Please clarify some statements made in the memo.
1. Why does the IAM state that the IBT is trying ensure that the M&R personnel face the future without the security of representation? Why does the IAM state and/or think that the Teamsters would rather leave US Airways workers without any union protection?
**Seems that
BOTH sides would LOSE if there was no representation. Granted, the number of members that the IBT stands to gain is more significant than the IAM stands to gain. But it's a loss for
BOTH sides, nonetheless.
2. Please clarify what demands the IBT members made to the union? (Paragraph 2)
**Seems that the IAM is trying to say that the IBT filed without the backing of it's members. I think we all know that's a crock, if not impossible without the backing of it's current members PLUS current IAM members. And yes, I'm aware that the 35% showing of interest has not been announced yet.
3. Participation is historically very low by furloughed members. Has the IAM been making attempts to contact these furloughed members?
**Seems that the IAM would have begun this process at the same time that the merger was announced. They must've known that it might come to this. Or were they so sure that they underestimated a tenacious "underdog" and much smaller group of members?
4. Others have new jobs and fail to vote thinking that the outcome will not effect them.
**That may be true but again, aren't there a number of scenarios where those with certain and specific new jobs, as well as those that have no reasonable expectation to return to work, may be deemed ineligible to vote?
5. Does the IAM know for a fact that the Teamsters know they cannot win an election?
6. In the second to last paragraph, it states that the Teamster's contract can't recall any of the hundreds of furloughed workers but the IAM contract can.
**Isn't the IAM contract the surviving contract no matter who the representing union is? That's what you've been stating.
7. Also from the second to last paragraph, the Teamsters (a labor union) have organizers actively working to decertify the IAM (also a labor union)?
**That's ludicrous!! The Teamster's are organizing to gain representation, not decertify the IAM. Unless what they meant to say, is that the Teamster's are attempting to vote in a change in representation.
February 13, 2006
US Airways Mechanics Rally
for Teamster Representation
Teamsters Announce They Have Met Card Signature Threshold Needed to Schedule
Union Representation Vote