Don't you think if we clean house and get rid of the IAM, we should also clean house with the ones that represented them?
I understand it to be in the business center behind the piano area. I'll update the flyer if I can get the actual meeting room number.Does anybody know exactly where the conf. room in CLT is located? There are many conf. rooms in the terminal. Many people here are talking but most are waiting to hear what the Reps. have to say before they sign cards. I was also wondering if the IAM was going to try to disrupt this meeting like they did with the TWU when they were here.
Well show me the trusted few. I see the committee people walking around, eating, drinking, bullsh%ting with people. It bothers me that they are the ones that have to represent me if anything was to occur. It would be nice to get some credible people in those positions. Ones that we can respect and trust. I've heard about some of those individuals and their backgrounds are not ones of respect or trust. I say "LET'S CLEAN HOUSE!"Without a doubt, but the current players, and history shows differently, when it comes to the mentality of people in PHL.
What about a guy like Chandlee, surely his years of service with the IBT and IAM will count?
Boland, well he already started the ball rolling. Others?
With the exeption of guys like Perseverance, few people in PHL will show the initiative necessary to change the course of events. There are a few others roaming halls, checking break rooms, and the bag chute, but for the most part PHL always goes the way of the 'trusted' few.
700,Hope your not using your pass benefits Timmy to promote another union, you might end up like a certain M.I.A. Pilot.
Truevery easy to find out if you or anyone are using their pass privileges and you know the company watches the boards.
Truevery easy to find out if you or anyone are using their pass privileges and you know the company watches the boards.
Hello 700: I thought you had to be an employee to pass travel. Anyway let me take thisvery easy to find out if you or anyone are using their pass privileges and you know the company watches the boards.