing to finish my contract out. Was not willing to sell my seniority. "If you fall for anything, you stand for nothing " I know where they stand
Not no pay raise. Just willing to finish my contract out. Was not willing to sell my seniority. "If you fall for anything, you stand for nothing " I know where they stand
What do you mean now?
Didn't you post this?

"I would take NO raise and keep ALL of my seniority and my current contract".

And you capitalized the word "NO" in front of the word "raise"?

This implies you would vote for a transiton agreement for yourself and others with these conditions.
Enough with the hyperbole already.

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