IBT No Show Forum

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  • #136
I have a question. In the deleted thread before this one, AvTech 04 stated that Airtran pay was only $4 and hour less than SWA pay rates.
After actual pay differences were posted (by SWAMT I think), AvTech 04 never responded to it.
My question is: Are Airtran AMTs aware of the actual amount of money they will be out each month that they are not on our AMFA negoiated payscale, or are they still thinking it is only $4 an hour.
In the other thread that was deleted the2 examples were for topped out mechanics at both carriers, and examples of 5 yr mechs at both carriers. The final results came to a 15K plus increase for the topped out AT guys, and a 26K plus increase for the 5 yr AT guys. All final numbers are using reg 2080 per year, no overtime included. It's easy to do 12K per yr in O/T if you want it. Anyone can run the numbers themselves. Both contracts are on AMFA11.com. Hope this helps. Don't remember the exact numbers previously posted but I do remember the 15 and 26K plus. Not running all those numbers again. Once again, it's far from the 4-5 per hour, as that would only be 8,320.00 and 10,400 respectively. Huge difference. I'm sure all the AT guys ran the numbers already, hell 'll, that would have been the first thing I would have done.
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  • #137
In the other thread that was deleted the2 examples were for topped out mechanics at both carriers, and examples of 5 yr mechs at both carriers. The final results came to a 15K plus increase for the topped out AT guys, and a 26K plus increase for the 5 yr AT guys. All final numbers are using reg 2080 per year, no overtime included. It's easy to do 12K per yr in O/T if you want it. Anyone can run the numbers themselves. Both contracts are on AMFA11.com. Hope this helps. Don't remember the exact numbers previously posted but I do remember the 15 and 26K plus. Not running all those numbers again. Once again, it's far from the 4-5 per hour, as that would only be 8,320.00 and 10,400 respectively. Huge difference. I'm sure all the AT guys ran the numbers already, hell 'll, that would have been the first thing I would have done.

In the examples listed above, The topped out SWA/AT mech's are using the highest amount of pay possible. A SWA mech reaches his highest longevity pay at 12&13 yrs. @ 1.15 and 1.30. All years prior to these are at .10 per year of service. Not exacally sure but I think the highest pay for the AT mechs are at 9 or 10 yr. for max longevity pay. Also using graveyard shift premium. Lead & Insp add 6% to base pay, Lead inspector add another 6% to base pay.
Well gentlemen, I hate to interupt and have tried to stay way from posting here but Avtech had to come over and as usual throw his insults around so I am going to post now thanks to Avtech. Well actually its the same response over in the FA thread. I will spare you most of his Poor AT people post and use excerpts

Sorry for this Avtech interuption


AVtech writes
So how much time do you need to get over yourself, a week, a month, a year??
That depends on when and if AT people show any gratitude for the lifetime lottery tickets they recieved, a thank you goes a long way and in the last 7 months its been 10k pounds of whining and poor me and exactly 1 Thank you,,, you should know because it was you who said it,, so thank you for your thank you!

[i]You keep saying that we should pay some sort of price, but, we are!! For the FA's that have AT premium routes to international destinations, they are now further down the list than before and their lives are getting interrupted because they probably won't be able to keep those slots
Now do you insult people on purpose or have you been doing it so long you dont even realize your doing it? Why dont you go into the Delta FA lounge and Boast about that increbilble International Routing system AT has and tell them its equal to that at DELTA's,, wow see what they think,,,

They are a True international airline that looks at your dinky little AT international flying as cute,, so they will either laugh at you or call security. Calling AT an international Airline(Close international is more accurate) is like San Antonio Airport Calling up Lax/ JFK/ATL and screaming WE are an international airport ,, Its insulting anyone who works for a TRUE INTERNATIONAL, US AIR, DELTA, UNITED, American etc.. I have seen your international routes and I will never consider the NEW Swa an international carrier let alone Boast to the Big International Carriers, thats funny. Who hoo I will be a Close International FA I just cant wait to say that!

Thats the same way you insult SWA when you say you are equal to us On the domestic side. Though you were a cute little airline who was 5 times smaller and tried to Fly with the Big Dogs but simply couldnt pull it off-FACT. Again insults abound with you when you try to be something your not. AT was not a Player in the International world, AT was not a Player in the Domestic Market..........period.....just a cute little airline barely staying a float , so know your place and dont oversell your position OR your product!!

Now they have more resposibilities like cleaning an A/C on a turn. And they gave, keep in mind GAVE, SWA FA's a 2.5 year bump in seniority as a show of good faith and yet you are still unpleased..

Your kidding me again, or are you insulting SWA FA's again? un assuming insults seems to be a tendency of yours(paperwork comments included),, So your saying that AT FA' s may have to give up some of that huge international flying, but you omit the fact that in their mauling that they get a DOH fence in ATlanta, which to my knowledge will hold most of the international flying .. correct.. oops you probably didnt research that, because rest assured there will be No mad Rush from senior SWA FA's to the Best City in the Whole Wide World.. So they gave up huge on your HUGE International routes,,

So your saying that they may HAVE way more Responibilities like CLEANING AND A/C on a turn,, can you again be more insulting????

Let me put this in AVTECH speak so everyone can understand..

" The POOR A/t FA's have to Clean a Plane and do a 25 min turn now and ONLY get 35,000$ MORE a YEAR!!", and what is worse is that many FA's at AT may have the same ungrateful ATtiude,, but no way anyone at SWA could see that as insulting, right

NO their is no way anyone at SWA could see your comments as insulting, or the comments of any other AT employee trying to insult SWA employees, by playing the victims or like Adasspera telling SWA people his opinion is just as relevant as any SWA employee now that SWA owns AT,its insulting.

You dont think many of the 35,000 SWA employees hearing and seeing these comments see the AT lack of gratitude as insulting, the lack of compassion for the fact NO ONE at SWA gets a damn thing personally as insulting?? See you get so caught up in your poor AT and your DOH screams that you forget that most things you say can be insulting to the 35,000 people who get nothing while watching AT people get HUGE HUGE AMOUNTS OF EVERYTHING,, while the SWA people listen to AT people complain about Paperwork, DOH, or FA's having to clean,, complaining when your getting everything,, now how could any of the 35,000 SWA original employees not see the insults, maybe they are all blind thats it!!!

SO, you want us all to just move on, to get over it, that its people like me that will ruin it. Well my never to be seen friend I hate to say it , but its people like you and your INSULTING comments and AT employees who keep insulting SWA employees that hurts this deal more than I could ever dare. The gratitude VS ATtitude so far, Insults and poor me comments 1000, the gratitude 1,, thats insulting to SWA employees.

You see I am a part of a 35,000 employee group that got shoved a s#$t sandwich and told not to complain, so we at SWA can be bitter for a while(human Nature) but if you and the AT people can find it in your hearts to stop your insults, then maybe time will take this taste out of our mouths a little sooner!

But you keep up your passive/aggressive ATtitude and insults when it is you at AT who got handed a LIFETIME LOTTERY TICKET, then it will take until never to get that taste out of our mouths. We havent even finished the s#$t sandwich yet so have some compassion.

While for the rest of your LIFE you will be counting your dollars and screaming DOH, so try to keep the insults to a minimum, but you obviously dont see it that way as your Mech PAPERWORK comment shows how insensitive insults just flow off your tongue, if you think I am the only one that sees it that way then you keep on with the insults and you will make tons of SWA friends telling them how inadequate their system is, how much more you made at SWA than AT, how AT was a better/equal company, How SWA needed AT etc.. I am just trying to help you with your insult one- liners

So will I or We 35,000 ever accept AT and get the taste out of my mouth
will AT ever stop insulting the ORIGINAL SWA employees while cashing in their lottery tickets????
Will AT ever show gratitude to be working at a Superior airline?
Will AT FA's not complain about cleaning a plane for $35k more a year
Will AT people be sensitive to the seniority they got that they shouldnt have
Will AT appreciate the payraises they got off the backs of SWA People
Will AT people like AVtech realize when they are about to insult an SWA employee,, to Stop and find the compassion to realize that they won the LOTTERY and stop the insult before it ever leaves their mouth or fingertips

Well AVtech , ponder these questions as you conjure up some more of your insult potions,, the answer to all these questions will have a tremendous impact at all of us at the NEW SWA and its ONLY time that will be able to tell how this one turns out..

So Avtech if you need to interupt the FA thread with your incredible acumen or find the overwhelming need to insult me and the 10,000 SWA FAs again, you know where to find me me

I Apologize for the interuption guys, wont happen again or at least till it happens again :lol: .. Everyone have a great day, even you Avtech
Well gentlemen, I hate to interupt and have tried to stay way from posting here but Avtech had to come over and as usual throw his insults around so I am going to post now thanks to Avtech. Well actually its the same response over in the FA thread. I will spare you most of his Poor AT people post and use excerpts

Sorry for this Avtech interuption


AVtech writes
So how much time do you need to get over yourself, a week, a month, a year??

That depends on when and if AT people show any gratitude for the lifetime lottery tickets they recieved, a thank you goes a long way and in the last 7 months its been 10k pounds of whining and poor me and exactly 1 Thank you,,, you should know because it was you who said it,, so thank you for your thank you!

[i]You keep saying that we should pay some sort of price, but, we are!! For the FA's that have AT premium routes to international destinations, they are now further down the list than before and their lives are getting interrupted because they probably won't be able to keep those slots
Now do you insult people on purpose or have you been doing it so long you dont even realize your doing it? Why dont you go into the Delta FA lounge and Boast about that increbilble International Routing system AT has and tell them its equal to that at DELTA's,, wow see what they think,,,

They are a True international airline that looks at your dinky little AT international flying as cute,, so they will either laugh at you or call security. Calling AT an international Airline(Close international is more accurate) is like San Antonio Airport Calling up Lax/ JFK/ATL and screaming WE are an international airport ,, Its insulting anyone who works for a TRUE INTERNATIONAL, US AIR, DELTA, UNITED, American etc.. I have seen your international routes and I will never consider the NEW Swa an international carrier let alone Boast to the Big International Carriers, thats funny. Who hoo I will be a Close International FA I just cant wait to say that!

Thats the same way you insult SWA when you say you are equal to us On the domestic side. Though you were a cute little airline who was 5 times smaller and tried to Fly with the Big Dogs but simply couldnt pull it off-FACT. Again insults abound with you when you try to be something your not. AT was not a Player in the International world, AT was not a Player in the Domestic Market..........period.....just a cute little airline barely staying a float , so know your place and dont oversell your position OR your product!!

Now they have more resposibilities like cleaning an A/C on a turn. And they gave, keep in mind GAVE, SWA FA's a 2.5 year bump in seniority as a show of good faith and yet you are still unpleased..

Your kidding me again, or are you insulting SWA FA's again? un assuming insults seems to be a tendency of yours(paperwork comments included),, So your saying that AT FA' s may have to give up some of that huge international flying, but you omit the fact that in their mauling that they get a DOH fence in ATlanta, which to my knowledge will hold most of the international flying .. correct.. oops you probably didnt research that, because rest assured there will be No mad Rush from senior SWA FA's to the Best City in the Whole Wide World.. So they gave up huge on your HUGE International routes,,

So your saying that they may HAVE way more Responibilities like CLEANING AND A/C on a turn,, can you again be more insulting????

Let me put this in AVTECH speak so everyone can understand..

" The POOR A/t FA's have to Clean a Plane and do a 25 min turn now and ONLY get 35,000$ MORE a YEAR!!", and what is worse is that many FA's at AT may have the same ungrateful ATtiude,, but no way anyone at SWA could see that as insulting, right

NO their is no way anyone at SWA could see your comments as insulting, or the comments of any other AT employee trying to insult SWA employees, by playing the victims or like Adasspera telling SWA people his opinion is just as relevant as any SWA employee now that SWA owns AT,its insulting.

You dont think many of the 35,000 SWA employees hearing and seeing these comments see the AT lack of gratitude as insulting, the lack of compassion for the fact NO ONE at SWA gets a damn thing personally as insulting?? See you get so caught up in your poor AT and your DOH screams that you forget that most things you say can be insulting to the 35,000 people who get nothing while watching AT people get HUGE HUGE AMOUNTS OF EVERYTHING,, while the SWA people listen to AT people complain about Paperwork, DOH, or FA's having to clean,, complaining when your getting everything,, now how could any of the 35,000 SWA original employees not see the insults, maybe they are all blind thats it!!!

SO, you want us all to just move on, to get over it, that its people like me that will ruin it. Well my never to be seen friend I hate to say it , but its people like you and your INSULTING comments and AT employees who keep insulting SWA employees that hurts this deal more than I could ever dare. The gratitude VS ATtitude so far, Insults and poor me comments 1000, the gratitude 1,, thats insulting to SWA employees.

You see I am a part of a 35,000 employee group that got shoved a s#$t sandwich and told not to complain, so we at SWA can be bitter for a while(human Nature) but if you and the AT people can find it in your hearts to stop your insults, then maybe time will take this taste out of our mouths a little sooner!

But you keep up your passive/aggressive ATtitude and insults when it is you at AT who got handed a LIFETIME LOTTERY TICKET, then it will take until never to get that taste out of our mouths. We havent even finished the s#$t sandwich yet so have some compassion.

While for the rest of your LIFE you will be counting your dollars and screaming DOH, so try to keep the insults to a minimum, but you obviously dont see it that way as your Mech PAPERWORK comment shows how insensitive insults just flow off your tongue, if you think I am the only one that sees it that way then you keep on with the insults and you will make tons of SWA friends telling them how inadequate their system is, how much more you made at SWA than AT, how AT was a better/equal company, How SWA needed AT etc.. I am just trying to help you with your insult one- liners

So will I or We 35,000 ever accept AT and get the taste out of my mouth
will AT ever stop insulting the ORIGINAL SWA employees while cashing in their lottery tickets????
Will AT ever show gratitude to be working at a Superior airline?
Will AT FA's not complain about cleaning a plane for $35k more a year
Will AT people be sensitive to the seniority they got that they shouldnt have
Will AT appreciate the payraises they got off the backs of SWA People
Will AT people like AVtech realize when they are about to insult an SWA employee,, to Stop and find the compassion to realize that they won the LOTTERY and stop the insult before it ever leaves their mouth or fingertips

Well AVtech , ponder these questions as you conjure up some more of your insult potions,, the answer to all these questions will have a tremendous impact at all of us at the NEW SWA and its ONLY time that will be able to tell how this one turns out..

So Avtech if you need to interupt the FA thread with your incredible acumen or find the overwhelming need to insult me and the 10,000 SWA FAs again, you know where to find me me

I Apologize for the interuption guys, wont happen again or at least till it happens again :lol: .. Everyone have a great day, even you Avtech

Bravo!! I don't know what you're trying to accomplish here but congratulations on the copy and paste. you really put me in my place :)

Buscador took excepts out of my original post that was directed ONLY towards her/him/shim, and is trying to dissect it to make it look like I was speaking the 10,000 F/A's that SWA has... So shim decided to copy and paste it on the MX thread for some reason.. My whole point, as I am sure most will understand where I am coming from, was to get shim over shimself and move on. The votes are done, the agreement is set and the future is all that's left. But, unfortunately, Buscador is stuck in the past and refuse's to accept the situation.

Like I replied to you in the other forum, We need to move on past the bitter SLI and move forward in building a better airline TOGETHER!!!

Oh, Buscador, please learn forum code etiquette, I'm tired of having to go back through your reply and fix all your errors in order to post, thanks! :)
Thank you for your tips on etiquette even though I dont insult you on your spelling throughout your posts.

Neither You nor any AT employee has any Right to tell a SWA employee when or how they should get over this Painful SLI deal, we original employees have to eat this sh@$t sandwich and this taste could last a long time! I will promise you that this taste will last a lot longer if the side reaping all the benefits(AT) are the ones giving us advice on how to live with the taste!!! the taste AT never had to try!!

As your mama told you growing up, if you dont have enough to share then dont bring any at all. Well the Fairness in this deal seems to have stopped on the AT side of the table. simply wasnt enough Fair to go around and seems AT people enjoyed the heck out of it, so much they TOOK IT ATL oops I meant ALL

Tons easier to proclaim and suggest HOW the future hand holding should go, HOW SWA should let go of the Pain, HOW to make this company better, when you are on the ones claiming all the Victory. Dont think that it is just me that watches all the ATtitudes and Posts and insults coming from the AT side,, NO, because everytime I get on a plane FA's are saying "can you believe they said this, did this, thought this or think this?" again NO..

Cast your stones at me if you will , for I am,,what did you call me, o yea a Shim, not sure if you are implying that I am a trans-gender or trans-sexual but I have now been reduced to a she-him (shim). see even in your contraction attempts you find a way to insult. But rest assured I am not Tran-sexual or Trans-gender.

So cast away because I will tell you that I am not the ONLY FA/Employee that is thinking this way or feeling this way, I am not the only FA that is watching how SWA handles the SMT and this whole transaction and how its Original Employees can find a way to see through the pain they feel or the cold they feel being left out in the cold.. again ideas from others not just me

So if the side who took everything(except mx so far) would hold back on the insults and allow some time to the SWA employees to get this sh@#t taste out of our mouths, that would be MIGHT NICE of you
Thank you for your tips on etiquette even though I dont insult you on your spelling throughout your posts.

Neither You nor any AT employee has any Right to tell a SWA employee when or how they should get over this Painful SLI deal, we original employees have to eat this sh@$t sandwich and this taste could last a long time! I will promise you that this taste will last a lot longer if the side reaping all the benefits(AT) are the ones giving us advice on how to live with the taste!!! the taste AT never had to try!!

As your mama told you growing up, if you dont have enough to share then dont bring any at all. Well the Fairness in this deal seems to have stopped on the AT side of the table. simply wasnt enough Fair to go around and seems AT people enjoyed the heck out of it, so much they TOOK IT ATL oops I meant ALL

Tons easier to proclaim and suggest HOW the future hand holding should go, HOW SWA should let go of the Pain, HOW to make this company better, when you are on the ones claiming all the Victory. Dont think that it is just me that watches all the ATtitudes and Posts and insults coming from the AT side,, NO, because everytime I get on a plane FA's are saying "can you believe they said this, did this, thought this or think this?" again NO..

Cast your stones at me if you will , for I am,,what did you call me, o yea a Shim, not sure if you are implying that I am a trans-gender or trans-sexual but I have now been reduced to a she-him (shim). see even in your contraction attempts you find a way to insult. But rest assured I am not Tran-sexual or Trans-gender.

So cast away because I will tell you that I am not the ONLY FA/Employee that is thinking this way or feeling this way, I am not the only FA that is watching how SWA handles the SMT and this whole transaction and how its Original Employees can find a way to see through the pain they feel or the cold they feel being left out in the cold.. again ideas from others not just me

So if the side who took everything(except mx so far) would hold back on the insults and allow some time to the SWA employees to get this sh@#t taste out of our mouths, that would be MIGHT NICE of you

I'm awefully tired of playing this petty game with you, back and forth with no apparent end. I don't even read most of your rebuttals, just to be totally honest. You can take and twist everything out of context and make me the bad guy all day, I don't care.. The only reason I even posted on 'your' thread was because your AT bashing needed to stop!! Your insulting, what is now, your fellow co-workers because you're mad that they didn't sacrifice a lamb on top of a mountain in the blizzard snow with no shoes on in order to become a FA at SWA... It's not their fault, they didn't ask for any of this.. You know what, I'm tired of beating a completely dead horse here, you just want to argue with someone for the sake of arguing. I'm done with you, go on and be bitter and not move forward. Stay stuck on this merger until the day you die, I don't really care cause it's no sweat off my back. I tried to make peace with you and tried to make you see past this pettiness but it's not going to work so I'm done...

And BTW, the shim thing, it's because I don't know what you are and don't really feel like taking the time to type him/her she/he, so I just simplified it to shim... Take it as you will, but it wasn't meant as an insult.

Moving on, while Buscador stays stuck in the past, any new news on the votes yet?? I would think that since you guys vote electronically it would be a faster process.
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  • #142
AvTech. Hey AvTech. Can you hear me? Snap out of of it brother! Can you hear me now? Whoooo that was close.
its simple, you and your AT cronies stop insulting the SWA employees realizing that you got the BEST out of all this!!!!!

If you have anything less than positive to say about SWA, then its time to shut up and realize that everyone is listening and SWA people are tired of listening to AT insults and whining, while we at SWA are getting nothing. Look at the views and tell me that I am wrong with at least 500-600 views for just 1 post. SWA employees do see

I am done hoping you could realize the impact your insults carry, be it passive or an attempt to find common ground, Avtech your simple insults will carry more weight than most because you are one of the very few at AT that has been reasonable and showed Fairness and I applaud "most" of your efforts so stop and think about your posts, good luck to all mechs and hope SWA mechs can walk away looking at AT mechs with a positive opinion unlike the many other dept people at SWA I now talk too, again its not just me.

If avtech and all the AT people can stay on course without the insults and whining, I can promise you all that I (the little Transexual Troll as Avtech calls me,, got you :D ) will stay away from the Forums, I will just watch and see how your progress is going and wish you all a good outcome! Thats it

Good luck to us all, Good Luck to The New SWA..... On the Upside this deal has many different Facets, on the Downside it has many different Faces.
The LOA votes are done on the 14th, the TA vote will be done on the 21st. I'm thinking that the results will be out on the night of the 21st or sometime the 22nd.
Did I mention I voted YES on all referendums? The last time I spoke with a member of the SLI Committee he said they are not expecting much at the Feb 23 meeting with the IBT. IBT only wants to talk about arbitration if vote is No. Just wait and you'll see my predictions are spot on.
Did I mention I voted YES on all referendums? The last time I spoke with a member of the SLI Committee he said they are not expecting much at the Feb 23 meeting with the IBT. IBT only wants to talk about arbitration if vote is No. Just wait and you'll see my predictions are spot on.

Welcome back troublemaker.
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  • #147
Did I mention I voted YES on all referendums? The last time I spoke with a member of the SLI Committee he said they are not expecting much at the Feb 23 meeting with the IBT. IBT only wants to talk about arbitration if vote is No. Just wait and you'll see my predictions are spot on.

Really. Spot on huh? How many times must we keep telling you? We don't care care if your predictions happen spot on what you said they will happen. If the IBT wants to goto arbitration, then so be it, we don't care. Let's goto arbitration. You are so wrapped up in what the company is preaching (or, as I think, you are in fact company) that your not seeing the ultimate long term effect of all of this. You are in fact a horse with blinders on, and only seeing what SWA wants you to see and hear. You are in fact scared of the final results of an arbitration. You are falling right into the propaganda the company wants you to fall into. Scare tactics to get a yes vote and move on. How freakin pathetic... I bet you were a YES man when the vote came upon us about farming out our maint. to Elsalvedor. Figures. Never will I ever vote to have maint. go over seas... NEVER!!
Yes, most of us on here know you voted yes. There is only one other person on this forum that has stated he/she voted yes. Don't think this will pass. But please reiterate your reasons for voting "YES". Just currious...
Did I mention I voted YES on all referendums? The last time I spoke with a member of the SLI Committee he said they are not expecting much at the Feb 23 meeting with the IBT. IBT only wants to talk about arbitration if vote is No. Just wait and you'll see my predictions are spot on.
And we should care because..................................?
I voted yes because I do not buy into all the chest pounding and whining and crying about how AT is getting everything and we're getting nothing. I don't care that they are being handed a big pay raise and other benefits. I do not buy into all the doomsday scenarios about how maintenance could be moved to ATL. I do not think we should block an arbitrator's ruling by never voting in a transition agreement, a yes vote avoids that poorly thought out plan. I voted yes because the low seniority guys will be negatively affected by an arbitrator's ruling, my seniority will not be affected either way. I do not believe AMFA can survive an AMFA on AMFA Seniority integration when the IBT bails out of representing AT, a YES vote avoids that. I voted YES because I do not think AMFA has the resources to deal with the SLI and also Section 6 negotiations for Appearance Techs, Acft Mechanics, Maintenance Controllers, Maintenance Trainers, Facility Maintenance Mechanics, AT Acft Mechanics, AT GSE Mechanics, AT Mx Controllers and AT Instructors all at the same time (not to mention the endless grievances that will be generated when the Company systematically violates our CBA).
Tomorrow is the BIG day. We have 2 737 here in Atl ready to start flying at 6am. Let the new era begin on a good note. Good luck

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