Tim Nelson
Does anyone really think that Tommy Reagon was ever a mechanic? He was utility that dumped lavs. He should stop his lying that he was a mechanic.
he was never a mechanic sir. Keep lying. I personally wstched him dumping lavs in ewr.700UW said:Its Tom Regan and he was GSE Mechanic in PHL and EWR.
More lies from Timmy.
And he has more intelligence in his pinky than you do in your whole body.
he negotiates as a republican.700UW said:Are you that stupid?Tom was a GSE mechanic in PHL and EWR, go check the seniority roster.You are lying.Tom is a staunch Democrat.
This thread is suppose to be about contract nego's, yes you are right. Trust me AP TEch, the words spoken at the table would in fact answer all the memberships questions of how the proccess is going and will continue to go. It would also answer alot, if not all questions being asked by the membership. Too many times here at SWA with the teamsters that they made behind closed door deals, that the members never had any say-so in and they just agreed to such crap and the membership could do nothing about it as "the NC agreed to it". Get control of your union and bring the power of nego's back to the membership, not just what the international officers want or presidents pencil whip for perks from the company. Now let's get this back on topic guys, and you all know who is to blame...AP Tech said:Thought this thread was supposed to be about "Negotiations"....off topic one again......Meeting all week supposedly once again....update next week I would presume. That Observer is a novel ideal, over two years and really have no idea what has been agreed upon or what the stumbling blocks are......other than $$$$. Like to know what is spoken at those meetings, other than where they are meeting for cocktails and what is for dinner!!
The mediator considers the smallest uptick progress and will not release anybody. the company will play this stall game of making small changes and/or shuffling the deck and delay after delay.nonrev said:
This just come in.............
[SIZE=24pt]IAM Negotiators Report Progress at US Airways[/SIZE]
May 7, 2014
IAM District 141 and 142 representatives and Transportation Department officials met Tuesday and Wednesday with US Airways representatives with National Mediation Board (NMB) assistance in Washington D.C.
Due to progress in the fleet service, maintenance and related and maintenance instructor negotiations, the NMB has directed both sides to continue negotiations as soon as possible. These talks, due to scheduling conflicts, will take place on Monday May 19, 2014 in Dallas, Texas.
“We’re making progress but we’re not there yet,” said IAM District 141 and 142 Presidents Rich Delaney and Tom Higginbotham in a joint statement. “We’re hopeful we can get these negotiations concluded soon. We thank IAM members for their support and patience during this process. It’s been invaluable.”
IAM Districts 141 and 142 have been in negotiations with US Airways for approximately three years, bargaining stand-alone contracts for the fleet service, maintenance and related and maintenance training specialist classifications.
“We’ve said all along that IAM members at US Airways must have fair contracts in place before any other merger related issues can be discussed,” continued Delaney and Higginbotham. “We’re almost done with the first step of this process, after which we will enter joint contract bargaining with our TWU sisters and brothers.”
The Machinists Union has demanded that IAM members achieve fair interim contracts at US Airways before merger related issues, such as filing for a determination of single carrier status at the “new” American or joint contract negotiations can take place.
As developments occur, the IAM membership will be updated.
Wow 1999. I guess 2017 is just around the corner in comparison.700UW said:Because the PMUS mechanics want a new CBA, and have been in Section 6 for three years.
Time for US to give back what was taken in Chapter 11, this is the first Section 6 since 1999.