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What is the "Progress"??? Are the members even getting anything from the negotiating team word of mouth, rumors, anything to explain why they didn't stress release to the NMB. Meet in two weeks and wait for another useless update.
It would be nice to know what is going on.
The IAM really needs to work on the communication to the membership.
2ndGENAMT you are spot on.
Is "progress" a 2 percent raise vs. a 1 percent raise?
I am tired of being in the dark.
2ndGENAMT said:
What is the "Progress"??? Are the members even getting anything from the negotiating team word of mouth, rumors, anything to explain why they didn't stress release to the NMB. Meet in two weeks and wait for another useless update.
bikeguy said:
It would be nice to know what is going on.
The IAM really needs to work on the communication to the membership.
2ndGENAMT you are spot on.
Is "progress" a 2 percent raise vs. a 1 percent raise?
I am tired of being in the dark.
This is exactly what the membership being allowed to observe at contract nego's stops.  The rumors, gossip, misinformation, and made up material.  When you have observers at the table watching live you stop all the bs you guys are complaining about.  
As far as the update the IAM gave, it tells me the only progress that was made was that they are meeting again and that's it.   You guys have the power to change all of that, rather you get involved and take control is completely up to you guys (membership).   Good luck to all of you...
May 19 has come and gone. End of the week and any word on negotiations?
Curious to here if the company offered parity in pay and VC and O/T rates similar to AA. That would be obvious concessions.
IAM representatives met with US Airways management and Linda Puchala, Chair of the National Mediation Board over the past 3 days trying to resolve the contract proposals that must be addressed in order to reach a tentative agreement on behalf of all IAM US Airways members.
The main focus of the discussions was our demand for real, durable job security for our members and in that regard we believe significant progress has been made. The continued employment of all members, especially through the period of time it will take to reach a fuller joint agreement with our Alliance partner, the Transport Workers Union, and the new American Airlines must be the basis of any agreement that could be made with US Airways.
While we believe that this week's movement by the parties has the potential to resolve this area of our contract, it remains one of several issues that have to be completed in order to reach a comprehensive agreement. Our economic proposals are still being discussed and the differences between our position and the company's are narrowing.
As we left Dallas today we have left the future negotiations in Linda Puchala's hands. She will determine when and if we return to this type of negotiations or move into the next phase of the Railway Labor Act.
We have made it clear to the Company and the NMB that there is little room for adjusting our stated positions on the remaining issues but will follow the directive of the NMB and attend any and all negotiation sessions in an effort to conclude these talks and move forward to the next step in this process.
We appreciate and thank our entire memberships for their continuing support and solidarity as we work on your behalf to bring you the contracts you have earned and deserve.
1AA said:
May 19 has come and gone. End of the week and any word on negotiations?
Curious to here if the company offered parity in pay and VC and O/T rates similar to AA. That would be obvious concessions.
The IAM negotiators for DL142 and DL141 were working on hatching a pay bridge for US AIRWAYS members based on a 3 prong installment from what I heard the other day. Management was concerned about a pay parity and boosting TWU members pay and offered to bring in all US AIRWAYS members to pay parity only in installments.  I didn't hear what came out of the latest talks as my source hasn't returned my calls as of yet about the last round of negotiations.  At any rate, imo,  why isn't the IAM leaders asking for leading industry and why does it want to dump members into another bankrupt plan?  I myself could have understood asking for the low AMR pay, but only if they increased scope but they already apparently signed off against that. A headache indeed.
At [DOS]+36 months, a calculation will be made to determine the maximum regular hourly pay rate (i.e., top-of-scale base pay plus license premium, line premium and longevity) of the equivalent classification at Delta, United, Continental and US Airways (or their successors) in effect on that date. Those rates will then be averaged (arithmetic mean) and compared to the equivalent rate at AA, including any coincidental structural increase (i.e., the scheduled 3.0% increase to base pay). If United and Continental workers, whether managed by one contract or two, are paid on the same pay scales, their maximum regular hourly rate will be treated as a single comparative value in calculating the average among comparator airlines.

Tim I've now checked with multiple people and they are all telling me that Usair wages will not be included in the industry averaging formula. Remember when our contract was written it was not with the expectation that Usair would wind up merging with us. Therefore since we will be one group upon filing of the SOC the higher AA wages will be factored in solely to make the determination of the average.
WeAAsles said:
Tim I've now checked with multiple people and they are all telling me that Usair wages will not be included in the industry averaging formula. Remember when our contract was written it was not with the expectation that Usair would wind up merging with us. Therefore since we will be one group upon filing of the SOC the higher AA wages will be factored in solely to make the determination of the average.
You are incorrect.  The MOU recognizes each subsidiary. Would be nice though for all of us if AH voided out US AIRWAYS.  Cripes, you guys would be over $25!   Your leaders know this and that's why they agreed that it would be good for them to support US AIRWAYS stand alone talks.
1AA said:
May 19 has come and gone. End of the week and any word on negotiations?
Curious to here if the company offered parity in pay and VC and O/T rates similar to AA. That would be obvious concessions.
I keep hearing, "We are close". Its not that hard, either you're there or your not. Sounds like stalling tactics....
WeAAsles said:
Tim I've now checked with multiple people and they are all telling me that Usair wages will not be included in the industry averaging formula. Remember when our contract was written it was not with the expectation that Usair would wind up merging with us. Therefore since we will be one group upon filing of the SOC the higher AA wages will be factored in solely to make the determination of the average.
I will believe that when I see it. Its still 2 separate contracts, despite the SOC. Who have you talked to? And where is it at in writing?
TopCat870 said:
I will believe that when I see it. Its still 2 separate contracts, despite the SOC. Who have you talked to? And where is it at in writing?
you are correct.  Management has noted this in negotiations as well. It's explicit in the contract and even after SOC, which may take another year, a SOC doesn't have anything to do with it as well as far as representational purposes. Two separate contracts and noted in the agreement and recognized with the MOU.
Guess you havent figured out they met on two different weeks this month.

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