IAM representatives met with US Airways management and Linda Puchala, Chair of the National Mediation Board over the past 3 days trying to resolve the contract proposals that must be addressed in order to reach a tentative agreement on behalf of all IAM US Airways members.
The main focus of the discussions was our demand for real, durable job security for our members and in that regard we believe significant progress has been made. The continued employment of all members, especially through the period of time it will take to reach a fuller joint agreement with our Alliance partner, the Transport Workers Union, and the new American Airlines must be the basis of any agreement that could be made with US Airways.
While we believe that this week's movement by the parties has the potential to resolve this area of our contract, it remains one of several issues that have to be completed in order to reach a comprehensive agreement. Our economic proposals are still being discussed and the differences between our position and the company's are narrowing.
As we left Dallas today we have left the future negotiations in Linda Puchala's hands. She will determine when and if we return to this type of negotiations or move into the next phase of the Railway Labor Act.
We have made it clear to the Company and the NMB that there is little room for adjusting our stated positions on the remaining issues but will follow the directive of the NMB and attend any and all negotiation sessions in an effort to conclude these talks and move forward to the next step in this process.
We appreciate and thank our entire memberships for their continuing support and solidarity as we work on your behalf to bring you the contracts you have earned and deserve.