Just curious....Would going to a 24/7 in exchange for SWA wages be acceptable to the OH folks?
Yes vote for SWA pay with 7 day coverage
Just curious....Would going to a 24/7 in exchange for SWA wages be acceptable to the OH folks?
This issue should have been resolved 50 years ago. I agree that COLA's should be made in the contract depending on where you work in the AA System.I have worked my whole AA career at TULE and understand the need for COLA'S in places like LGA-LAX-ORD-SAN-PHX-MIA ect. I would even consider exercising my seniority with a transfer tp SAN or PHX.This issue should be resolved in the current contract.
Yes vote for SWA pay with 7 day coverage
perhaps they are afraid once employees in BOS/NYC/SFO/WAS/etc get these increases they may file to transfer. For example, a friend of mine works for a major US bank and relocated from NYC to South FL and the company didn't and cannot lower his salary after the transfer.
I have had two family members re-locate geographically to both Florida and North Carolina and neither of their respective employees cut their salaries. However they were informed that they could forget about getting any increase for quite some time because of the NYC pay scale.I guess AMR is smarter than your major US bank. COLA adjustments are location specific and a differential that gets added to your base pay like a license premium or other add-on. Leave that location (or lose the qualification), and it gets taken away.
I guess AMR is smarter than your major US bank. COLA adjustments are location specific and a differential that gets added to your base pay like a license premium or other add-on. Leave that location (or lose the qualification), and it gets taken away.
Our best hope is for 5000+ mechanics to put in retirement paperwork at the same time, next month.
By that I mean, send the company "notice of intent" to RETIRE next March. That'll show them.
Damn, my back hurts. Let's see, how may sick days do I have in the bank?
Do you people need a freaking loud-horn? Check out FRANCE!
Just curious....Would going to a 24/7 in exchange for SWA wages be acceptable to the OH folks?
I have had two family members re-locate geographically to both Florida and North Carolina and neither of their respective employees cut their salaries. However they were informed that they could forget about getting any increase for quite some time because of the NYC pay scale.
I'm sure all line guys would vote for the SWA contract. It might mean less mechs, but when they get recalled it's to a great contract. Also management will have to manage their people better, if they can do that. I have serious doubts that a 24 year old shift manager from Eagle can do the job efficiently.
NOT if it meant shedding o/h. Our o/h produces a world class product and I do not agree with your comment.
Now I could see the twu peddle such a contract if they could still represent o/h.
I can easily see AA spinning off OH, with the TWU still representing the OH guys at the new company, whether it be AMR services of Lufthansa tech. That is why I think Article 1 pg7 was in the TA.
Our OH certainly is best in the business, but that doesn't put butts in the seats. UAL and DAL, still fills the seats with PAX and makes money doing it without OH. The PAX only cares about the conveyance and cost, that's it. Sorry to say.
I agree with your thoughts on this, but I would take it a step further and say that AA maint management is actually working against making a profit with our maintenance operation. Our OH works 5 days a week, planes and equipment sitting idle during the evening, and our line operations does not do 3rd party maint. at Ord anyway. All the infustructure in place and it's not utilized to the best of it's ability.Duke,
I think if AA wanted to spin off O/H they would have done it already. AA wanted the SMA in the t/a because they want outsourced pay and benefits for AA AMTs because they would then have the best of both worlds... low pay AND control over their product. But they can't have their cake and eat it too. Well, with the twu they are trying but have failed so far.
AA makes a profit with o/h in house even at our current wage. Now, if they only paid us fairly and with respect AA could provide o/h and/or line maintenance and make an even bigger profit. The problem lies in the fact that we have nonairline people running an airline who wish to continue to drink from the "Black Chalice of Greed" at the expense of the employees. Sorry to say.