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IAM District 142 responds to ibt filing

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Wings you are confused.

The IAM is talking about Mechanic and Related, that is who the ibt are asking for a vote, not ramp as the ramp at HP is twu.

When the IAM CBA takes over the HP A320 family and 50% of their 737s must be overhauled in-house and not outsourced like they are now.

And you only return to starting rate of pay under the M&R CBA if you are furloughed for over five years.
My error...... 😱
Gee a non-union, anti-union, union-hater is now an expert on unions when he is not even a member of one.

Ahhh.....7 you are avoiding again. You know that the AWA Teamsters are wanting a vote, and most of the IAM members also. Shame on the IAM for printing such an obvious lie. The people on this board and else where are much more informed than the stooges at the IAM would like to think. This last little notice seems so petty and whinny. It smacks of desperation.

Also, the response by the IAM about the TWU beating was exactly like I predicted. Non-responsive and avoiding the real problem. 🙂
I have given my response.
So you have no response. So we can say, as always the IAM is about half truths and deception. We can also say that you don't know the facts anyways.

More of the half truths:
When the IAM CBA takes over the HP A320 family and 50% of their 737s must be overhauled in-house and not outsourced like they are now.
This could take years if agree upon under the transition agreement and we know how the AIM will be on the companies side. :shock: 😛
Wings you are confused.

So you have no response. So we can say, as always the IAM is about half truths and deception. We can also say that you don't know the facts anyways.

More of the half truths:
When the IAM CBA takes over the HP A320 family and 50% of their 737s must be overhauled in-house and not outsourced like they are now.
This could take years if agree upon under the transition agreement and we know how the AIM will be on the companies side. :shock: 😛
Well said and if the IBT under the NEW Scope is in place, We Have A chance to get more jobs back now and not in or maybe in 2009-2011
"Ignoring the demands of their own members"

That's rich. Considering the IAM rarely cares what there own membership thinks, nor do they rarely care to try and find out, I assume they a are clarivoyant and can discover what the HP people think?

If its not a Bob problem why is you face planted and ranting in just about every topic in this forum? Seriously don't you have a life outside of this forum?
O'Driscoll is full of more BS than my ex-wife's attourney. TEAMSTERS are doing exactly what the membership wanted. This O'Driscoll need to grab his ears and give a firm yank.
Please clarify some statements made in the memo.

1. Why does the IAM state that the IBT is trying ensure that the M&R personnel face the future without the security of representation? Why does the IAM state and/or think that the Teamsters would rather leave US Airways workers without any union protection?
**Seems that BOTH sides would LOSE if there was no representation. Granted, the number of members that the IBT stands to gain is more significant than the IAM stands to gain. But it's a loss for BOTH sides, nonetheless.

2. Please clarify what demands the IBT members made to the union? (Paragraph 2)
**Seems that the IAM is trying to say that the IBT filed without the backing of it's members. I think we all know that's a crock, if not impossible without the backing of it's current members PLUS current IAM members. And yes, I'm aware that the 35% showing of interest has not been announced yet.

3. Participation is historically very low by furloughed members. Has the IAM been making attempts to contact these furloughed members?
**Seems that the IAM would have begun this process at the same time that the merger was announced. They must've known that it might come to this. Or were they so sure that they underestimated a tenacious "underdog" and much smaller group of members?

4. Others have new jobs and fail to vote thinking that the outcome will not effect them.
**That may be true but again, aren't there a number of scenarios where those with certain and specific new jobs, as well as those that have no reasonable expectation to return to work, may be deemed ineligible to vote?

5. Does the IAM know for a fact that the Teamsters know they cannot win an election?

6. In the second to last paragraph, it states that the Teamster's contract can't recall any of the hundreds of furloughed workers but the IAM contract can.
**Isn't the IAM contract the surviving contract no matter who the representing union is? That's what you've been stating.

7. Also from the second to last paragraph, the Teamsters (a labor union) have organizers actively working to decertify the IAM (also a labor union)?
**That's ludicrous!! The Teamster's are organizing to gain representation, not decertify the IAM. Unless what they meant to say, is that the Teamster's are attempting to vote in a change in representation.

February 13, 2006
US Airways Mechanics Rally for Teamster Representation
Teamsters Announce They Have Met Card Signature Threshold Needed to Schedule Union Representation Vote
Well said and if the IBT under the NEW Scope is in place, We Have A chance to get more jobs back now and not in or maybe in 2009-2011
What new scope?

Your scope was never T/Aed and the company has cancelled negotiations since you will be an IAM member and under the IAM/US CBA.

Don't let the facts get in your way.


I am not the author, contact Mr O'Driscoll.
What new scope?

Your scope was never T/Aed and the company has cancelled negotiations since you will be an IAM member and under the IAM/US CBA.

Don't let the facts get in your way.


I am not the author, contact Mr O'Driscoll.
I thought you would provide your input.

Contact Mr. O'Driscoll?? I'm almost laughing out loud. 😀 I couldn't get past the communicator before. It'll snow in AZ before that would ever happen. Maybe you could pass the questions along. I'm very curious.

And can you say when the IAM is going to start organizing so that we may have some information???
What new scope?

Your scope was never T/Aed and the company has cancelled negotiations since you will be an IAM member and under the IAM/US CBA.

Don't let the facts get in your way.


I am not the author, contact Mr O'Driscoll.

ok lets try this once again and see if it sinks in DOUG PARKER TOLD THE AWA TECHS IN A MEATING THAT HE WOULD BE OPEN TO OPENING UP CONTRACT TALKS NO MATTER WHO WINS DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW????? hey maybe the IAM is getting ready for the talent show with thier comedy routine!
ok lets try this once again and see if it sinks in DOUG PARKER TOLD THE AWA TECHS IN A MEATING THAT HE WOULD BE OPEN TO OPENING UP CONTRACT TALKS NO MATTER WHO WINS DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW????? hey maybe the IAM is getting ready for the talent show with thier comedy routine!
That's funny 320tech. But not my kind of comedy!! :down:
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