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IBT No Show Forum

What do you mean now?
Didn't you post this?

"I would take NO raise and keep ALL of my seniority and my current contract".

And you capitalized the word "NO" in front of the word "raise"?

This implies you would vote for a transiton agreement for yourself and others with these conditions.
Enough with the hyperbole already.
Until my contract was to be amendable. Do you just want to argue. We can
Until my contract was to be amendable. Do you just want to argue. We can

Thank you for the clarification of what I thought was a ridiculous statement when we were discussing what we would vote for.
I dont want to argue but I do believe you are in the minority if you do not want to join us and recieve our earned benefits as soon as possible.
Thank you for the clarification of what I thought was a ridiculous statement when we were discussing what we would vote for.
I dont want to argue but I do believe you are in the minority if you do not want to join us and recieve our earned benefits as soon as possible.
You're right about being in the minority, it would never pass, so if 30% or so is offered everybody will be happy
I also wanted to thank the AT mechanics that posted the correction to MadMans misinformation about the IBT NOT decertifying at AT. Also thanks to AT2001 for the update of who is showing the the meeting on the 23rd. Just make sure all you AT guys let your comte know what it will take, although they seem to already know. Just ask them to get something done so we can move on. This also goes for the AMFA members as well. Hope we can finallize this and move onto our section 6 nego's
I did not post any misinformation. I may have used the incorrect terminology (decertify) but the end result after IBT files for a Single Transporter System determination, is the same, AMFA will represent both sides. You accuse me of fear tactics but it seems you will take every opportunity to ignore anything that doesn't fit your agenda. Your post about how it is impossible for the IBT to submit a request for a Single Transporter System determination with the NMB after they file for arbitration is just plain wrong. It may be that we have had different interpretations on this subject from different attorneys, but the ones I have worked with have repeated more than once that it is possible and legal and I trust Them over any "Hangar Lawyer". The IBT attorney has stated at least 3 times in open negotiations and off the record that is their intentions. It is not fear mongering it is fact. Whether IBT follows through is yet to be seen, but you need to stop spinning every thing that doesnt fit your agenda as fear mongering. It also remains to be seen if the AT guys that are coming on the 23rd have any authority to make any decsions or if they are only attending the meeting in proxy to deliver the IBT's message. We have already found out what happens when their committee comes in without any authority from the IBT Airline Division Reps, they make proposals they can't deliver ("we will take a 25% reduction") and then ask for a mulligan.

This current referendum is a Company proposal. In SAT AMFA only agreed in concept to the SLI proposal and stipulated that only after going through the document line for line with the Company, making sure we understood and agreed on all the language intent, we would consider it a TA. Going line for line was necessary because all three parties were never in the same room and the language being proposed was theoretically owned by the Company which meant they also owned its intent, AMFA had to take this step. We also required the Company to give us an addendum document that defined all protected slots in MCO and BWI, which the Company didn't produce for at least a month. We finally met with the Company and discovered there were several areas in the document we had concerns and even disagreed. It was then decided that AMFA would not call it a TA but it could go out to the Membership at the company's request as a company proposal. The same concerns we had with the company proposal are the same reasons the SLI will be voted down.
I did not post any misinformation. I may have used the incorrect terminology (decertify) but the end result after IBT files for a Single Transporter System determination, is the same, AMFA will represent both sides. You accuse me of fear tactics but it seems you will take every opportunity to ignore anything that doesn't fit your agenda. Your post about how it is impossible for the IBT to submit a request for a Single Transporter System determination with the NMB after they file for arbitration is just plain wrong. It may be that we have had different interpretations on this subject from different attorneys, but the ones I have worked with have repeated more than once that it is possible and legal and I trust Them over any "Hangar Lawyer". The IBT attorney has stated at least 3 times in open negotiations and off the record that is their intentions. It is not fear mongering it is fact. Whether IBT follows through is yet to be seen, but you need to stop spinning every thing that doesnt fit your agenda as fear mongering. It also remains to be seen if the AT guys that are coming on the 23rd have any authority to make any decsions or if they are only attending the meeting in proxy to deliver the IBT's message. We have already found out what happens when their committee comes in without any authority from the IBT Airline Division Reps, they make proposals they can't deliver ("we will take a 25% reduction") and then ask for a mulligan.

This current referendum is a Company proposal. In SAT AMFA only agreed in concept to the SLI proposal and stipulated that only after going through the document line for line with the Company, making sure we understood and agreed on all the language intent, we would consider it a TA. Going line for line was necessary because all three parties were never in the same room and the language being proposed was theoretically owned by the Company which meant they also owned its intent, AMFA had to take this step. We also required the Company to give us an addendum document that defined all protected slots in MCO and BWI, which the Company didn't produce for at least a month. We finally met with the Company and discovered there were several areas in the document we had concerns and even disagreed. It was then decided that AMFA would not call it a TA but it could go out to the Membership at the company's request as a company proposal. The same concerns we had with the company proposal are the same reasons the SLI will be voted down.

You said you weren't coming back till after the 23rd. I guess we can't believe a thing you say.
You said you weren't coming back till after the 23rd. I guess we can't believe a thing you say.
MadMan337 does what he wants when he wants and can change his mind any time he wants. And I don't care what you think about me.
What lineguy said, guess we can't believe ANYTHING you say. I'm betting you really do care what people think.
I haven't seen any lies on this blog. Mostly it is made up of opinions and specualtions about what will happen and how things got to this point. When I see something that is incorrect I will speak up. I respect SWAMT opinions and actually agree with a lot of what he says at times. What you need to understand is the difference between opinions. Some are based on gathered facts and first hand experience and some are based on second and third hand information.

Lineguy and swaboeingonly seem to be mostly sideline guys who think they know things. I will speculate that they haven't attended a Union Meeting in the past year minus the road show, never held a position in the Union and never attended as an observer. Yet they carry themselves as good union members with great insight.

BTW, I have a very high self esteem and your opinions about me really do not matter.
BTW, I have a very high self esteem and your opinions about me really do not matter.

I think you are confusing "very high self esteem" with actually being conceited and full of yourself. There is a difference between the two. I know it's hard to hear the truth. You have some good info, but its mixed with alot of your own speculations and ego.
I think you are confusing "very high self esteem" with actually being conceited and full of yourself. There is a difference between the two. I know it's hard to hear the truth. You have some good info, but its mixed with alot of your own speculations and ego.
Try to ignore the ego and just take in the information, it's called being objective. You will be very surprised once you achieve objectivity how much clearer the information becomes. Doesn't mean you have to agree, that's the great thing about expressing opinions and specualtion. You have no shortage of ego yourself.
Try to ignore the ego and just take in the information, it's called being objective. You will be very surprised once you achieve objectivity how much clearer the information becomes. Doesn't mean you have to agree, that's the great thing about expressing opinions and specualtion. You have no shortage of ego yourself.

I merely observe reality and call it like I see it.
Lineguy and swaboeingonly seem to be mostly sideline guys who think they know things. I will speculate that they haven't attended a Union Meeting in the past year minus the road show, never held a position in the Union and never attended as an observer. Yet they carry themselves as good union members with great insight.

Again your speculations are incorrect. I just don't toot my own horn like you do.

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