Precident has not been set where a Collective Bargaining agent walked away from their members and the members lost their contract and became non-union because they did not approve of their plan. Yes precedence has been set that they can form an alliance, but they can't leave their members without representation simply because the members rejected the alliance. Precedence has also been set that two unions can represent the same class and craft at a carrier. So when the members vote "No alliance" they are not voting to decertify themselves from the Unions they are currently in.
Where does it say they cant walk away if we reject their plan? I believe it would fall under LMRDA. That would be no different than if the Union said if you guys elect Candidate "B" instead of Candidate "A" we will throw you all out of the Union. Its unreasonable discipline for them to throw us all out of the Union because we did not approve of their plan. They also have a fiduciary obligation to the membership in return for the dues they have collected. If they opt to leave then the membership would be entitled to any accumulated dues to be used to represent them in enforcing the contract just as when the members choose to leave they must leave those dues behind. unions are not for profit law firms, they are Non-profits and have obligations they can not simply walk away from. Even if they could throw us all out they would still have to enforce the contracts the members voted in place, but they would not be able to collect dues from us for doing so.
The Collective Bargaining Agent does not have the ability to void out a contract because the members did not vote on an internal issue the way they wanted them to, that has nothing to do with the terms of the contract.
They can not walk away from the CBA's they put in place unless we decide we do not want them to represent us. This vote will take place before Joint negotiations, so there are two current contracts in place and the Union is obliged to provide representation unless the members opt to decertify each union. So it would be illegal for them to in effect throw us all out of the Union(s) because we rejected their plan of an alliance that would split us between those two unions however the Alliance could in fact force it upon us and we could opt to decertify the Alliance but that would be through a regular NMB representation election process which would allow the members to choose another Union.
Bottom line is the Union is a democratic institution with membership rights provided under the LMRDA. They can not punish us by ejecting us from the Union because we voted against an internal issue, and they can not void our contract either.