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Fleet Service Arbitration or IAM concession

Excellent idea, inspector!

I have a strange feeling no matter what union was on the property.....there would be unhappy campers in one way or another.

True. Amazing how unions aren't all that united.

Happy New Year, 'dude.
If you're serious about doing something, WE could take a look at the IAM BY-Laws,
And CHANGE the way OUR AGC's are elected,[which are voted in office with the help of members who work for OTHER airlines].
I would like to see AGC's voted in by ONLY the members that the AGC will represent. This would make the AGC more accountable to the members.

I would like to see Term Limits put on AGC's and a big cut in there pay no AGC for Fleet Service is worth more than 3 times the salary of a FT ramper.
I would like to see Term Limits put on AGC's and a big cut in there pay no AGC for Fleet Service is worth more than 3 times the salary of a FT ramper.
yeah, anything less than lifetime would be a plus. Sorry liberty bell, most unions are communistic regimes built with people who are dumb as a box of rocks but know how to kiss ***. Hopefully a Delta merger will bring a democratic vote.

If you're serious about doing something, WE could take a look at the IAM BY-Laws,
And CHANGE the way OUR AGC's are elected,[which are voted in office with the help of members who work for OTHER airlines].
I would like to see AGC's voted in by ONLY the members that the AGC will represent. This would make the AGC more accountable to the members.
You're talking big time constitutional changes now....not local bylaws.It gets real interesting trying to change rules as far as AGC's and such...you got me here without doing some deep research.700 would know better than I at this point.
Constitutional changes must be voted on at one of those golf outings in Vegas....
Seriously....its a huge jump from local lodge bylaws....I agree with you though.
You're talking big time constitutional changes now....not local bylaws.It gets real interesting trying to change rules as far as AGC's and such...you got me here without doing some deep research.700 would know better than I at this point.
Constitutional changes must be voted on at one of those golf outings in Vegas....
Seriously....its a huge jump from local lodge bylaws....I agree with you though.
Yeah Dell, I believe you're Right, It ain't going to be easy..

Read "Solidarity for Sale" by Robert Fitch it will curdle the milk in your Wheaties, Grow hair and ruin your sleep all at the same time. IMO it is virtually impossible for the membership to "Take Back" their union and ultimately restore the damage done to the members lives.

One of the ways you can prove what I'm saying is to observe what happens to "the 22" as transition talk move forward. The union is about perpetuating the union NOT the best interests of any specific group of workers. The top dogs get rich at the expense of the rank & file. Democracy is a word that most National & International Unions have litle knowledge of or interest in.

Look at history and take note of all of the reformers over the years who "Woke up one morning dead".

anyone who goes to a union meeting can figure that out. The talk centers around which liberal politician to vote for, organizing more members, and then free dogs and beer.
People aren't stupid, that's why most unions don't get squat that go to their meetings. Then throw in the fact that they aren't democratic.

Bob....solidarity is a very limited proposition these days....some of what Tim mentioned is correct....for the most part no one gives a damn anymore and its due to having everything handed to them on a silver platter.
To many now days that are only interested in what is best for them and not what is best for the group. I know we have them on our side and would bet money it is the same way on the east. Sad but true.
The latest update for Fleet Service

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Substantial and comprehensive discussions continued this week involving an exchange of proposals in Phoenix, Arizona between your negotiating Committee and US Airways. Our discussions have recessed to provide the Company with ample time to respond with a comprehensive proposal back to your committee when we next meet.

Ever effort is being made to bring these discussions to a conclusion … but not at the expense of settling short of your fair share.

To that end we will continue our work and discussions in your behalf, including meeting with District Lodge 142 and our legal counsel on continuing preparations of our “Change of Controlâ€￾ arbitration case scheduled for February 26, 2007. The membership will be advised and updated as circumstances warrant.

In solidarity, we remain

S.R. (Randy) Canale
President & Directing General Chairman
THE IAM IS TRYING TO GET BACK ALL contracted out cities. Let them
do there job.
The reason why specifics are not posted as if they IAM and the company agree on something, post it then the company pulls it off the table, the membership will blame the union.

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