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IBEW update for the week of October 21

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We were making $21.68 pre BK. So $19.00 was a slap in the face. Plus you take away profit sharing. What a great union we have. Give back to the company to line their own pockets!
Agree with you WHOLE heartly . but let me give a little history here pre merger.. When we were in BK the IAM cried that they couldn't get

our money back "right now" cause of current conditions.. SOOO in exchange the company wanted to give us stock options .. The iam sad NO WAY..

been there done that. we want money in our pockets if we make money (which by giving all the concessions put the company on a fast track to profits)

so that was what was agreed upon.. the profit sharing was meant to help repay us for OUR concessions.. SO fast forward 1st year profit sharing check

the company and the IAM AGREE well thats enough repayment to this group let's pull the plug... my 1200.00 profit sharing last year isn't a fraction of

I gave up..

hope this explains things alittle for the west guys
I dont like starting trouble, but the west almost all voted "YES" to this contract. All you had to do was read it !!! it was BS.
Why are they now saying that the contract is BS. Reading is fundamental!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!They got blinded by the $19 an hour. They fell for it.
i wouldn't say that EVERYONE voted yes .... but i still stop and think from time to time what i could be making right now if we HAD voted yes . i know that i shouldn't cry poverty , but that's what affects me and i think it affects alot of the other west workers as well .
i wouldn't say that EVERYONE voted yes .... but i still stop and think from time to time what i could be making right now if we HAD voted yes . i know that i shouldn't cry poverty , but that's what affects me and i think it affects alot of the other west workers as well .

Poverty sucks.........but are you on the same pay scale that you agreed to when you were hired?
Or were you sold into poverty like the east?
You know , often times I don’t stop and think about what it must be like for you guys from the east , that’s gotta suck WAY way more … Everything that you’ve given up and all the crap that you’ve had to put up with ,having this new “management styleâ€￾ that lacks class and further ruined your once famed air carriers reputation . .

Ah well , at least we are all in the same boat so to speak lol and you do know what they say about misery loving company ! Lol
i97 He has my vote! I think Tim really wants something better for us. The problem is some people want to make everything personal. My question to anyone listening. Tell me 13 good things that the IAM has done for us. I say 13 because I'm being nice and giving them a shot of doing one good thing for every year they have represented us. The truth is no one can. The only all right contract they brought back was the 1999 contract. Why was that? Could it have been because Wolf had a game plan that needed to be in place so he could merge us with United? That is the only reason we got that contract. Everything they have brought back since has been {s***}. They brought back a concessionary contract the very first time also. The part time ratio was so out of whack they could almost make the full timer extinct. Our pay has continued to go down while the IAM Gentlemen’s club continues to pat each other on the backs and give each other pay raises. I know for a fact that Tim has and will continue to travel and work for change. That’s a good thing because he wants something more. I for one demand more because these [j***]offs are supposed to be servants for the people they represent and they have done nothing but splurge on our union dollars. Why not make all the conventions at Wipinsinger. They spent enough of your money to build it. No!!!! They have to go to HAWAII, Las Wages ,PHX and Reno. This is because there are no checks and balances. They have no one to report to. They could careless that you are on the brink of the abyss. I think if everyone put more of their energy to getting a union in that will be accountable to the group. We would be much better off!
Yo Dawg,
Very well said. I couldn't agree more. i97 must be another I AM MANAGEMENT loyalist. They can't say anything about the I AM MANAGEMENT union that has done good by it's members, so they resort to bashing people who want to better the group as a whole. They might as well throw me into that mix. Anybody still loyal to the I AM MANAGEMENT is either so beat down that they do not know any better, or, IMHO the are vying for a $100,000 club membership. Throwing their fellow Fleet Service brothers and sisters under the bus for it. Good riddence. I hope the IBEW gets the cards that they need and win the election by a landslide. It will show Canale and his cronies that we are doing it our way now. Not the way the company wants us to do things! BYE BYE I AM MANAGEMENT. :up: :up:
I will repeat what I said on earlier post.. IF the EAST and WEST ( as the company and IAM wants to label us as) WANTS to come together

NOW is the TIME.. WE on the east have said to both we are ready for change .. and it seems that the guys/gals on the west are also growing

tired of the lack of representation they are paying for.. LETS COME TOGETHER AS ONE.. WE ARE FLEETSERVICE WORKERS FOR USAIRWAYS..

it's time for us to bring BOTH groups on the same page and THATS WHAT THE IBEW WANTS TO DO
Yo Dawg,
Very well said. I couldn't agree more. i97 must be another I AM MANAGEMENT loyalist. They can't say anything about the I AM MANAGEMENT union that has done good by it's members, so they resort to bashing people who want to better the group as a whole. They might as well throw me into that mix. Anybody still loyal to the I AM MANAGEMENT is either so beat down that they do not know any better, or, IMHO the are vying for a $100,000 club membership. Throwing their fellow Fleet Service brothers and sisters under the bus for it. Good riddence. I hope the IBEW gets the cards that they need and win the election by a landslide. It will show Canale and his cronies that we are doing it our way now. Not the way the company wants us to do things! BYE BYE I AM MANAGEMENT. :up: :up:
Your damn right!!! Orioleman you too!!! AMEN My brothers!!! :up: IBEW :up:
Dog Wonder-
If your gonna break out $13 words I'm sure you know what
they mean....
Main Entry: neo·phyte
Pronunciation: \ˈnē-ə-ˌfīt\
Function, from Late Latin neophytus, from Greek neophytos, from neophytos newly planted.

And that means what ???

Dog, your byline is one of a religous nature, so I'll ask you who are you to judge and better
yet...why do you seek the living among the dead ?
ps: do not give me chapter and verse...I'm way ahead of you.Your one of the few Posters' I
will not debate, cause I see your a good person and if I'm wrong..........well.

He has your vote?

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He has your vote?

Ask the fleet and customer service agents what timmie caused to happen to them in 1992 when he filed short of cards when he started his first union.
700 can never, an WILL never, answer the" BIG QUESTION" What has the IAM done for us in 13 years??????
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