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Iam Secrets

Funny, but when I talk to mechanics on the line, they always seem to feel that their union should be for THEM, not rampers, cleaners, or ramp personnel.
Having said that, however, I do agree that now ISN"T a good time to try to cahnge representation for any work group. We can only hope that the true wishes of the rank and file will be carried out by the reps etc.
"Hate driving but at least i work for one of the worlds "Top 100 Most admired companies" according to Fortune Magizine so it's not all bad considering I worked for a company that made US look like girl scouts."

And how does a company become admired? By being a great place to work and by making a profit, the two are not mutually exclusive. Could U become one of those companies? Perhaps in the future, provided management and labor can come to terms, but that is indeed a two way street. I have little doubt, that labor at U will play ball, provided some one would actually lead them and not just point blame. After all, they already gave two concessions, but at some point along the way, they lost faith in Siegel. Could it be because, what he said would be labor friendly, has been anything but. Could it be, because he said one thing and did something completely different. Could it be, because some of his actions, has shown that he has no regard for the working women and men he is supposed to lead.

Do I think the IAM could strike another agreement. Actually, yes I do, but not with someone, who does not have a plan and who is not a straight shooter. Crandall, from what I have read, was a SOB, but he was a straight shooter, he did what he said he was going to do. You might not like it, but you respected it. Siegel needs to come up with a plan and if he already has it, he needs to sell it to labor. Considering he has squandered whatever goodwill he had, it will be a tough sell, but perhaps he will rise to the challenge.
These guys crack me up.

"Replace the IAM" they say. Since when, would now be a good time 😉 . These guys would have us replace the roof during a rain storm, or change the oil on our car while we cruise down the highway.

So why post such things now? Because were in the clinch. It's times like these that changes the course of industries and makes or brakes empires. Labor and management are eye to eye, and toe to toe; so somebody decided that the IAM members need to be distracted.

Don't get me wrong. I have my issues with the IAM too, but it appears that they have finally woken up and realized the importance of our conflict.

The IAM is our current representation vendor. Unless they willingly expose us to the storm, now is the time to enjoy the protection that they can provide.
sentrido said:
I have no problem with the IAM.
Members systemwide have problems with their current unions, but the talk of booting anyone out now is absurd. Just look how the pilot mec devoured their young (junior members) at the table with no vote at all. The layoffs have been so massive that a card drive for any other union will never happen in the near future, so I suggest industry observer move on to another subject or start observing another industry. 😉 The iam is our reps and we better hope they put their best effort towards this upcoming arbitration, because a ruling against us will be a carrer change for many. And NO we are not willing to negotiate any DEAL. Enough is enough with this current group of untruthful, unmorale management team. Its follow the contract or shut it down, I'm willing to take usflyboy,320driv and many like them with me to the unemployment line and back to school. This company isn't the last journey of life so everyone needs to STOP being so scared and stand up for whats right.
Bill, I tried my hardest not to overly offend many and be politically correct as possible, I hope I passed. 😀
colorado_cowboy said:
Bob most aviation experts are saying U still has the highest labor costs in the industry. Isnt part if the Union's job to protect its membership and make sure they get the most for them?

If the company and the Union, any union for that matter, agree on a contract and 6 months down the road the company sees the industry changing in ways that it hadnt imagined is it the Unions fault for management short sightedness?

Why is it that U employees have to keep giving concessions while other airlines have yet to give any at all but arent losing near the money U is? It isnt the union Bob, its managements bad decisions.
they sure did not protect the employees in cities such as pwm, srq, cle, avp and abe and a host of other cities did they? we got left floating down the river without the life jackets at 13.00 an hr top pay after 12 yrs of service while the other carriers with express are toping out at 15 to almost 17 an hr! and yes the union dues are more pathetic as well paying 40 something a month and having to live on welfare and govt approved food stamps!
Its follow the contract or shut it down, I'm willing to take usflyboy,320driv and many like them with me
Bravo TMTTQ,
Your post was right on the mark, Im sure the majority of mechanics (and other U employees) feel the same way you do. IMO your post was neither offensive of politically incorrect!
PineyBob said:
so it's not all bad considering I worked for a company that made US look like girl scouts
Wow, more name calling. Remember what Grandma told you Bob.

As much as I don't like the IAM I would never switch to the AGW. You need to know a lot more about the AGW and the people trying to organize for them than you can get off a web site.
they sure did not protect the employees in cities such as pwm, srq, cle, avp and abe and a host of other cities did they?
How soon we forget.
Im assuming you were with the company when the ramp had no representation at all. Do you remember those days? Everytime things got a little tight for the company the first group they went after were the rampers. Do you think the cuts would have been less severe without representation?
700UW said:
The AGW is a farce, they have no money, and no members, Mike Pruitt is incapable of representing a dog against animal control and Tim Nelson tried to start his own union twice before, he even tried to sell his name list to the teamsters back in 1995, he is mad at the IAM cause he could not get an elected position, he was the grievance person at ORD after he left CLT and was removed.

And the AGW is for rampers and funny how they use the same council as amfa.

I don't wish these two to represent anyone.
to 700

Your ignorance is disturbing.

While I can certainly agree that perferences may keep workers loyal to the IAM, it is difficult for me to sit by and just allow intentional deciet or lies from some ignorant individuals.

Your post says that " I am mad at the IAM because I could not get an elected position"
Fact: Every 'elected' position I ever ran for within the IAM...I Won.

Secondly, your assertion that I wanted to sell a list to the Teamsters is not only a lie but absurd and nonsensical. Myself and others did have a name and address list but it was the list the Teamsters gave us.

The AGW does not have the same attorneys as AMFA [like you said]. We have Myles Trailins who is a nationally well known 'top eschalon' law firm. Nuff said.

As a side, I know the AMFA attorneys and I can tell you that they are second to none in their field. AMFA is represented well.
And I'm not sure but I believe the AMFA attorneys suggested that the airbus work should be taken to arbitration instead of the courts because the piss poor IAM Languge in the contract couldn't finally be won in the courts. On the other hand, instead of doing the right thing and taking the airbus work to arbitration, the IAM have blown so much smoke and goofy rhetoric over the last 6 months [a sad delay] only to be told to go to arbitration. I have a hard time thinking that the IAM really didn't know this would happen. I imagine Roach is blaming all this on President Bush also.
The evil yet important thing about this is that several mechanics were so concerned about the scope language and voted against a contract yet the IAM suggested that they were confused. Let's hope there is no confusion and that the IAM wins the arbitration.

You are correct however in that I was removed as a Chairman within the IAM.

Unfortunately with the IAM, it seems they do a fine job representing the company to its members. Secret talks, closed doors, confidentialities all give me the creeps when I think of representation. My stomach cringes when I read in the papers regarding the 4.5 milliion and merit bonus's that Tiberi says they think such things are absurd, yet I believe the company said in the same paper that the union actually agreed to it. So when did they agree to it? Why didn't they tell their members? Etc etc etc. "Welcome to the IAM"

700, I realize it is so easy for you to take cheap shots at individuals while you sit behind the curtain like the snake oil salesman and don't want anyone to pay attention to you. It is a witness to you.
But it just rattles me when you mention a guy like Pruitt who has all the integrity in the world and you slam him like you do while you sit behind a curtain. I can understand if you disagree with him but busting his balls behind a curtain is a witness to the exact thing we are fighting against.

You and pruitt and your slate ran in the 141 elections and you and mikey did not get elected.

And I can get numerous ex-teamsters to prove to you what you did. I thought a man of the cloth was not suppose to hide things?

Lets see what happened when you started your own union, appointed yourself dictator and filed short with the NMB and got your group a one year ban and let the company have thier way with your group again?

What happened to Fleet Service Workers United, which you and mike started and once again appointed yourselves dictators?

You both have done the same with the AGW.

And when you first made up your new union you obtained seham and seham, then later changed to your current counsel, come on and let all the facts come out.

The union does not run the company nor tell it who it can pay bonuses too, don't fall for company propaganda, that is blantant lie put out by the company spokesman.

From the pit post:
""We do think it's absurd to be offering increases to management while US Airways is requiring additional sacrifices from union employees," said Joe Tiberi, spokesman for the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers.

Everyone from the chief executive officer to nonunion office clerks will be eligible for the increases -- about 3,100 employees in all.

Fending off pre-emptive criticism, US Airways spokesman David Castelveter pointed out yesterday that many unions also had pay increases scheduled for 2004, and that the unions agreed to this year's management "merit" pay restoration during US Airways' bankruptcy proceedings in 2002."

Yep go ahead and believe the company.
Secret talks, closed doors, confidentialities all give me the creeps when I think of representation
Tim Im not about to get in the middle of the discussion between you and 700 but you mentioned something of secret talks. Please, tell us more about these talks?
Enquiring minds want to know...
1. What other enterprises does AGW represent?
2. What is their current membership?
3. What is their annual budget, and what reserves does AGW have?
4. Give an example of an AGW win that IAM would do well to emulate.
5. How does AGW interface with the local, state and federal governments to advance the cause of their membership? Specific examples, if you please.
6. As AGW is democratic, name three officers the membership has voted out of office.

I have issues with IAM, but mamma always said, "look before you leap."
you are impossible. If you talk to anyone with even remote information about a 141 slate that was opposed to the current Bo$$es you will know that you are speaking in complete ignorance. I'm sorry but once again you are wrong because I was not on any slate. Let me suggest that you talk to the secretary of your local [1725] at that time, Joe Collins, and get the facts. My gut feeling is that Diogenes may know a thing or two about this also if you wanted to keep it 'in the board' sort of speak.

Thank you for the quotes from the paper I am referring to. I don't think any further discussion of it is warrented....let the posters make up their own minds.

Nelson organized a slate a couple years ago; he was not on it.

And as much as I disagree with Tim regarding AGW, what pray tell, is wrong with members in good standing running against incumbents? Democracy in action, no?

How many 141/141M incumbent officers have been unseated in the past 20 years?

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