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IBEW update for the week of October 21

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to my fellow brothers & sisters in CLT .

I want to first thank everyone who cared enough to take 5 mins out of your day to talk to some really knowledgable union people and get
a little education on how things should and could be done. NOW we have the POWER (no pun intended) to go out and educate the rest of our
surpressed work force in clt. For the FIRST time since leaving phl many years ago I feel like CLT is finally turning the page on how WE the people
make up a UNION and how SOLIDARITY is formed.. We have much work to do and it's time to MAKE a STAND and send the 3 amigos and company
packing.. I am very PROUD to say that I am a ramper in clt and hope that this campaign and start to heal some of the wounds that have been felt
between the 2 hubs in years past. EVERYONE always says PHL always sticks together .. NOW is our chance to STAND beside them as brother and sisters
for the same cause..
I would also like to thank the folks that came in from RDU / ORD / PHL for taking there own time off (NOT PAID) to come and spend the day
in rainy clt. I know in this crazy world we all have outside prioritys to attend to besides USAIRWAYS but these folks put that aside to help
send the message to the IAM and the COMPANY that together we CAN STAND STRONG..

thanks GUYS

this was the shot in the arm clt needed

Lets see USAIRWAYS post 177 million dollar profit for 3rd quarter.. which brings US up to over a HALF BILLION dollar PROFIT and

we still have 1 quarter to go.. And to THINK the IAM has OUR best interest at heart by GIVING DOUGIE AND HIS DRINKING BUDDIES OUR PROFIT SHARING

so MR. CANALE WE the people called your BLUFF..

for the westies, this how you get things done . TIME TO PLAY HARDBALL.. :up: :up: :up:
Gals and Guys,
This is it !! this is what we need. We have our own workers seeking
other workers and asking what do you want,what do you need ? When have you had
this before ?
These are your own reps asking what do you want...not the AGC's and
VP's at large.....IT'S US..............The begining is someone elses' end...I'm a IBEW
supporter and I'm very proud today.

The West is on fire!

Personally I would say that we are “not†on fire . If the west workers are as a whole moving toward a new union it’s simply because we want to see results , we want a contract . I don’t think many of us care who it is who achieves it , simply that it is done .If you see us change unions it’s not being done out of rage or some all consuming fit of emotion , but merely a desire to produce the needed changes .

No, ……. that fire within us is still contained , still waiting to burst out consuming everything around , and I tell you , it’s not going to trigger because of some “union†issue . This company has stone walled the hopes and aspirations of some of it’s hardest workers , while we have given it time , that time has run out . There are many workers out there who are broken down inside by the events and time frames that have taken place , but I know that deep down inside of them , there’s an ember waiting to be fanned , waiting to engulf them . It is my belief that even our new workers can be reached and completely turned to our point of view .

Can you hear the drums beating in the distance ?
Personally I would say that we are “not†on fire . If the west workers are as a whole moving toward a new union it’s simply because we want to see results , we want a contract . I don’t think many of us care who it is who achieves it , simply that it is done .If you see us change unions it’s not being done out of rage or some all consuming fit of emotion , but merely a desire to produce the needed changes .
No, ……. that fire within us is still contained , still waiting to burst out consuming everything around , and I tell you , it’s not going to trigger because of some “union†issue . This company has stone walled the hopes and aspirations of some of it’s hardest workers , while we have given it time , that time has run out . There are many workers out there who are broken down inside by the events and time frames that have taken place , but I know that deep down inside of them , there’s an ember waiting to be fanned , waiting to engulf them . It is my belief that even our new workers can be reached and completely turned to our point of view .
Can you hear the drums beating in the distance ?
Actually I meant that as a bad pun. I should have said the far west is on fire, but then again
I probably shouldn't have said anything..sorry BF
Well Well Well,
The I AM MANAGEMENT loyalists showed their true colors yesterday in CLT. They did not show up to debate the facts with the people from the IBEW. Go figure. It just goes to show you how self-serving those people are. They did not even bother to put up a fight for their precious I AM MANAGEMENT or for their fellow workers. What does that tell you. WAKE UP! SIGN A CARD AND SHOW THESE PEOPLE WE MEAN BUSINESS! NO MORE WILL WE BE BEATEN DOWN INTO SUBMISSION. Lets all work together and get this done!
the local guys in clt .. prefer to talk one on one with people , they pick and choose who they talk to . mostly the supressed ones that are not

informed of the REAL truth so as to not cause any confrontation because they can't answer the hard questions. anytime they have tryed to speak in

a public forum it last about 10 mins and then they just walk away . because the questions asked to don't have the answer.. That's the price they have

to pay for being in Randy's camp.

ask the guys out west what they think about profit sharing now.. the company has made over a HALF A BILLION dollars and still has
1 quarter to go. and to think the IAM wanted that to GO AWAY..

These are some of the things you have to look at . .. it's not always about hourly rate..

ask the guys out west what they think about profit sharing now.. the company has made over a HALF A BILLION dollars and still has
1 quarter to go. and to think the IAM wanted that to GO AWAY..

These are some of the things you have to look at . .. it's not always about hourly rate..

well i don't think all that highly of profit sharing , it's great when there's profit to be had , but i'd rather have a nice solid hourly rate myself.working for such low wages day in and day out is just a drag on morale .
well i don't think all that highly of profit sharing , it's great when there's profit to be had , but i'd rather have a nice solid hourly rate myself.working for such low wages day in and day out is just a drag on morale .
Why not have profit sharing and better hourly wages? I guess that was to much for the IAM to ask for...
I think it funny that people buy into the iam's philosophy that you have to exchange benefits for hourly wage. It only counts as a raise if it comes with no strings attached. And in this particular case its just a matter of getting repaid for past sacrifices. this is not a personal attack freedom. but i think you are trying to rationalize or look at thing from the companies point of view. That is admirable but in this case it is not necessary. The company's mission here is to operate under one contract to make themselves look more attractive to investors, or possibly to make more moves in the way of mergers and acquisitions. This is my opinion not fact, but what I can tell you is we do have leverage we just have to use it.
hmmm while it would be nice to have both a great hourly wage and profit sharing i don't think having both is realistic . also i didn't get that idea from the iam but from past events , in exchange for the cuts you east guys took wasn't profit sharing brought about ?i'd rather go back to whatever it was you guys were making in wages before you had the BK and profit sharing .
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