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Hey Lineguy, If you are a DAL mechanic and work the line, were you one of the yellow dog scabs that signed the petition letter to give away fueling and push back work to the Company about 3-4 years ago. Yeah, you probably are.

You know Jack, you would be a valued member on this forum with an excellent profile reputation if you weren't so condescending. It would do you and all of the AMFA membership good if you started turning wrenches again. Well, except the guys who have to work with you.
I can think of a plan B, plan C and even a nuclear option to change your senario.
Question is are you still so married to the company proposal that you have given up the fight and are just waiting for arbitration?
Or are our elected leaders preparing for the real battle ahead?
The fight is over. The IBT has no intentions of negotiating further. In fact ever since the day the IBT said they were finished negotiating (the day we proposed that AT give us 12yrs seniority) they have not returned to the table, even in SAT and MCI. They have disbanded the AT committee and they are not attending the meeting in DAL on the 23rd. I don't like being right about this. I would rather have another chance at negotiating just like everyone else but it isn't going to happen. When the Company proposal is voted down, and it will be, I will be thinking only about how AMFA is going to survive the turmoil. AMFA is prepared for arbitration but they are not prepared for the results.
You know Jack, you would be a valued member on this forum with an excellent profile reputation if you weren't so condescending. It would do you and all of the AMFA membership good if you started turning wrenches again. Well, except the guys who have to work with you.
I'll take that as a YES to my question, yellow dog.
The fight is over. The IBT has no intentions of negotiating further. In fact ever since the day the IBT said they were finished negotiating (the day we proposed that AT give us 12yrs seniority) they have not returned to the table, even in SAT and MCI. They have disbanded the AT committee and they are not attending the meeting in DAL on the 23rd. I don't like being right about this. I would rather have another chance at negotiating just like everyone else but it isn't going to happen. When the Company proposal is voted down, and it will be, I will be thinking only about how AMFA is going to survive the turmoil. AMFA is prepared for arbitration but they are not prepared for the results.
That is the answer I expected from you, but it is not true that we don't have options.
They are costly and messy options but I think that a solid no vote from a majority deserves us take the hard messy options.
If you (author of LOA language) or our other elected AMFA leaders are resigned to arbitration and are not up to the messy business then I hope to see their resignations from AMFA leadership positions at the FEB 23rd meeting.
What I meant was if had a seniority date of 1/1/2000 and the last swa guy for 2000 date was 12/15/2000, my new seniority date would b 12/15/2000 after the last swa mech
The fight is over. The IBT has no intentions of negotiating further. In fact ever since the day the IBT said they were finished negotiating (the day we proposed that AT give us 12yrs seniority) they have not returned to the table, even in SAT and MCI. They have disbanded the AT committee and they are not attending the meeting in DAL on the 23rd. I don't like being right about this. I would rather have another chance at negotiating just like everyone else but it isn't going to happen. When the Company proposal is voted down, and it will be, I will be thinking only about how AMFA is going to survive the turmoil. AMFA is prepared for arbitration but they are not prepared for the results.

There you go. Just give up before the fight is over. Hang your head when you should be representing the membership by preparing for the upcoming battle.
Company was notified by the IBT that they would not be attending the meeting on Feb 23. By IBT I mean the International Teamsters, attorney, airline division reps. Only the ATL local reps will attend and are only staying for a couple of hours and flying back same day. Arbitration then decertification of IBT, as the IBT has said all along. If the decertification happens before arbitration we may have a small window to settle with our newly acquired AMFA brothers before the hearing. Although, I was also told that the Company may file for arbitration which at this point sounds like they have a right to.

I don't know if you guys mean your replys in an insulting way or you simply know the guy who's posting the info but this scenario is the most probable that may occur at this stage in the game. That way it's no skin off the iBT's back and AMFA is left with the bill. In some ways, I hope it happens so we can have a real union represent us and do as we ask, but in the long term this could be very detrimental to AMFA themselves. They'll be spending so much and working so hard for he both of us that it leaves the company the opportunity to get almost whatever they want out of AMFA because they may not be able to afford another litigation battle in the NEAR future... We'll see, but i hope I'm wrong.
And to reply back to the SWAboeingonly and grmach1, so the truth is most probable that this is all new for all of us. Non of the new paperwork has anything Airtran used to do, not even the new TRAX non-routine. Log books, mpm, all these are new to us all.. And that inspector #### walking around all snobby and cocky, I think I know who he is, and he's a real dick!

Just to clarify, whenever I defend an Airtran employees on here, I'm only referring to the contractual employees, or working class. We may have a few good managers spread amongst the systemi, but for the most part, I would rather continue my career without them....

Lastly, I agree with all of you about not having to change your employee number but I don't agree with stamping is with and AT in from of ours. I'd rather get a new one from SWA eventhough I'd like to keep mine. Like I said, I want to be a SWA mechanic, not and AirTran mechanic working at SWA...
There you go. Just give up before the fight is over. Hang your head when you should be representing the membership by preparing for the battle ahead.
Yellow Dog Lineguy, I see you and some others are suggesting blocking a single CBA after an arbitrator's ruling. The AMFA reps won't be the ones to carry that load, it will be the Membership who will have to vote down the transition agreements.
Yellow Dog Lineguy, I see you and some others are suggesting blocking a single CBA after an arbitrator's ruling. The AMFA reps won't be the ones to carry that load, it will be the Membership who will have to vote down the transition agreements.

Jack. When you say yellow dog are we talkin labrador retriever yellow dog like Ole Yeller? I always liked that movie. Please find where I suggested blocking a single CBA. You lie.
Yellow Dog Lineguy, I see you and some others are suggesting blocking a single CBA after an arbitrator's ruling. The AMFA reps won't be the ones to carry that load, it will be the Membership who will have to vote down the transition agreements.
You are still talking about abitration.
I know of several options to us that can delay the start of that process.
yes I am aware of the 20 day start to arb and the 90 day ruling process but I thinik we have a case of company interferance in the SLI negotiating process and would like to see an injunction to delay.
We have other options that I won't discuss on open forums but are available.
I have been paying dues long enough and expect that money to fight for our senority on ALL fronts.
If you are too squeemish for the task, then resign and get out of the way.
I sugest to you that if this is voted down then lick your wounds grow a spine and get back to fighting for the AMFA membership.
Your posts show your are now hoping for a negative outcome so you can say "I told you so".
Jack. When you say yellow dog are we talkin labrador retriever yellow dog like Ole Yeller? I always liked that movie. Please find where I suggested blocking a single CBA. You lie.
Ole Jack was kicked out of his position when we were teamsters and now he's going to lose his gravy job with amfa. I'm thinking he is just bitter. I guess you can't make a living doing taxes for ex dee howard mechanics. What a shame.
Ole Jack was kicked out of his position when we were teamsters and now he's going to lose his gravy job with amfa. I'm thinking he is just bitter. I guess you can't make a living doing taxes for ex dee howard mechanics. What a shame.
Enough with the Jack stuff. He is not Coonrod.
Yellow Dog Lineguy, I see you and some others are suggesting blocking a single CBA after an arbitrator's ruling. The AMFA reps won't be the ones to carry that load, it will be the Membership who will have to vote down the transition agreements.
I think the talk about delaying the combined CBA was only if something completely outrages was voted in. If AMFA and the AT guys came to an agreement without the fences prior to going to arbitration, then there wouldn't be a problem transitioning into one CBA. I think you may have misunderstood the postings concerning this.

Well if all this happens as you state, there is still a chance to come to an agreement prior to arbitration. At least now the AT guys will show. I also believe the AMFA attorney laid out an example of how this can be done if your exact senerio was to occur. This was discussed at the AMFA road show in Dallas. Now if the company rushed off to arbitration then this would not look good amungst the mechanics ranks, I understand they have a right to, but, they should still be willing to get something done one last time prior to going to arbitration. We are so close it would be a waste not to try, at this point it would take much change since both sides don't want the fences. Now get back to the table and "git-r-done".
BTW: the company did it for the pilots, they better treat other employees the same or they will have a huge mess on their hands that may never go away. And I for one would hate to see that happen.
Jack. When you say yellow dog are we talkin labrador retriever yellow dog like Ole Yeller? I always liked that movie. Please find where I suggested blocking a single CBA. You lie.
I didn't lie but I may have misunderstood what you were suggesting the battle ahead. So explain what battle the reps need to prepare for because the arbitration case is ready.

Yellow Dog is a term used in modern times to refer to an employee or group of employees who enter into agreement with the company that is contradictory to their CBA and detrimental to the rest of the union members. The term was originally used back when Company's used to make employees sign agreements to never be unionized as a term of employment, the agreements were called yellow dog contracts.

In my opinion if you signed the petition letter to the company from all the DAL Line mechanics stating you no longer wanted to perform push back and fueling and wanted to allow the company to take that work back I consider you a Yellow Dog.

I am hoping you are not one of those Lineguy.

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