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IBEW update for the week of October 21

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To ''Dawg'', ''pj'', ''Tim'' and all.....
I hope you realize we are making a difference. I know it gets
tiresome to trump the same horn over and over but each time we make a sound someone new is
listening. Remember, today someone new could read our posts and help them in deciding what they
feel they may need to do. I know each day I speak to someone in regards to the IBEW and everyday,
that someone walks away with a better idea of what the IBEW could offer. Yesterday, being another.
I spoke to an individual who hasn't signed a card and was unsure if he wanted to. He asked me some questions and I answered them the best I could. Well at the end of the conversation it boiled down to
just one question, ''Are you happy with the IAM ?''. The answer was an emphatic ''NO'' . Then there's
2 options sign a card or don't. In not signing a card, your choosing to remain with the IAM. In signing
a card your choosing a change. You could end up unrepresented if 50% of the workforce doesn't vote.
You could end up with the IAM, and maybe this movement will wake them up and we can start to have
a voice in a union we've been unrepresented in for over 13 years or we could become IBEW and go to
the table with a union for us, by us...is us. So what do you choose...IAM or IAM, Company, and IBEW. The latter choice has more options and I feel a better chance for us. I wondered if we do not act now,
could we be having this same conversation....another 13 years from now. I could just save this post and
insert the other union in where the IBEW is now or maybe, just maybe someone new is reading this post
and today thier going to sign a card for change...........I do know after my conversation today the IBEW
had one more card signed. Keep posting and please keep talking, it works.

Thanks to all of you........!
We have a problem here! We don't at all know who IBEW is. Are they the real thing or some grass root group. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Knee Jerk reactions go no where. We had that with TWU/IAM/TEAMSTERS/IBEW. Where are the Names that go with this push. Who are the attornies (Not, shop Stewards). No, company will recognise this. Good Luck! And, personally, I wish it could happen. But! you need backing not just wishing.
We have a problem here! We don't at all know who IBEW is. Are they the real thing or some grass root group. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Knee Jerk reactions go no where. We had that with TWU/IAM/TEAMSTERS/IBEW. Where are the Names that go with this push. Who are the attornies (Not, shop Stewards). No, company will recognise this. Good Luck! And, personally, I wish it could happen. But! you need backing not just wishing.

They are real...This is not a knee jerk reaction....In case you didn't know, if a union seeks to take
over the representation from an existing union, they ask for a percentage of cards signed to
reflect the workforces intentions. They usually do not seek the 50% needed to file and ask for
an election. They usually ask for a number closer to 70% or more, to ensure that the workforce
seeking change can retain representation. The IBEW reps will speak in a private forum but the IBEW
is waiting til the card numbers rise up to the number they need. We do have the backing. The IBEW
is paying for all the travel, etc.... of all reps, and once the number is reached they'll publicly attach
thier name.

Again! Who is supporting this effort. Every letter we've been given has NO DIRECT NAMES! Again, don't let us on!.
I understand what your saying but I understand what ''bob'' is saying.
The IBEW would open themselves up for fines and penalties if they publicly support
this card signing, from the AFL-CIO. They are waiting to reach the % they need before
they publicly acknowledge it. Lith, if you have questions ask a IBEW rep in person or
if you want send me an e-mail with your station and if you want a # and I'll make sure
an IBEW rep speaks to you directly. I believe your question is being anwered. The names
attached to the IBEW are not Canale or Brickner. If you want answers thier available to you
just not in a public forum , as of yet....soon.

I must add. Today Tom Brickner, the IAM coordinator for ALL airline contracts under the AFL-CIO did not know who Elise Eberwien was! You! figure that out!
Let me explain this for you once again, Tom is the Airline Coordinator for the IAM at the IAM Transportation Department, not the AFL-CIO and why would he know who she is since she is not involved in contract talks.
They are real...This is not a knee jerk reaction....In case you didn't know, if a union seeks to take
over the representation from an existing union, they ask for a percentage of cards signed to
reflect the workforces intentions. They usually do not seek the 50% needed to file and ask for
an election. They usually ask for a number closer to 70% or more, to ensure that the workforce
seeking change can retain representation. The IBEW reps will speak in a private forum but the IBEW
is waiting til the card numbers rise up to the number they need. We do have the backing. The IBEW
is paying for all the travel, etc.... of all reps, and once the number is reached they'll publicly attach
thier name.


So! IAM posters and letters relating to AFL-CIO IAM/IBEW support say the afl-cio will NOT support this effort. But! We are still suppose to sign letters. Again! Who are these members of IBEW that will go against heads of the AFL_CIO. Who! and why are we going to sign letters. Where are the actual names and ATTORNEYS!
I answered your question, sorry if you didn't like it. You can
either ask it again...or act on it and find out. I've provided you with
that opportunity. My answer is out there if anyone else would like to
assist ''lith'' be my guest. What do you need to satisfy you ? I offered
to help you but you just keep on asking the same ????

''if you have questions ask a IBEW rep in person or
if you want send me an e-mail with your station and if you want a # and I'll make sure
an IBEW rep speaks to you directly. ''
Simple as 1,2,3, got to WWW.IBEW.COM

Educate yourself.

P.S. Lith,

Just curious, how much time you have with the Co.?????
I have 1 question. Are you happy with the I AM MANAGEMENT union? It it a yes or no question. Just yes or no please.

just curious .. WHO who are the IAM attorneys.. ???????

that seems to be a big issue with you . so I am sure you KNOW

Isn't the IAM the ones that contracted out all your jobs.. Don't quite get the loyalty over a union that

in essence fired you or sold you out for the betterment of the mech.. and then let the mech, reap in profit sharing %%

because of % of savings they got by farming you guys out..
I understand what your saying but I understand what ''bob'' is saying.
The IBEW would open themselves up for fines and penalties if they publicly support
this card signing, from the AFL-CIO. They are waiting to reach the % they need before
they publicly acknowledge it. The names attached to the IBEW are not Canale or Brickner.


Opposite of Canale and Brickner.......hhmmm
SOLD !!!


Who are the players?........ Who's playing what game?.........What are the stakes?

We all know who the players are.......Game is not the right word but nothing else really fits..........Our very future is whats at stake.

This is a game of posturing, fakes, bluffs, manuvering, misleading, etc.....Sounds a lot like poker and chess. Strategies are being used on all

fronts by all the players. One thing is perfectly clear the next move is ours. What will that move be? Everyone must decide.
Lith If you believe that the AFL-CIO is so strong. Why is it they never pulled a trigger in the 9/11 job loss in the aviation industry? :angry: Why did they not lobby for government funding programs to retrain employees so they could move into other labor industries. The only thing they did was get a few extra months of unemployment. They were not the only ones doing that lobbying. Local governments that were devastated by the loss of jobs got involved and got that change. I don't mean to say they are not an important lobbying power. I will tell you however that over 100,000 airline employees lost their jobs and all I really saw was the airlines lobbing the government. The problem here is the AFL-CIO has been impudent during this last administration! They need to step up the recruitment in the labor movement. I am just saying what a lot of people think, but are afraid to say. The sad part of this is you have guys like Randy Canale sitting on the on the local board. He is since retired, but this is what you are dealing with. I am tired of this [****]. This is why we are seeing the labor numbers below 9% for unions. I think they need to clean up their act. The sad thing is they are infighting also and one side wants to raise more money to lobby and the other side wants to grow the membership. Well duh! The best way to raise lobby monies is to grow the membership, movement and get successful PAC funding. Check out the PAC fund that the IBEW has. They are highly invested in the community and in the political process. That is why they are so successful in growing the jobs in the country. We must regain some of the lost jobs due to an inactive, unmotivated and greedy IAM. They had 13years to secure our faith but have failed miserably. It is always good to have another voice in the movement I’m just saying don’t put all of your faith in the AFL-CIO put it in your local, your union and then the AFL-CIO! America does best when it says Union YES!!!!!!!!! :up:
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