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IAM grievance hearing today?

I know some of you may choose to slam me also but that's ok.
I pretty much second what Dell says here. By the way I've also attended training at Placid Harbour & it was excellent.

I won't badmouth you or dell and I didn't badmouth Lake Placid or the training.

But I don't like what the union has done and will voice me displeasure. The union had to have it's arm twisted just to file this change of control and I can produce pm's from 700 to me basically saying we could never win the change of control and it would probably get negotiatied away anyway.

And when someone spreads disinformation even when his information is disproved and tries to use his union experience and training as an excuse that he is right and the truth is wrong..well then I have a issue with that too.

I doubt he will respond to my last post because I pressed him to stay on issues and produce proof. That is usually when he shuts it.
To be honest. I no longer know what to expect or who is telling the truth. What's done is done. Now the IAM needs to just go foward & fight & win this change of control
You are full of it I have never said they would lose the change of control nor negotiate it away.

Why do you post lies?

By the way Lake Placid is a ski facility in NY State, not Placid Harbor in Hollywood, MD.
You are full of it I have never said they would lose the change of control nor negotiate it away.

Why do you post lies?

By the way Lake Placid is a ski facility in NY State, not Placid Harbor in Hollywood, MD.

Opps 700 you missed my previous post asking for proof. I decided to out you to show everyone you still here by saying Lake Placid cause I knew you would bite.

No lies posted sonny don't you remember me pming you about the change of control about 1 1/2 years or so ago? I do and I still got the PM's...Lets forget that for a minute and get back to the proof I asked for in the previous post..we still waiting
This topic is about change of control, nothing else.

You continually make it about me using insults, lies and attacks, you dont deserve nor will get anything from me.

You really need to stop lying and grow up.
This topic is about change of control, nothing else.

You continually make it about me using insults, lies and attacks, you dont deserve nor will get anything from me.

You really need to stop lying and grow up.

LOL a new excuse before it was the mods told you not to respond to me.

Sonny admit it..You don't have and can't get any proof to backup your claims that I have already disproved.We all know for a fact that if you had proof your huge ego would have posted it in a heartbeat to get you off the hotseat and to disprove me and get me off your back.

Busted hehe
The term sheet was just that a term sheet, the company and the GCs sat down over numerous meetings to hash out the language.
The term sheet was just that a term sheet, the company and the GCs sat down over numerous meetings to hash out the language.

Ok just for the record then,let me see if I get this right.
1.We voted on the term sheet before the final contract language was worked out.

2.Then the language was worked out between the company and the GC's.

3.Then it was sent out to the membership as a done deal.

If the above is correct please answer this.

Who were the company reps,and who were the GC's please.
I see no need to keep it private,but you can PM me if you feel better about it. :up:
The Classes at Placid Harbor are educational, like Collective Bargaining teaches you economics, the RLA and many other things.

The School is accredited and the classes count towards college credits, they even have a degree program now.

Learn more about it.

The classes are not brainwashing, they are educational and deal with a variety of topics.

But once again you all would rather attack the poster than give anyone credit for bettering themselves and fighting for their membership.
you can get credit for bonehead math also from the local community college. So what's your point?

At any rate, let's say I agree with you that the IAM has "Top" educators [who happen to be pretty good at golf] at its US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT "TOp School". If that is true then it naturally follows that they need to fire the teachers who teach negotiations 101, 201, 301 because IAM members could do better by getting some boozer off the street. I know that sounds asinine to you but I'm being honest and am deeply serious. Im not asking you to agree with me but I do think we can resolve this issue if you just ask the hundreds of workers who lost their complete pay seniority just because the IAM agreed with the company's view that senior people should be 'rebooted' for pay purposes 60 days after they get furloughed. Tell ya what 700, why don't you start by asking Diogenes?

Look,all I can tell you people is I was a Steward for about 8 years....wanna know why?

Because at the time,no one else wanted to bother.Nobody went to the meetings to find out what was going on in neg's even though they had a huge stake in what went on there....but oh yeah,they wanted a detailed briefing from me.(they just don't have the time,you know....gotta get up and take the kids to school)

I get tired of all you come on here attacking the only people who gave their own personal time to try and make things better for all.These people gave up lots in your interest and all you can do is bad mouth them time and time again.I'd be willing to bet the biggest crybabies on these threads haven't been to many if any meetings.
You all are the direct result of pissy assed unionism in this country.You all desereve what you've gotten.

I went to Placid Harbor and they do a good job there and I don't remember standing before the IAM flag and singing the Union Song.I do remember sharing experiences in the workplace from people from all over this continent and learning so I could use those experiences to help fellow members whether or not they wanted to be active in the union.

I hope one of you wakes up and sees the state of unions and does something to change that.
Sorry Delldude, none of these workers deserved what they got. I'm surprised that a working man can honestly be brainwashed to believe that.
It is appaling and profane for anyone who pawns himself as a working man to have such a potty mouth and say what you said in the face of continuing injustices. Since you think these people deserved what they have gotten then I can only say that you seem 'full blown' IAM because that IS EXACTLY WHAT THE IAM PREACHES and teaches. And please save all the "I did this, I did that" self pontification garbage.

And the AGW or FSU did any better?

You couldn't even get an election.

Guess you forgot the one major fact, THEY VOTED FOR IT!


I know for the company it was Ron Harbinson, might be others, not sure.

For the IAM I know it was Giammarco and Freiberger, not sure who else.
And the AGW or FSU did any better?

You couldn't even get an election.

Guess you forgot the one major fact, THEY VOTED FOR IT!


I know for the company it was Ron Harbinson, might be others, not sure.

For the IAM I know it was Giammarco and Freiberger, not sure who else.
Thanks,things are clearer now. :up:
Ok just for the record then,let me see if I get this right.
1.We voted on the term sheet before the final contract language was worked out.

2.Then the language was worked out between the company and the GC's.

3.Then it was sent out to the membership as a done deal.

If the above is correct please answer this.

Who were the company reps,and who were the GC's please.
I see no need to keep it private,but you can PM me if you feel better about it. :up:
William O'Driscoll

Grand Lodge Representative
Joe Adinolifi

Bill Freiberger - Tony Giammarco

Tom Regan

Negotiating Committee
Tom Belmont - Bill Hoogenhout - Frank Schifano - Rich Buschel

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